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  1. #1
    Community Member Singular's Avatar
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    Default High DPS human artie build

    Updating this for U38 (in progress!)

    So this is an old build - I just returned to the game after a long hiatus and upgraded the build + EQ. I was excited to hear of the Artie pass but to be honest it did almost nothing for fleshies. When this build was made, humans were a viable alternative to toasters as they were easier to heal and could produce slightly higher dps while fusilade was on. However, those action boosts are now operationally exclusive so that's no longer the case and all the artie gear assumes toaster races, making this build hard to pull off.

    Probably the most interesting thing was that it's possible to mix and match EQ pieces to have (at least) 3 set bonuses now. I'm going to go for 4 and see if I can fit in a slaver's. The EQ list is near the bottom.

    Arties are still monsters in EE and maybe R1, but I've found them rather weak in high reaper, more of a "stay back and hope the mobs don't rush you!" kind of support class.

    (I have +5 and 4 tomes – I understand that most won’t, so substitute your numbers where ‘tome’ is listed). Basically, make sure Dex gets to 21 and Max Int.
    STR: 18 (8 base + 3 tome +7 item)
    DEX: 48 (16 base + 5 tome +27 item)
    CON: 43 (16 base + 5 Tome + 16 Item+ 5 ED)
    INT: 74 (18 base + 7 level ups + 5 tome + 5 Enhancements + 2 capstone + 33 Item = +32
    WIS: 18 (8 base + 4 Tome + 6 item
    CHA: 36 (8 Base + 3 Tome + 24 item)

    HP total: 950
    (only +16 worth of EQ bonuses; it'll go up)

    Ranged Power: 128 before Legendary Dreadnaught kicks in
    Doubleshot: 58.55%


    Max out these: Concentration, spell power, disable device, open lock, search and UMD. Consider Perform and Diplomacy if you’re going Shiradi, Heal if you want to boost devotion spell power, balance to get up faster, spot for spot checks, and tumble if you want to move faster than people with feather fall (I don’t use ff on this toon, except as a gear swap).

    Spell focus: Evocation
    Greater Spell focus: Evocation
    Weapon Focus: Ranged
    Point Blank Shot
    Rapid Shot
    Precise Shot
    Improved Critical: Ranged
    Improved Precise Shot
    Insightful Reflexes

    Overwhelming Critical
    Epic Spell Power: Force
    Combat Archery
    Holy Strike
    Scion of Arborea


    Battle Engineer (41 pts)

    Core 1: Battle Engineer
    Core 2: Infused Weapons
    Core 3: Infused Armor
    Core 4: Infused Weapons
    Core 5: Infused Armor
    Core 6: Master Engineer

    Tier 1: Weapon Training - Xbow
    Thaumaturgical Conduits

    Tier 2: Weapon Training
    Caustic Strike
    Extra Action Boost

    Tier 3: Weapon Training
    Shatter Defense

    Tier 4: Endless Fusillade
    Weapon Training
    Agility Engine

    Tier 5:
    Reconstructed Armaments
    Thunder Shock Weapons
    Unlock Potential
    Tactical Mobility

    Harper (27 pts spent):

    Core 1: Agent of Good I (req. lvl1, 1AP): +1 to hit versus evil, +1 Universal Spell Power
    Core 2: Harper Training I: Int
    Core 3: Agent of Good II: +2 to hit and damage versus evil, +5 Universal Spell Power
    Core 4: Harper Training II:Int

    Tier 1: Harper Enchantment I
    Traveler's Toughness: +15 maximum hit points.

    Tier 2: Versatile Adept I:
    Know the Angles
    Strategic Combat
    Tier 3: Versatile Adept II
    Int +1

    Tier 4: Versatile Adept III
    Int +1

    Arcanotechnician (1 pt):

    Core1 : Arcanotechnician (Rank 1)

    Human (11 pts):

    Human – Damage Boost
    Human – Human Adaptability (+1 Int)

    Tier 2: Improved Recovery (+20% healing amplification)

    Tier 3: Sniper (lvl 3, 6 pts): +2d6 sneak attack die + point blank shot and ranged sneak attack is increased by 2 meters

    Spells: (listing chosen ones only)

    1. Ablative armor, Enchant weapon, Resist energy, Conjure bolts, Grease
    2. Protection from energy, Lucky cape, Toughen construct, Reinforce construct
    3. Adamantium Weapons, Insightful Damage, Stoneskin, Curative Admixture: Cure Serious Wounds
    4. Protection from elements, Lightning motes, Armor of speed, Thundering armor, CA: Remove poison
    5. Planar weapons, Silver weapons, Prismatic Strike, Radiant Forcefield
    6. Deadly weapons, Tactical detonation, Blade barrier, Globe of invulnerability

    Reaper Points:

    I've been putting them all into the survival section, for constitution and dodge.

