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  1. #1
    Community Member diasho2's Avatar
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    Default Race completionist

    This is an idea I have heard at various times in groups and have followed various threads discussing how various races get played or over played for various reasons. Personally I see most players get one or two races that they like and never really get out of playing those races. I know from talking to people except for one thing there would be several classes that would see little use as well. So what gets people out of their favored class to try something different? Past lives, past life feats, and the completionist bonus. My suggestion is that this same principle be used with race to get people to have a reason to use each of the races.

    Just like with past lives these bonuses should be related to the race but not overpowering and stackable 3x. None of these should be overpowering some will be more helpful than others depending on build. I errored on the side of too weak than over powered to start so feel free to post your ideas if you have better ones for bonus for the races.

    This is obviously just a start point but a good way to get all races as well as all classes used
    Drow - +2 magic resistance
    human + 1 skill
    elf +2 saves vs enchantment
    wf + 2 saves vs poison, disease, level drain
    dwarf +2 fort saves
    helf 5% Healing amp---- was not sure here dilli does not really work for a past life and the half elf line is the only one other than human that has healing amp in it.
    hork +1 attack/dam
    halfling +2 hide, sneak, move silent

    Completion +2 all saves no auto fail on 1
    double completion all classes/all races +20 elemental resist

  2. #2
    Community Member Clemeit's Avatar
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    I really like this idea! I think it's a great addition; however, I like the +2 to all saves, but
    Quote Originally Posted by diasho2 View Post
    no auto fail on 1
    Should not- and I highly doubt would ever- happen. This is a highly integral part of the game. No fail on a 1... this would change too much, and would be a massive deviation from PnP (not saying that this game is running parallel with it as-is). Hell they might as well make rolling a 1 not an auto miss, which again would never happen.

    Quote Originally Posted by diasho2 View Post
    double completion all classes/all races +20 elemental resist
    This is neat as well. Perhaps a +15 Inherent Bonus, or a new type, so as to stack with other bonuses, otherwise it kinda defeats the purpose. +20 may be a bit much. I mean, imagine a total of 50 resistances (+20 and +30(ship)) at low levels. You'd never get hit with most any magical attacks and many traps wouldn't scratch you either. +45 is still high as well, but at later levels it would balance out a bit.

    I like the idea, though. Gives players more to work towards.

    "As long as there is a goal to shoot for, people will continue playing."

  3. #3
    Community Member shadowowl's Avatar
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    Personally i would rather not have more grinding added to the game. all this game is now is grinding out past lives and once you get your toon all set you are bored because there is no end game.
    enough grinding no more past lives how about some content to make it worth staying at 28 or 30 when they raise the cap.

  4. #4
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    The idea is nice, and if you think about it, iconic races have the past lives so there should be past lives for normal races as well.
    It would be very sweet if they would make this past life race feats retroactive to lessen the grind of those who already did most races.

    As for the bonuses the passive they should all be stackable to 3 times as usual. Active bonus would be a stance and you can only have 1 stance active at any moment.
    I'd suggest something like this:

    Drow passive: +2 spell resistance, active: +2 spot, listen, hide, move silently skills
    Human passive +1 to all skills, active 2% healing amplification
    Elf passive +2 balance, Tumble, active +1% to hit
    Warforged passive +2 saves vs poison, disease, active 2% repair amp
    Dwarf passive +2 concentration, active +1 to all saves vs magic
    H-Elf passive -2% arcane spell failure, active +2 to Diplomacy, intimidate, bluff, haggle skills
    H-Orc passive +2 jump, swim, active +1% damage
    Halfling passive +2 heal, active 1 sneak attack die

    No completionist for this because they would be like iconics past lives
    Last edited by Aviya; 05-30-2014 at 04:21 AM.
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  5. #5
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    When Turbine was talking about Epic Completionist, they did mention that an Iconic Completionist MIGHT be in the works.

