I play DDO twice a week with a group of RL friends.

My limitations are F2P classes, only unlocked Demon Sands, Giant Hold, Reaver’s Reach and Vale of Twilight.
I currently have a Dwarf 9 Wizard / 1 Rogue (taken at 1st level) with starting stats of 18 Str, 10 Dex, 18 Con, 14 Int, 8 Wis, 6 Cha (32pt, 1st life)
Both stats increase have gone into Str and I have taken the following feats so far: PA, Cleave, GCleave, Extend Spell. I have kept Search and DD skills maxed so far.
Additional Feats I would like to have are THF, iTHF, gTHF, Overwhelming Crit, Toughness and Epic Toughness (will try to get a Health Tome for that)

For enhancements, minimum in PM to get Wraith, minimum in EK to get Tier5 perma-tenser then Tier2 rogue assassin for venomed blade 3/3, rest in either Fighter Kensei or Barbarian trees

Multi-Classes I am considering:
12 Wizard / 6 Fighter / 2 Rogue for Kensei PrE
12 Wizard / 4 Fighter / 4 Rogue for Uncanny Dodge, extra sneak dice and more skill points.
12 Wizard / 5 Barbarian / 3 Rogue for DR2, Rage and Improved Uncanny Dodge

Before suggesting something please keep in mind I play with some friends and this is a flavor build, we are not elitists and I don’t care if this build can solo EE or not. Also keep in mind, what I am NOT considering alternatives for rerolling a new character, 12 Wizard levels, 2 Rogue levels minimum, I want a THF Wraith with permanent tenser, evasion, self-buff and at least Search and DD skills although Spot would be a nice bonus since I don’t know all the game content by heart.

My intention is to get 3 more Wizard levels right away followed by all the Fighter or Barb levels and finish with remaining Rogue levels.
Have I done anything wrong so far? Probably but please keep it constructive as to “Where should I go from here?”

Thank you very much, your DDO expertise is greatly appreciated!