    ED: Legendary Dreadnought
    - all constitution points
    Tier 1: Extra Action Boosts
    Tier 2: Action Boost: Power (only 2 pts)
    Tier 3: Critical Damage (3/3)
    Tier 4: nothing
    Tier 5: Devastating Critical
    Tier 6: Master's Blitz Dodge

    (when I get the Epic Purifying Quiver, I'll add in Pulverizer and drop 1 Con slot)


    Energy Burst, Evocation Specialist, Stay Frosty and Rejuvenation Cocoon.
    (with a 5th, I'd go with Precise Evocation)


    Head: Legendary Executioner's Helm
    Necklace: L. Rose Quartz Sigil Stone
    Quiver: Epic Dynastic Quiver (want to change to Epic Purifying Quiver for the blunt ammunition to take advantage of Legendary Dreadnaught's Pulverizer)

    Set bonus: Silent Avenger
    Armor: L. Mist Laden Vestment
    Cloak: L. Shadowhail Cloak
    Belt: L. Braided Cutcord

    Set bonus: Adherent of the Mists
    Goggles: L. Garstone's Lenses
    Ring 1: L. Ring of Nightfall
    Ring 2: L. Keylock Ring
    Boots: L. Shadow's Footsteps
    Trinket: Bell of Warding (I'd like to change it to Echo of Ravenkind)

    Set bonus: Renegade Mastermaker
    Bracers: L. Construct Champion's Bands
    Rune Arm: L. Quarantine
    X-bow: L. Stormreach Guardian's Crossbow

    For extra disabling:

    Tinkerer’s Goggles and Gloves (+5 exceptional to open lock and disable, respectively)
    Wolfinson’s Monocular Enhancer (+5 exceptional to search)
    Last edited by Singular; 11-05-2018 at 01:58 AM. Reason: updating build

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Singular View Post
    This is a high dps human artie build. The main strengths of this build are its versatility with spells, rune arm, and crossbow damage. This build can produce massive burst damage and high sustainable damage. It relies upon a combination of good enhancement, feat and item choices. I solo EE content on this build without issue.

    If you're looking for warforged/bladeforged, check out Cthruego's Dubbell o'seven build. It's quite good.

    (I have +5 and 4 tomes – I understand that most won’t, so substitute your numbers where ‘tome’ is listed)
    STR: 12 (8 base + 3 tome + 1 Exceptional) = 12 STR
    DEX: 22 (16 base + 5 tome + 1 exceptional) = 22
    CON: 38 (16 base + 5 Tome + 8 Item + 1 Exceptional + 3 Insight + 5 ED) = 38 CON (+14)
    INT: 49 (18 base + 7 level ups + 5 tome + 5 Enhancements + 2 capstone + 8 Item + 1 Exceptional + 3 Insight +) = 49 INT (+19)
    WIS: 19 (8 base + 4 Tome + 6 item +1 exceptional) = 19 WIS
    CHA: 12 (8 Base + 3 Tome + 1 Exceptional = 12 CHA

    Comments - you need 21 Dex through a combination of base and tomes to reach Combat Archery. Get it any way you can. Also, yes, writing this makes me realize I should get some augments for Dex, Str and Cha.

    Base = 200
    Con bon= 364
    Feat = 158
    Enchanted = 43

    Total: 765

    (I am not using a GS item, and I could get a better false life item and con item)


    Max out these: Concentration, spell power, disable device, open lock, search and UMD. Consider Perform and Diplomacy if you’re going Shiradi, Heal if you want to boost devotion spell power, balance to get up faster, spot for spot checks ?, and tumble if you want to go faster than people with feather fall (I don’t use ff on this toon, except as a gear swap).

