I'm just curious what you wizards find most effective against contructs like animated armor/weapons, robots, and such. Is it all force force force?
I'm just curious what you wizards find most effective against contructs like animated armor/weapons, robots, and such. Is it all force force force?
Anything that's considered force or untyped dmg, esp. Disintegrate. Remember that half of Ice Storm's dmg is bludgeoning, so it kinda works okay too.
Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.
Depending on level - niclac's( ray low,biting cold mid levels), disintegrate, or acid ball/rain,or fire ball/wall (depending on resists/immunities/healing).
Disintegrate is best for this, at least in my opinion. Sucks if you fail the DC multiple times in row tho, but its usually ok. I usually disintegrate 2 times and if that fails toss a fire/acid ball, and if that doesn't kill it, use DOT's. On normal 1 disintegrate is usually enough, but on elite you might need a bit more, if your DC suck, like mine.
yes this is one of the only reasons I carry disintigrate pre level 20.
I also use meteor swarm and ice storm a lot (depending on the type of golem). If I'm grouping, web does wonder too.
-Anything is possible....if you don't understand the problem.
-Better to be perceived a fool than to open ones mouth and remove all doubt.
-Luck is simply a crossroads between circumstance and knowledge, both are things you can control.
I'll pike and tell the melees to do something useful.
Web helps.
When in doubt what to use, use prismatic spray![]()
Thelanis - Ethforged - Etherar - Fjirty --- Mitis Mors
Ghallanda - Ethrayne - Ethryne --- Omnipresence
Youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKVn...wLuzB2Q/videos
Community Member
Web and a big weapon. Or if they have FOM I just Displace and beat them down. Spells are kinda useless on Constructs and a waste of sp most of the time. Disintegrate is kind of an option if you want to dump almost 100 sp on one mob..
Zaphear(Completionist), Lugziurious, Lugzmeat Shield, Lugzii, Lugziii, Lugzsing Measong - De Profundis
It really depends on the type of construct.
Web for all. Grease can be handy.
The majority of Warforged can be taken out with FoD, Circle of Death, and so on.
On golems, use Disintegrate. I believe sonic spells for damage only can be helpful.
Ice storm or maybe even Chain Lightning should be your AoE of choice. There is only one construct that I can think of that is healed by lightning, and none of them are healed by cold. Plus Ice Storm does force damage.
Clay golems are healed by acid, which it bad. But I honestly don’t remember a single time where Disintegrate didn’t just outright blow them away. Really, the only difficult constructs I’ve ever encountered were the flesh golems in Orchard. They seem difficult to crit, are immune or resistant to just about everything. That and the Titans, which have so many HP that it doesn’t matter if they are sensitive to anything, you’ll drain your blue bar and then some taking one down.
Heighten your spells with Force modifiers (Kinetic Lore and Impulse?) so you get those crits every time, and they do buttloads of damage when they land. It is nice on heroic when you can do Cannith Manufactury, and you take one of those golems down from 100% to about 10% each and every time with a Disintegrate (or take them out entirely).
Lastly: there are some construct bosses who are immune magic missile / chain missile. So, force works on most…but not on all.
if disintegrate isn't working.... run and hide.... and hope they die of old age
run around in traps (risky)
run back to the room before and close the door really fast...
summon a water elemental.... and hope they rust
setting olympic record for drowning deaths ...
Against contracts that cannot be Inta-Killed
Web for CC - Top it with an appropriate AoE damage (Acid Cloud, Ice Storm, Incendiary Cloud, etc.)
Direct Damage is Disintegrate for single target, Prismatic Spray for groups (Individual in a pinch)
Some are not resistant to Magic Missile so a little of that works
I actually prefer Hell Ball over Ruin but both are good options
Fire heals iron golems so be aware of that.
The Magic missle and chain missle SLAs are good utility spells against almost any enemy. If you have 2 levels of favored soul with the just reward enhancement you get amazing sp regeneration from those fully meta'd SLAs and unmeta'd magic missle, chain missle and force missle spells while going through a rotation. It won't be the fastest dps, but it's great for a newer player because it significantly extends your spell point pool.
As a PM I strongly recommend taking MM and CM from the archmage tree for any newer player. I also recommend 2 favored soul levels if sp is a problem.
That combined with your PM SLAs gives you alot of options.
Last edited by slarden; 03-05-2015 at 09:17 AM.