Two very good points here.
The enhancement pass was just a huge bribe to the community to accept the idea of an unpopular change. From what I remember, a UI overhaul, a little tweaking to some abilities, and finishing off the PREs, was what most of the community wanted.
From a balancing point of view, the enhancement pass was actually much worse than the EDs. Instead of offering little enhancements to existing classes, and a reason to play those classes, it's become the main consideration when building a character.
The game is so little about its classes now, and so much about finding clever ways to work the enhancement system. It's almost unrecognisable.
And for that reason we now have a game which is pretty broken, because instead of avoiding power creep and trying to work within certain constraints necessary to keep a d20 based system functional, the game went down this other road instead.
My prediction for how this all ends is a couple of very selective nerfs to certain EDs (shiradi, fury, dreadnought), then the rebalancing exercise will be called good and left alone. All the stuff that doesn't work or there is no point choosing will just be completely ignored.