    Spell focus: Evocation
    Greater Spell focus: Evocation
    Mental Toughness
    Point Blank Shot
    Rapid Shot
    Precise Shot
    Improved Critical: Ranged
    Improved Precise Shot
    Insightful Reflexes

    Combat Archery
    Epic Spell Power: Force
    Epic Spell Focus: Evocation

    Arcanotechnician (Art) - Arcanotechnician (Rank 1)
    Arcanotechnician (Art) – Palliative Admixture
    Arcanotechnician (Art) – Thaumaturgical Battery
    Arcanotechnician (Art) – Lightning Bolt
    Arcanotechnician (Art) – Critical Admixture
    Arcanotechnician (Art) - Energy of Creation (Rank 1)
    Arcanotechnician (Art) - Uncaring Master (Rank 1)
    Arcanotechnician (Art) - Spell Critical (Rank 1)
    Arcanotechnician (Art) - Wand and Scroll Mastery (Rank 1)
    Arcanotechnician (Art) - Wand and Scroll Mastery (Rank 2)
    Arcanotechnician (Art) - Wand and Scroll Mastery (Rank 3)
    Arcanotechnician (Art) - Spell Critical (Rank 1)
    Arcanotechnician (Art) – Efficient Maximize (Rank 3)
    Arcanotechnician (Art) – Efficient Empower (Rank 3)
    Arcanotechnician (Art) - Spell Critical (Rank 1)
    Arcanotechnician (Art) - Intelligence (Rank 1)
    Arcanotechnician (Art) - Spell Critical (Rank 1)
    Arcanotechnician (Art) - Intelligence (Rank 1)
    Battle Engineer (Art) - Battle Engineer (Rank 1)
    Battle Engineer (Art) - Infused Weapons (Rank 1)
    Battle Engineer (Art) - Infused Armor (Rank 1)
    Battle Engineer (Art) - Infused Weapons (Rank 1)
    Battle Engineer (Art) - Infused Armor (Rank 1)
    Battle Engineer (Art) - Master Engineer (Rank 1)
    Battle Engineer (Art) - Crossbow Training (Rank 1)
    Battle Engineer (Art) - Thermal Venting (Rank 1)
    Battle Engineer (Art) - Thermal Venting (Rank 2)
    Battle Engineer (Art) - Thermal Venting (Rank 3)
    Battle Engineer (Art) - Crossbow Training (Rank 1)
    Battle Engineer (Art) - Thaumaturgical Conduits (Rank 1)
    Battle Engineer (Art) - Thaumaturgical Conduits (Rank 2)
    Battle Engineer (Art) - Thaumaturgical Conduits (Rank 3)
    Battle Engineer (Art) - Crossbow Training (Rank 1)
    Battle Engineer (Art) - Extra Action Boost (Rank 1)
    Battle Engineer (Art) - Extra Action Boost (Rank 2)
    Battle Engineer (Art) - Extra Action Boost (Rank 3)
    Battle Engineer (Art) - Arcane Capacitors (Rank 1)
    Battle Engineer (Art) - Intelligence (Rank 1)
    Battle Engineer (Art) - Crossbow Training (Rank 1)
    Battle Engineer (Art) - Endless Fusilade (Rank 1)
    Battle Engineer (Art) - Rune Arm Overcharge (Rank 1)
    Battle Engineer (Art) - Arcane Capacitors (Rank 1)
    Battle Engineer (Art) - Intelligence (Rank 1)
    Battle Engineer (Art) - Rune Arm Overcharge (Rank 1)
    Battle Engineer (Art) - Tactical Mobility (Rank 1)
    Human – Damage Boost (+20% for 30 seconds)
    Human – Human Adaptability (+1 Int)

    Enhancement comments:
    I like human b/c the racial damage boost can be used at the same time as the artie boosts. So I always click damage boost and then endless fullisade, thereby producing greater burst damage. Other than looking better, this is the only place where humans outpace warforged/bladeforged – in the racial damage boosts. In many other ways the toasters are better – they have + 0.5 dice to their weapon and easy button self healing (which means they don’t need the devotion items I’ve slotted below, or cocoon as a twist).

