A shiradi wizard is very close to the power level of a shiradi sorc. I am of the opinion that arcane supremacy puts the wiz a little bit ahead, but that seems to be a minority opinion.
A cold based draconic sorc is far better DPS than a shiradi. It is also directable DPS. Unless there are just two mobs, a shiradi either drops back to their slower single target DPS, or rolls the dice on who dies next. A cold savant has polar ray and frost bolt SLAs that do more damage and do not suffer from this issue. Draconic also gives enough AOE attacks (at higher levels for a pure sorc) that the AOE attacks also favor draconic. The key strategic difference is that a well played shiradi will have more endurance than a pure sorc draconic, and on the other hand, a well played draconic can get 2+ kills for every one a shiradi gets while they have spell points.
I agree with your conclusion, but the hate is strong in this group. There is a desire to nerf what they don't like rather than what is truly broken. I haven't seen a community this disfunctional since I played city of heroes... and I'm wondering if we are headed to the same fate.
- Nova Soul: (a U24 NovaSoul - Survivalist Palemaster Direct Damage that can raid heal)
- Starter Sorcerer Playstyle Videos:
- My answer to your BYOH post.
- Nova Soul: (a U24 NovaSoul - Survivalist Palemaster Direct Damage that can raid heal)
- Starter Sorcerer Playstyle Videos:
- My answer to your BYOH post.
if you aren't playing epics, than why should we listen to your opinion on survivability and not allowing barbs to have better self sufficiency?
in heroics, mostly CSW pots are good enough and you don't really feel the scaling until mid levels. in epics, mobs are hitting you for 300+ damage constantly. not many people want to play the role of healer, which means barbs need better self sufficiency than what they have already. im not even suggesting they be able to umd while raged or be able to multi class monk/paladin for better saves. all im suggesting is either remove the penalties from SF pots or develop similar pots instead, or develop enhancements that can boost the amount of healing received from pots that would be on par with what other classes are able to do at 0 sacrifice, or develop enhancements in FOTW that has some kind of life stealing to regain hp and to improve the barbs DR and PRR to actually matter in epics. their DR is a complete joke that needs to scale better.
You are the one choosing not to play alts.
Casual player now investing way less than I used to into the game, playing 1-3 months at a time and still want nothing to do with Reaper. #improvepuggrouping#alldifficultiesmatter
Yeah, a volley of 4 is starting to get excessive, especially in the build with the highest burst damage anyway. For 10k damage, are you referring to the case where the target is helpless? That is the only common way I see of getting that high. If not, I'd love to know the breakdown.
Without helpless, I figure you are looking at perhaps 150 base arrow damage + 250 slaying + 20 seeker. Maybe 420 an arrow, roughly. Multiply by 3 for a critical, and 4 for adrenaline, and that gets you to 5,040. On a 19 or a 20 (which only occurs once every 3 min 20s, on average), you get what? +1 multiple from earth stance, +1 from overwhelming critical. Then you are at 420 * 5 * 4 = 8,400. Not sure where else you'd get multiplier from on a typical build. Being fury rules out the +crit from primal or LD. If you went barb instead of monk I could see it on a 19 or 20, due to the higher crit multiplier. Or, I guess if you stacked up 20 stacks of vulnerable, that'd get you there (10,080). Plus, going all out, you could have someone in EA render them an additional 25% vulnerable to physical, and get to 12,180. Of course, being a bit silly, if you combined that with rendering them helpless (with the +30% from ninja spy and +30% from fury), you'd get 2.1 times that, around 25k - per arrow. It'd make an amusing screen shot to strike a guy for a 100k volley, but a bit impractical to setup.
But again, rather than nerfing archery in general or fury shot in specific - if slaying arrow is all that is causing the issue, then change slaying arrow. Don't break other abilities / combinations just because of one new ability.
Last edited by chrisdinus7; 03-23-2014 at 02:52 PM.
Great synthesis. Subscribe your conclusions and proposals. Also:
PRR could cap at 75% not 60%, and change curve form (less exponential at very low levels).