  6. #6
    Community Member Vellrad's Avatar
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    Default My take on racial past lifes

    All stacks 3 times and are autogranted.
    In addition to the following, all races gets regenerating dragonmark for 4th past life. Dragonmark is regenerating only for race that aquired it (for example, 4 lifes of elf will grant regenerating dragonmark of shadow, but not of healing). Dragonmarks regenerate at rate of 1 use per 90 seconds.

    HUMAN- Versatility: Extra 4 skill points at level 1, extra skill point per level.
    HALF ELF- Specialist: Extra action point at level 1.
    HALFING- Cunning: Extra 1d6 SA dice.
    HALF ORC- Brutality: +2% damage of all attacks, +1% spell damage (after spellpower, gear etc).
    WARFORGED- Endurance: +1 saves. Each additional stacks gives bigger bonus (+1/+3/+6)
    DWARF: Vitality: Extra 3% HP. (3rd stacks brings bonus to 10%).
    ELF- Arcane past: Extra 10 spell points per level and 2% racial bonus to attack speed with ranged weapons. Third stack grants magical training, or if player already has it, echoes of power restores 6SP per tick until player reaches 30SP.
    DROW- Drow tactics: +2SR, 2% chance to completely avoid any spell effect. Character adds 1d4 poison damage to all his or her attacks.

    Racial completionist: After getting ech of above feats at least once character gets extra feat. No idea on what would it be

    In addition to race completionist, there should be race fidelity bonus: you was memer of one race at least X* times, and never betrayed your race. (iconics counts as base race; so PDK is human, morninglord is elf, BF is WF etc.)

    * whatever value seems apprioprate here.

    HUMAN: additional feat at level 3, extra healing amp.
    Humans are most versatile race, and extra feat and heling amp are their most distinctive feature. Granting second extra human feat at level 3 ensures nothing is broken code-wise, (it probably would if characters could pick 2 extra racial feats at lvl1- game would explode), characters can fill this slot with completionist or epic past life. Humans get 1% healing amp per 2 levels.
    Also avaible for PDK and shadar kai, but their past lifes don't count toward meeting requirement of human fidelity

    HALF ELF: 5AP, no maximum class trees limits
    Half elves are also extremally versatile, so they can can bypass 6 tree enhancemet limit, granting them possibility to invest AP in as many class trees they wish to. They are granted 5 extra action points to fill those trees.

    HOBBIT: extra dodge, dodge cap and SA, less threat
    Hobbits, also known as halfings () are known from beign nible and dextrous. Their dodge cap is increased on each even level. Their dodge value is increased by 1% at level 1 and for each 5 levels. They get extra 2d6 SA damage, also all their SA damage is increased by 1% per level, and thread generated is decreased by 1% per level. Threat generation is toggle, so halfing can generate normal amout of aggro if desired.

    HALF ORC: extra damage
    Half orcs are fierce warriors, their racial fidelity reflects it. Each weapon they equip gets extra 0,1W per level, and once per 2 minutes they can use a devastating melee attack (or devastating shot) dealing double damage. Their criticals (be it with weapons or spells) leave bleed on target, dealing 5% of initial damage each 3 seconds, for duration of 1 second per level.

    ELF: Increased elemental weapon damage, decreased spell cost
    Associated with magic and archery and fencing skills, elves add their spellpower to damage of their weapon magical damage (such as force or flaming). Their spells also cost 10% SP, and spellcrits are free.
    Also avaible to morninglords. Morning lord past life don't count for qualifying for elf fidelity

    DROW: Poison use, defence against magic
    Drow are master of poisons and their spell immunity is legendary. Each time drow is target of harmful spell, there is 5% chance he or she will be immune to all hostile magic effects for 1 second, plus 1 second per 5 character levels. Drow add poison damage to each spell they cast will add extra posion damage. On vorpals and spell crits, drow poison will have extra debuffing, crowd controlin or damaging effect against enemy. Poison applied by spells has DC of 10+int/wis/cha+spell level+ character level, poison aplied by weapon has DC equal to their attack bonus.

