Originally Posted by
This is what I was seeing as well.
I think Armor feats should contain the juice to beef armor. At levels 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29;
Cloth/robes ~ No AC boost, no PRR boost, no dr, no resist, no caps.
Light ~ +1 ac, +1prr, +1 dr/-, +1 elemental resist, usual stat caps.
Medium ~ +2 ac, +1.5prr, +2 dr/-, +2 elemental resist, usual stat caps.
Heavy ~ +3 ac, +2prr, +3 dr/-, 3 elemental resist, usual stat caps.
I think all shields should get a boost to resist as well, passive and active (when blocking). At levels 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30:
Passive; +1 ac, +1 prr, +1 dr/-, +2 elemental resistance
Blocking: +2 ac, +2 prr, +2 dr/-, +4 elemental resistance
Two weapon blocking should make your offhand weapon count as a shield (this would boost pallys, fighters, and tempests most gutted pre's).
I love the monks using 10k stars and manyshot. I think that is awesome. However, I think manyshot and 10k stars in their own right are broken. It would be easier to make them a toggle that offers +X to doubleshot based on class level and leave it at that. This would reduce the math of one system while promoting an inherently easier one.
Manyshot: When active, provides +25% to doubleshot; +an additional 10% for every Ranger level.
10,000 stars: When active, provides a +25% to doubleshot a ranged attack; + an additional 10% for every monk level.
Or make them passives, if stances is too strict. You can math out the chances if a pure Ranged doubleshooter would be doing 5 arrows per attack in this way.
I think melee attacks should auto-intim with a d20+the damage done; when executed. Throw intim skill on timer. I think this would help a ton for melee crowd control. Or mix and match, have some abilities that auto bluff, diplo, or intim with damage replacing the skill portion.
Bards need a lot of work and so do barbarians.
They need a way to add their perform skill tot heir spell dc's. Their enhancement trees are good, but they need some boosting everywhere. Like every single enhancement needs touchup. All tied to bard levels.
Their songs need work. They need to boost better. The feat can be fixed to provide more gains, then the enhancements can stack on top.
Like mentioned above, they need more dr. Pretty much all of their abilities in enhancements needs touching too. I think barbs rage should be boosted significantly. Offer more dr while raged, offer resistance boosts to elements while raged. All tied to barb levels.
I think they should boost the enhancements in their trees in addition tot he boosts they currently provide. +1 here and there, or +1. Maybe a 10% boost here and there, or +20%. Depending on what the enhancement does. So like a stat increase, the capstone would add 1 or 2 more. Crit chance on spells? There are 5 tiers? The capstone would add 1% to each of them, for 5% overall. Etc, etc. I think this level of boost would make pure viable for its role, without penalizing MCers enough to make everyone go pure.