DR could be applied after PRR, not before.
Energy resistance could be applied after energy absorption (help mitigate the fact of not having evasion).
In an effort to make melee viable, prr needs to be addressed.
Instead of diminishing returns, make prr a linear progression - 1 point of prr give .5% damage mitigation. Yes, this means with a prr of 200 it gives you 100% damage mitigation. Very few builds can attain that and they sacrifice a lot to get it. What's the difference if melee takes 0 damage from a hit vs. a moncher with dodge, evasion, displacement, blur and incorporeality running all over and never getting hit? -They both take no damage and melee becomes survivable in all content. As a balance, red named can bypass 5% prr and purple named 10%. So with a prr of 180 you get 90% damage mitigation - that 1000 point hit becomes 100 (150 vs. red and 200 vs. purple). It wil still take 10 minutes to pound EE critters into submission, but at least melee might have a chance to survive it for awhile.
(Combat): You are hit by your knockdown.
Uska, I totally agree. Knowing the main gist of your views when it comes to PnP vs DDO I tend to read your posts with an open mind.
Old school vs this new era of min/max (look at my uberness) is a big sticking point with me.
If I have to pug, I quickly drop groups with people of the later mentality.
And it appears that all the recent changes in the last 2 years has led us to this thread started by a dev.
I'm still miffed from the Tempest TWF nerf from 3 years ago. The "reason" (excuse) was bandwidth allocation. But yet we have all these companions, skins, etc that I'm sure eats up said bandwidth.
Don't give fighters & Barbs self healing, rather take a look at what was done to healing specked toons.
Some people say, don't nerf stuff, rather increase attributes of weaker classes in certain areas. And THAT brings us closer to the point of a watered down, mass build game.
Part of the ORIGINAL draw to this game was how each class plays a role, and has limitations.
With the advent of Epic Destinies, we can transcend those boundaries.
We screamed on here for MORE MORE MORE, well we got it.
Now, we are talking about back-peddling.
Turbine has a lot less people to facilitate ANY changes we're discussing, and I fear the outcome of this thread won't be what the game really needs.
Again https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthrea...=1#post5290843
The same thing happens continuously=
1. Whining about "monkerchers" (its a popular class, so used to be wiz/rog, sorc/pal, tempests, barbs, etc. etc. etc. get over it)
2. Whining about shiradi casters (its impossible to EE as a caster without it, nerfing shiradi will screw all casters out of EE)
3. Whining about Fury (burst not sustained for ranged) and Blitz (its self limiting in requiring killing blows, and meele have a hard time surviving EE anyway)
4. Whining about pure builds (it takes a lot of thought to multiclass well, and this is the best and most unique feature to ddo!)
What has been stated repeatedly to fix=
1. Reduce EE monster saves, HP, to-hit, and damage
2. Increase value of high ACs (not just heavy armor) and shields (by lowering monster to-hits will help)
3. Buff WEAK EDs and epic moments, dont nerf the few good ones
I am all for nerfs WHEN THEY ARE CALLED FOR (ie. one build stomping everything) but we do NOT have that situation in DDO right now. We have MANY builds and several EDs that are epic and worthwhile. Devs please dont cater to a couple whiners and nerf the abilities that are balanced enough. Please nerf monsters and buff weak PrEs and EDs.
Making DDO a better game 1 post at a time!
Triple EVERYTHING Completionist= Heroic 42/42, Iconic 12/12, Epic 36/36
If Vargouille stated it was easier nerfing a few strong options for players instead aspects of monsters then this whole discussion is obsolete. Turbine sticks to its way of least resistance, while aspects, which were mentioned very often in this thread keep being ignored due to ressource management.
Well, then don't implement it in the first place! Now everything the dev.s do, will be frustrating. There is no balance when you tune down everything to the power level of the weakest class/ED/special attack.
Regarding the things you like to find a rhyme for, Manyshot is okay as it is... well, remove double shot penalty. You need to do is an overhaul of Fury of The Wild. And maybe make Mnk enhancement trees less frontloaded.