    WARFORGED: immunities
    Warforged are known as tough and resourceful mercenaries. They are immune to: all diseases, posions, blidnesses, curses, mind affecting effects, instakills, attribute damage stuns and illusions.
    Also avaible to bladeforgeds. Bladeforged past life don't count for qualifying for warforged fidelity

    DWARVES: armor bonuses, defences and threat
    Known as tough and aggresive folk, Dwarves generates extra 1% threat per level (this is toggle, if Dwarf wishes to generate normal theat he or she can turn it off). Armors (including robes) generate PRR as if they were one class heavier, (heavy armor grants 125% BAB+8 PRR). They are considered wearing shield even if weilding two weapons or two handed weapon. If they carry shield, they get extra PRR (1/3 shield enhancement bonus for bucklers, 1/2 for lights 3/4 for heavies, 1 for towers) and saves (half of PRR bonus). ASF is decreased by 1% per 2 levels.

    In addition to all the above, character with his racial fidelity regenerates dragonmark uses at rate of 1 per 60 seconds.
    Quote Originally Posted by Originally Posted by Random Person #2 View Post
    People who exploit bugs in code are cheaters cheaters cheaters. And they are big fat ****yheads too.

  7. #7
    Community Member Blackheartox's Avatar
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    So how would we call a character that claimed all racial plifes? racist? Racionist?
    Good idea, wont ever be implemented tho

  8. #8
    Community Member morkahn82's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blackheartox View Post
    So how would we call a character that claimed all racial plifes? racist?

    But honestly, I would not provide the playerbase with further boni which can easy be acquired by money input. The gap between new players and pay2cheat elitists is broader than the game can handle already.

  9. #9
    2014 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gljosh View Post
    When Turbine was talking about Epic Completionist, they did mention that an Iconic Completionist MIGHT be in the works.
    Actually, I thought what they said was that they had NO plans for it.

  10. #10
    Ninja Spy phillymiket's Avatar
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    Completionist + Epic Completionist + Race Completionist + Iconic PL Bonus = just too much IMO.

    As much as my monk/ranger/rogue completionist guy would love even more stats, skills, resists, perks and saves...

    Isn't there a point where the difference between the haves and have-nots becomes preposterous?

    Do we choose a race TR bonus or a class bonus or do we get both?

    Trust me, if they made this so, I'd eat it up for sure. I just think it's too much.
    BONGO FURY - Ghallanda - Thingfish - Wizard, Diuni - Ninja, Gheale - Angel, Dullknife - Tank, Noodlefish - Gimp, Jaquaby - Treacherous and other gimps.

  11. #11
    Community Member Ykt's Avatar
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    Race completionists should be called Racists.

  12. #12
    Community Member Blastyswa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by phillymiket View Post
    Completionist + Epic Completionist + Race Completionist + Iconic PL Bonus = just too much IMO.

    As much as my monk/ranger/rogue completionist guy would love even more stats, skills, resists, perks and saves...

    Isn't there a point where the difference between the haves and have-nots becomes preposterous?

    Do we choose a race TR bonus or a class bonus or do we get both?

    Trust me, if they made this so, I'd eat it up for sure. I just think it's too much.
    I completely agree that if this became a thing, I'd definitely get triple racist just for bragging rights. However, the power creep part could be controlled if the bonuses were implemented properly; for example, if the past life bonuses were sought after, but not huge bonuses to combat ability, that would help a lot. Therefore, something could be done along the lines of:

    Drow- +4 poison resistance and +2 saves against poison per stack.
    Dwarf- +2 saves against poison/disease per stack.
    Elf- +2 Spot Listen Search per stack.
    Human- +10% stacking movement speed outside of quests per stack.
    Half-Elf- +2 social skills (haggle, diplomacy, intimidate, bluff) per stack
    Halfling- +2 move silently, hide, jump, and listen per stack
    Half-Orc- Action Boost: Lock Bash (as per ability) increased DC on consecutive stacks
    Warforged- -5% arcane spell failure per stack
    Racist- TR Wings are a different color (Gold or something, could get flashier upon double and triple racist)

