There are a lot of classes and class combos I haven't played. I've never played a druid, or capped a monk or a pally. So you can see that there are aspects of this game I'm probably missing out on. I imagine that everyone playing has similar gaps in their experience of DDO.

If anything in the enhancement system needs to be changed for a particular enhancement tree to be attractive enough for a player to invest 20 levels and 80 points in, the change should be in the direction of making higher tier enhancements more valuable, not raising lower tier enhancements further in the tree or making lower tier enhancements less useful. I have several capped single class casters and none of them has all 80 points in a single tree, and I don't think that the game is damaged by that or that creating a "must have" 80 points full enhancement tree for each class will improve the game.

When the +20 hearts arrived, I started experimenting with some of my old toons. One experiment is a drow 13 sorc/2 pal/2 rog (maybe I'll get him into epics when I can sit on my couch again). The saves and the evasion are nice, but he has half the sp of a pure sorc, and yeah, enough reflex to evade some spells, but not enough to dance in elite traps like my more dex focused rogues and rangers. Sure he's got cha in spades, but his base reflex save is like 5. But hey, he also does traps... Maybe it was just a bad build idea. If thats the case maybe someone can describe a particular build that gains its Uber status from the fact that evasion is a 2nd level rogue feat and divine grace is a 2nd level pally feat. By which I mean, you can't, because the thing thats causing problems with game balance isn't the defensive capabilities of some builds, its the offensive capabilities first, and ultimately the fact that the *best* of those builds manage to corner the market on both offense AND defense.

On the other hand, my experimental sorc isn't geared that well. And everyone knows how crucial good gear is to any build. In fact, if you're looking for the biggest factor between "powerful" toons and toons you tolerate because 4 years ago the person playing them gave the 7 lds you needed... you might look at gear before "front loaded" abilities, especially considering that, unlike uber gear acquired over years of play, those "front loaded" abilities are equally available to all players, old and new.

Of course, none of that compares to the unbalancing effect of continuing to allow players to exploit game mechanics that most people agree aren't working as intended.