But epic elite mob stats being ignored... rather don't do anything at all, so at least there are no new bugs.
p.s.: I cannot share the humor about amercian overtoads, Vargouille. You people get our money for making this game fun, not for inventing new words. Harsh but true.
Last edited by zwiebelring; 03-23-2014 at 03:52 PM.
Characters on Orien:
Wanzer/ Klingtanz/ Incanta Superior/ Mercantus
I like the idea of monsters' saves being lowered for the benefit of melee tacticians in order to help balance out the dangers of being in melee, but I don't like the idea of monster saves being lowered so that insta-killing can return to dominance. Nothing would screw melees over more than that scenario. Perhaps tactics need a boost. There's no better damage mitigation than a mob on its butt. But then if tactics are made too effective, do cc characters find themselves out of a job? Oh what a can of worms...
It's kind of funny that a lot of this thread is a discussion of how to get ranged combat more balanced with melee combat, because in the real world, ranged combat is obviously far superior. The rules of logic almost have to be broken to get the two types of combat more in line. It's necessary to do it though, because as many playstyles as possible need to be supported and encouraged in the game. (insta-killing too, but within reason...)
Would it be at all be possible not to copy and paste walls of text just to put one word or one sentence responses underneath them? This request is actually directed toward a few people.
Last edited by FlaviusMaximus; 03-23-2014 at 05:11 PM.
Why stop there:
- Greensteel displacement clickies should have a 5 minute cool down, the most powerful avoidance spell in the game should not be obtained without any build drawbacks.
- Extra-turns should not provide any turns until the class actually has turns. Not realistic ya know.
- +SP items should not work on builds without magical training (Bards should get magical training)
- Runspeed should be cut in half if a character has been running more than 20 out of the last 30 seconds.
- More mobs should equip deathward items, same for resistance/absorption items
- Weapons should have a 5% chance of suffering damage every time you crit (You did just hit for thousands of points of damage).
If the goal is to drive off as many players as possible with heavy handed nerfs, at least have the gumption to go after the nerfs people really don't want to see.
- Nova Soul: (a U24 NovaSoul - Survivalist Palemaster Direct Damage that can raid heal)
- Starter Sorcerer Playstyle Videos:
- My answer to your BYOH post.
You are looking at the same numbers I am, just missing a few easily accessible boosts. 150 base + 250 slaying + 20 seeker = 420. 420*1.3 for DWS Damage Boost = 546*1.3 from Archer's Focus 15 stacks = 709. x4 crit multiplier for earth stance, 2839, *4 from adrenaline, 11356. Then if you want to add Vulnerable, 13826, with EA 17035, and if helpless w/ nin. spy and fury (Though this won't work on red names), 35773 per arrow.
Likewise with called shot (which I usually follow up with), 150+20=170*1.3=221*1.3=287*6=1723*4=6895 (adding vuln.) *1.2=8274*1.25=10342.
but with proper timing you can easily deal 73004 damage with 2 attacks, 87604 if you build your own vulnerability as well.
I completely agree. I remember a 'discussion' on Shiradi casters about a year ago. Shiradi, unless you get lucky with Tea, is not
better DPS than Draconic - as long as saves are reasonable. What makes Shiradi popular is efficiency and, for the most part,
little DC requirement. My Sorc. would much rather be in DI but it's just not viable on EE.
Essentially, this is what this discussion is really about. EE is so punishing that it requires high ranged DPS and/or hit avoidance
via displacement, dodge and incorporeal. Smart people have created builds to meet this requirements and are thus
deemed overpowered. It's a shame as this is what makes DDO great IMO - it's the video game equivalent of Lego ;-)
Do we really want to start 're-balancing' characters and abilities because of perceived ineffectiveness in EE? It seems
better to me - assuming that the content will remain unchanged - to buff other class based abilities to have more
effectiveness or utility.
Class balance in a game as complicated as DDO has now become is a Unicorn IMO. I really don't want to play
Gauntlet online nor do I look forward to taking twice as long to knock down a sack of meat's HP because someone
with self esteem issues wasn't feeling enough love.