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My apologies: I still don't have an extremely substantial post to give right at this moment, because my brain is melting, but I've caught up on every post in this thread so far!
You guys have a lot to say. Also, you don't need to repeat yourself in the hopes that we'll see it. Because I'm reading every single post. (I will neither confirm nor deny some amount of so-called "skimming" that may occur when I see a specific poster making a post that starts off sounding very similar to other posts by that poster).
Next steps: Soon(tm), I'm going to try to summarize what I feel you guys have said (from my nine pages of notes... luckily I could just add "+1" to many of the thoughts after one or two dozen pages). This serves multiple purposes, including sorting the information out in my own head, telling you guys where we are all collectively at, and sending around to the rest of the DDO development team for those who are not so crazy as to try to read this entire thread. (I'll do my best to give some amount of developer comments as well, but the bulk of that might need to follow later.)
There were some great individual posts (and some of my 'quick' notes are, "Go back and read this guy's post again for some good thoughts"), and lots of good stuff to hear from everyone. There were some clear patterns, many of which helped reinforce what we already thought was going on (but it's extremely helpful to us to hear it from you!), and some occasional surprises. There were a few ideas I personally hadn't seen before that were Quite Interesting and could end up making it into DDO.
I'd like to thank those who filled out surveys, as well, which you are welcome to still do for another couple of days (at which point we'll probably try to aggregate the data we have, so after that it won't be as useful). We know the survey wasn't perfect, and also not extensive -- not being overly extensive was by design, as we don't want to waste your time, nor ours. For instance, we knowingly left out Races, for time the being, and didn't want the survey to get into individual abilities yet -- we selfishly like having you guys come up with the list of abilities that deserve more attention (for good or ill) rather than us focusing the discussion on the ones we pick. The broad view is what we wanted, and what we got!
None of the reactions to this are necessarily going to be imminent. I'd like to assuage any fears that this post was in direct preparation for incoming nerfs. The previously discussed upcoming patch certainly won't, and the next update may or may not have any significant changes based on this discussion (much of this is based on time and doing it right). However, there's some obvious takeaways from both this and No-Dice's Monster Stat thread that should help us direct new content to a better place.
There was one item that came up a few times that makes it clear some players have the wrong idea: Balance is definitely not about making many different play styles (or classes, or EDs, etc.) play the same. Balance is about making many different playstyles viable, so you (the players) feel like there are as many legitimate options as we can possibly give you. The greatest concern we have, and a major driver of discussing this right now, is the worry that there are not as many legitimate playstyles as we could be giving you.
The single laser-focused item for a preview of the summary of the thread: Melee in Epic Elite probably needs some help. There's many possible ways to come at this problem, while trying to address other issues as well. Identifying problems now, solutions later!
Thanks again for a lot of great feedback! Happy for it to keep coming.