Well, I have my 25 lives FEMALE character, (Thelanis)Heall, flagged for an Iconic True Reincarnation, and right now I have *shock!* the option to change gender enabled.
I'm pretty sure it will lead to a major bug, making my ONLY character in the game (all others are mules or test builds) losing a lot of the perks and gears I have gathered and enabled through this almost 4 years of playing this character and that would lead to a /quit for sure.
But it makes me wonder: Should I beta test this?
Any of you guys see this option too?
Anyone succeeded on this and is fight-clubbing this info?
I'm stuck on this decision, and don't want to move ahead and TR her to female, if gender swapping is an option now.
And I don't really want to beta test this, while I have the gut feeling it will scr*w the system up.
Current Info:
- Server: Thelanis
- Character name: Heall
- Gender: Female
- Race: Morninglord
- Class: 20 Wizard
- Epic Level: 8 (maxed Magister)
- 2nd DDO store character bank slot unlocked
- 25 past lives (5 of which are cleric and 5 wizard. Don't ask. I play for fun!) PS: I'm about to TR into cleric for the 6th time!!!! =D
- Used Iconic True Heart of Wood from DDO store normally (of course!)
- Entered character creation once before, but didn't check gender option (after 25 lives you just ignore it) and quit creation , logging on the capped character once again to double check a few things.
- Attempted TR race/class: Iconic Morninglord Cleric
SS or it didn't happen:
1 - Female character ready to TR
2 - Character creation with gender button not grayed out and fully functional
3 - Male character one click away from an EPIC BUG!