    These bonuses could definitely be tweaked, but the idea would be quality of life bonuses that don't massively affect gameplay either way, while still having a noticeable effect. This way, for example, if you already have all your human lives done and are contemplating what race to make your next monkcher life be, you might as well go elf: It's a bonus that doesn't doesn't really affect how you play your class, but it might help out on a future trapping life while under the influence of negative levels, or just to be able to find doors in the harbor. The trick would be to make sure each race gives a bonus that doesn't dramatically change game-play, but is more of a quality of life bonus. The racist bonus could probably actually be some minor combat bonus like saves or health, but the prestige of looking cooler would probably encourage a lot of people to go for it anyways. Anyways, that's my two cents on it.
    Dazling of Cannith

  13. #13
    Ultimate Completionist
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gljosh View Post
    When Turbine was talking about Epic Completionist, they did mention that an Iconic Completionist MIGHT be in the works.
    Quote Originally Posted by SirValentine View Post
    Actually, I thought what they said was that they had NO plans for it.
    When we have six or so more iconics, then it will probably become a serious topic.
    Until then, there are so many other things to worry about.

    I will continue putting forth that someday, I would like to see Iconic Completionist.
    The possibility of this makes Racial Completionist unlikely to ever happen.
    Iconics were born out of the Racial Past life ideas, hence they live onward in that way.

    It would be hard to turn back the clock for all those lost racial past lives,
    but we are tracking iconic past lives nicely.

  14. #14
    2014 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silverleafeon View Post
    It would be hard to turn back the clock for all those lost racial past lives
    If I remember correctly, before they shut it off, myDDO could display all your past lives, including their race. So, even if the API exposing that info is turned off, Turbine may well still have all the requisite information to award racial past lives retroactively if they were ever to implement them for non-Iconics.

    But, personally, I don't think racial past lives, Racial Completionist, or Iconic Completionist are things worth bothering with at all.

  15. #15
    The Werewolf Skavenaps's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by diasho2 View Post
    Drow - +2 magic resistance
    human + 1 skill
    elf +2 saves vs enchantment
    wf + 2 saves vs poison, disease, level drain
    dwarf +2 fort saves
    helf 5% Healing amp---- was not sure here dilli does not really work for a past life and the half elf line is the only one other than human that has healing amp in it.
    hork +1 attack/dam
    halfling +2 hide, sneak, move silent

    Completion +2 all saves no auto fail on 1
    double completion all classes/all races +20 elemental resist
    Terrible overpowered.
    +1 all skills? +5% hamp?

    No, thanks.

    Drow - +2 magic resistance
    human +1% Healing amp
    elf +1 search, +1spot
    wf +1% repair amp
    dwarf +1 fort saves
    helf +1 diplo, +1 inti
    hork +1 attack. +1dam at third stack.
    halfling +1 move silent, hide

    Simple bonus, not OP. Is a grind for the bored, not to break (more) the game.

  16. #16
    Community Member diasho2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skavenaps View Post
    Drow - +2 magic resistance
    human +1% Healing amp
    elf +1 search, +1spot
    wf +1% repair amp
    dwarf +1 fort saves
    helf +1 diplo, +1 inti
    hork +1 attack. +1dam at third stack.
    halfling +1 move silent, hide

    Simple bonus, not OP. Is a grind for the bored, not to break (more) the game.
    I like your ideas and many of the others presented as i stated when i started the thread my goal was to restart an old conversation about an idea i have heard many times in game. My ideas were simply a start point and you are right some were op but at the time i put the list together i some of the races i was struggling to come up with ideas for simply because like many in the game i have my favorite races as well. The idea is simply to get players to have a reason to try other races. To do this the bonus would need to be enough to make them useful but like you said not game breaking.

    I was shooting for something on par with past life bonuses, less than epic past lives, or iconic past, but more still useful enough to give people a reason to want to do it. If the bonus is too weak there is no reason to do it, too strong it becomes game breaking.

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