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  1. #1
    Community Member LevelJ's Avatar
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    Default Legendary Dreadnought Question: Pulverizer

    I'm relatively new to the realm of melee characters, but my current one is having a bit of difficulty with Threat range. I have been looking at Pulverizer from the Dreadnought destiny (increases threat range by 1 w/bludgeoning weapons), and I'm not entirely sure it's working for me. I've taken several quarterstaves (not Sireth, I know that doesn't work) and checked their Threat Range before and after equipping. Their standard crit range is 20 before, and 19-20 after. Makes sense, except I also have Improved Critical, which doubles the threat range. This means that one of these two abilities isn't applied, or they don't stack with each other. Example...

    As you can see, the equipped quarterstaff only has 19-20, rather than the 18-20 I figured it should have with both Pulverizer + Improved Crit. Do they not stack with each other, or is one broken? I've tried this with various other quarterstaves with the same result.


  2. #2
    The Hatchery
    2014 & 2016 DDO Players Council
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    Dec 2009


    Try actually hitting something. The inventory sheet's combat details part is not working for normal weapons atm, only for handwraps.
    DDO: If a problem cannot be solved by the application of DPS, you're not applying enough.

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