    Spells: (listing chosen ones only)
    Ablative armor, Enchant weapon, Resist energy, Conjure bolts, Grease
    Protection from energy, Lucky cape, Toughen construct, Reinforce construct
    Adamantium Weapons, Insightful Damage, Stoneskin, Curative Admixture: Cure Serious Wounds
    Protection from elements, Lightning motes, Armor of speed, Thundering armor, CA: Remove poison
    Planar weapons, Silver weapons, Prismatic Strike, Radiant Forcefield
    Deadly weapons, Tactical detonation, Blade barrier, Globe of invulnerability


    Head: Helm o/t Black Dragon (Con +8); Diamond of Int +8, Sapphire of PP +14
    Alternative Head: Helm o/t Blue Dragon (Int +8)
    Armor: Flawless Black Dragon scale w/+2 Good luck slotted
    . Alternative: Flawless Blue Dragon w/+2 Good luck slotted
    Goggles: +9 Deadly, +10 Resistance
    Neck: epic Sages Locket
    Cloak: Jeweled Cloak; Sapphire of False Life 35, +2 insightful Int
    . Alternative Cloak: Adamantine Cloak of the Wolf
    Trinket: Planar Focus: Prowess (Con +3)
    . Alternative Trinket: Planner Focus: Erudition (Int +3)
    . Alternative Trinket: Pale Lavender Ioun Stone
    . Alternative Trinket: Epic Spyglass (for true seeing)
    Belt: Fort +115, Dodge 8%, Green Augment slot (Topaz of Greater Evocation)
    Gloves: Gauntlets of Immortality (Insightful Con +2, Deathblock)
    Bracers: epic Guardian’s Bracer’s (20% force lore)
    Boots: Spiked Boots – diamond of vitality, sapphire of natural armor +7
    . Alternative Boots: GS spell points +6 cha skills (I use these for buffing sp)
    . Alternative Boots: Halcyon Boots (rarely worn)
    Ring: Epic Ring of the Stalker – Globe of True Imperial Blood, Topaz of Striding 30%
    Ring: Consuming Darkness – Immunity to Fear
    . Alternative Ring: Ring of Lies

    Equipment Comments:
    I have a bit of redundancy built into my augments b/c I’m often switching items around during combat to maximize my dps output – and survivability. If my Jeweled Cloak runs out of absorb, for example, I need to swap my trinkets around and don’t want to lose too much Con bonus – so I have a +2 insightful Con slotted into my gloves.

    Yes, I would like full int - +11, +3 insightful, etc. If I could find a +11 int, +10 resistance goggles or ring, I’d change my gear around.

    I switch between black/blue and prowess/erudition depending on whether I want higher xbow or spell damage and spell absorption (acid or lightning). Right now I’m leaning toward black and prowess b/c buffing the xbow produces nice numbers.

    I don’t have a doubleshot item in, nor many etrs on this toon. Doubleshot would obviously be nice, but it’s not a huge boost to a repeating crossbow – it is much better on a regular crossbow. I am one day going to build a great crossbow just to see, but atm there’s no point.

    Disabling, open locks and search: get the Cannith equipment for the +5 exceptional and match that to +20 stuff. I use:

    Tinkerer’s Goggles and Gloves (+5 exceptional to open lock and disable, respectively)
    Wolfinson’s Monocular Enhancer (+5 exceptional to search)

    EE Bracers of Twisting Shade (+20 disable)
    Epic Treasure Hunter’s Spyglass (+20 search)
    Some generic +17 open lock gloves that I need to change for a +20 one


    Needle. Slotted: +138 kinetic spell power (this, combined with the above 20% lore, greatly increases my rune arm and spell dps).
    Archaic device

    Weapon comments:
    If you run in Fury of the Wild, Needle dramatically out produces every other Xbow in the game – until now. The newest raid weapons will be able to put out slightly greater dps than Needle if you upgrade them via the dps abilities (if you use it as a spell focus item or whatever, it won’t). Because it only has a crit profile of X2, these weapons will decrease the damage output power added by Fury – that’s good, imo, b/c it will allow Shiradi and other kinds of arties to be more viable. And we still have Needle if we want to see those 2500 numbers on our baddies.

