Well thing is you can get through EH with about any class. Some are not as effective as others but it's doable(and soloable) by
any class/destiny combo as long as the player didn't completely gimp it(In gear and spec) and knows what he's doing.
I'd say EN you can gimp as much as you want an you'll get through.
It's EE where things get really wonky.
Give pure classes a reason to stay pure (capstones maybe?)
Give monk stances back to monk levels, not character levels.
The rest will fall in line.
In general no . . . but there are a few insanely stupid encounters that need to be addressed.
Start looking at all the dragon fights in the game. There is so much nonsense in every one of those fights (except Velah) that melee is just a poor choice. The end-boss for EE 'Thrill of the Hunt' is another insanely stupid encounter. Same with Miior from EE Haunted Halls.
I think melees in the current game. are okay they other 95% of the time though I'd like to see some changes in game mechanics. The problem is not as pervasive as the bad players are making it out to be, but some encounters in this game are insanely stupid and I don't believe for one second they were ever play tested on EE.
That's an opinion. If game balance matters at all it matters subjectively to the person
who is playing the game. Playing devils advocate, by extension you could argue in a PVE
game that it is entirely irrelevant.
I'm just trying to understand what the objective is here. If the objective is to balance
classes in EE then I wonder if it's worth the effort.
No it's not. I'm sorry but we can take it to an extreme . . . run Waterworks on a 28 . . . Does ANYTHING matter? Literally a chimp and a 3 year old could beat it on any toon.
The challenge level needs to reach a threshold of difficulty in order to be a valid measurement of anything. EH doesn't get tough enough to test any toons unless you're really a terrible player.
Last edited by Teh_Troll; 03-27-2014 at 11:51 AM.
Turbine's bottom line and declining playerbase would disagree. EEs need to be friendly beyond the "uber elite" and a handful of build concepts, the difference between EH and EE alone breaks a large majority of builds to the point EE is a whole different ball game. (Yes, I regularly run EE, check Degenerate Matter's raid times if you want recent forum proof.) The epic difficulties need to consistently bump up from EN to EE in a believable curve, currently if EE is 10/10 difficulty EN and EH are around a 2 and a 4 respectively. There are bad players I agree, but balancing for a current minority, even one I believe I'm part of, is exactly what Turbine shouldn't be doing.
Degenerate Matter
Shintao Monk Henshin Mystic Mechanic Artificer Tempest
Air Savant
5 Stars for your effort, that is a lot of posts! There are a ton of good ideas and thoughts in this thread, even if I don't agree with them, they beat this to death from a zillion different directions. I hope that we get the opportunity to crowd source brainstorming in the future and that the improvements to the game help DDO gain players, not lose them. This is an example of Devs listening!
- Nova Soul: (a U24 NovaSoul - Survivalist Palemaster Direct Damage that can raid heal)
- Starter Sorcerer Playstyle Videos:
- My answer to your BYOH post.
The level range for epic groups and the variety of EE quests is starting to address this. LOD elite and the Von series elite simply are not as tough as the high road chain or storm horns. The larger level range and higher levels is smoothing out that scale of difficulties and IMO, has almost eliminated the huge leap in difficulty issue.
- Nova Soul: (a U24 NovaSoul - Survivalist Palemaster Direct Damage that can raid heal)
- Starter Sorcerer Playstyle Videos:
- My answer to your BYOH post.
Because the "uber elite" consist of 4 EDs (Fury, LD, Shiradi and DI) and a handful of build and splash combos. As many people on this thread have mentioned previously, classes and entire EDs aren't performing to a level that is effective in EE or even EH, which is a problem. I'm not saying bad builds should operate on high difficulties, but the window of effective class/ED combos is much smaller than it should be.
Degenerate Matter
Shintao Monk Henshin Mystic Mechanic Artificer Tempest
Air Savant