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Shiradi casters are strong, no doubt, but I'm still not convinced that they are too strong.
Much of what makes them strong isn't just from shiradi, it's from synergies between the destiny, class and best choice for race, and the advantages of a mobile and ranged playstyle. They are simply a response to the methods the company has used to make EE content difficult, ie, inflated mob HP, high saves, and heavy melee damage output.
One thing I quite like about shiradi casters is they play well in group with other builds. They are far less damaging to other people's enjoyment of the game than instakillers are. In my view instakillers are by far too strong at almost all levels of the game, and this is another area where balance needs to be examined, not so much with DCs, but rather by extending cooldowns on instakill spells and SLAs.
Besides, soloing epic elite is not only the province of FOTM builds; the Gianthold walkups and below are well with the range of a diverse number of builds, including some flavour ones, provided you can play intelligently. I know this from my own experience of the game, playing on my main, and I'm only a competent player, not one of the game's rockstars by any means.
These next things are unfortunate and unpopular to say, but it will be difficult to have a sensible discussion of what is and isn't overpowered with a community consisting of many players who are not particularly competent, and/or have little direct experience of what the different builds can do.
Some of the loudest howling for nerfs is coming from people who are just not very good, and simply appear to resent the fact that they are having trouble completing content which in fact is largely just not that difficult, or who have a desire for a game where people are forced to group together because they think our characters should be narrowly specialised.
I think there are some things that need to be rebalanced, but this shouldn't become a free for all based on people's personal prejudices and desire to avenge their in-game experiences when good players made them feel inadequate.