    To max Needle, you need the best Deadly, Seeker and Exceptional Seeker you can get. When wearing Consuming Darkness and my Cloak, I approach that – I need to find a +10 Deadly and an EE Consuming Darkness ring (that would provide +3 extra damage – if I could, additionally, max my Int, that would be +2 more, for a total of +5. W/Needle and Adrenaline, that’s +72 damage).


    I have alchemical (fire-earth-fire and ice-ice-ice) and GS (+++ and a Lit II; basically Heroic Xbows now) but they are about ½ to¼ the dps output of Needle in Fury. For a while now, I’ve just not bothered to swap from Needle – and actually built up a second Needle that I slotted w/the Mabar augment. It’s ok on trash, but I find boosting my force spell power better dps output than relying on energy drain since the nerf.

    (lots of people mistakenly think the alchemical xbows compete with Needle. They do ok in Shiradi b/c they add CC abilities and aoe damage. As it stands, only Needle in Fury has good enough dps output for EE content. Yes, you can do Shiradi and use alchemicals, but you’re going to be an EH build or a CC support class – both totally fine roles and very useful if you run with the same friends. Anyways, if you’re a non-Fury build the new Xbows will make you smile).

    In terms of rune arms, I have all the GH EE ones. I use them situationally – when force is healing stuff in the new content. Here is where the acid builds of old will shine – until the helm horror heals from acid for a few seconds…

    ED: Fury of the Wild
    It’s pretty self explanatory. Take everything that boosts your damage and up your Con. I took Primal Scream, Boulder Toss, Gird Against Demons, Fury Eternal and Unbridled Fury, plus 5 Con.

    It might be worth dumping Gird and a couple con for Sense weakness – that would increase dps against trash, especially if you have someone CCing them or build your Thunderholme xbow with CC. Tac/det only knocks them prone, so sense weakness won’t help here.


    Precise Evocation, Evocation Specialist and Rejuvenation Cocoon.

    Tac/det and Primatic strike produce nice CC – they make EH content easy and EE content slightly calmer. You want your spell DCs as high as you can put them for these reasons. Additionally, boosting your evocation DC increases your spell, rune arm and ruin dps.

    Alternatives: Energy Sheathe for FOT, Stay Good for DR reduction (if you care about DR reduction). You could consider something for increasing saves or dodge to increase survivability.


    Use Boulder Toss whenever you can or to finish off nearby opponents. Ruin is like BT, but it’s mana expensive – however, when overrun by mobs, both of these can often kill mobs outright, reducing the pressure on you. They are also fantastic for finishing off prepped mobs/crystals, whatever you need to be dead on demand (as many of the raids require us to kill 2 or more things concurrently).

    With the above spell DCs and kinetic spell power and impulse lore, my BT and Ruin hit for 3-9k damage (BT was more before the enhancement pass, not sure what happened). I can usually rely upon 6k. Archaic device hits for about 1200-1800, basically free damage. So the synergy works very well here. Lately, despite what everyone says, when I’m soloing EE content I’ll also kite mobs through BB. I usually kite by walking backwards and keeping up my rate of fire, BTing, tac/deting and so on. When fighting mobs with massive hp pools, I save ruin to make sure my spell pool doesn’t disappear on me. If they have less hp – like 30k or so – I use it to wear them down quickly.

    When you BT, Ruin, fire the rune arm, and then adrenaline shot, you’re producing something like 16-22k damage in about 4 seconds. I also like to rune arm, Damage boost + EF (use adrenaline during the ET), BT, Ruin, rune arm for massive damage (30-35k or so). When Furyshot is prepped, your dps goes up – but the trade off is that I don’t tend to use BT or Ruin at these times. You will steal agro from the best hate tanks – and you have to know how to manage it via cocoon, displacement clickies and radiant forcefield and emergency heal scrolls.

    Your comments are welcome - I'll reply as I can. You're welcome to make suggestions on how to boost dps within the parameters of force and human.
    Aside from race choice, look a lot like Dubbel 007 build. The double boost action is good, and frankly the only reason to go fleshsy.
    An option i've been looking at is going Bladeforged, for reconstruct as SLA.
    With that option, you can multiclass 2 rogue/monk for evasion OR go 16arti/2monk or rogue/2pally. The last option let you save the LR+1 to remove paladin levels.
    Going rogue also let you pick the mechanic's enhancements for additionnal x-bow damage.

  3. #3
    Community Member Singular's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Choopak View Post
    Aside from race choice, look a lot like Dubbel 007 build. The double boost action is good, and frankly the only reason to go fleshsy.
    An option i've been looking at is going Bladeforged, for reconstruct as SLA.
    With that option, you can multiclass 2 rogue/monk for evasion OR go 16arti/2monk or rogue/2pally. The last option let you save the LR+1 to remove paladin levels.
    Going rogue also let you pick the mechanic's enhancements for additionnal x-bow damage.
    Yeah, Cthruego's build and mine are similar. He used to run an acid-specced one, but I've always run force-specced. He spends slightly more points in the racial category, which increases his survivability and I spend them in the arcanotechnitian tree, which increases my spell power. I also don't bother with the dog, so my AP goes toward cheaper spells - I just don't find the dog all that useful in EE content. You can make it fairly survivable, though, if you spend APs on buffing it, take Augment Summoning (or the new necklace) and, if possible, have 3 druid past lives.

    Bladeforged are strong choices - Cthruego discusses why he chose not to play one in his thread, if you're interested. I don't really have much of an opinion, since I avoid toasters

    That said, your build ideas are good, especially considering Boulder Toss is getting nerfed for arties/casters. That's going to pull the dps output of my build down by around 10-30%. At this point, it's worth considering min/maxing around the xbow rather than the more generalist build I have posted above. If you split, it's worth thinking about building for Overwhelming Critical and Combat Archery. Artie spells really don't do much damage anyways, with the highest damaging ones being Boulder Toss and Ruin (and Ruin is ridiculously expensive). The other ones - tac/det, prismatic strike, and the electrical ones, are more for CC.

  4. #4
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    It is a shame they nerfed this. It is an example of a creative build that was EE viable and (mostly) outside the box. You do use the FOTW destiny... but that is mostly because there simply isn't another good ranged one.

    If Shiradi was competitive then you could use wild shots as a weaker single target (but better against crowds) replacement for boulder toss until someone decides to nerf it too.

    If you can spare a twist and want to try to keep the high burst DPS then tsunami might be a viable option. It costs more than boulder toss (BT was free...) but Tsunami does have a force portion that can be empowered/maximized. It won't hit for as quite as much, but it is closer than anything else I can see.

    Great build, I hope you can save it.

  5. #5
    Community Member Fedora1's Avatar
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    Pardon my ignorance, but can someone explain how BT was nerfed? This is the first I've heard.

    Oh and very nice build OP.
    My take on "the grind":

    Ordinary humans have inhibitions that serve as a buffer against what we know is bad behavior.
    However, some people, by blaming others for their own bad behavior, develop a thought pattern that allows them to override self-control in order to achieve a selfish end.
    - My opinion on exploiters and cheaters blaming SSG for unfair punishment.

  6. 03-25-2014, 02:14 PM

    Wrong account

  7. #6
    Community Member Myrddinman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fedora1 View Post
    Pardon my ignorance, but can someone explain how BT was nerfed? This is the first I've heard.
    In the upcoming patch, Boulder Toss will no longer be affected by Spellpower. The damage will be increased as a result, and it can be used in an anti-magic field. So basically, it will no longer be considered an SLA.
    Quote Originally Posted by 404error View Post
    there will always be bugs in DDO it will never be bug free at any point in its lifetime.

  8. #7
    Community Member Fedora1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Myrddinman View Post
    In the upcoming patch, Boulder Toss will no longer be affected by Spellpower. The damage will be increased as a result, .
    Okay, thanks. So the damage will be increased, but at the same time it will no longer be affected by spell power.

    Just making sure I understand, or if you meant the damage will be decreased as a result.
    My take on "the grind":

    Ordinary humans have inhibitions that serve as a buffer against what we know is bad behavior.
    However, some people, by blaming others for their own bad behavior, develop a thought pattern that allows them to override self-control in order to achieve a selfish end.
    - My opinion on exploiters and cheaters blaming SSG for unfair punishment.

  9. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fedora1 View Post
    Okay, thanks. So the damage will be increased, but at the same time it will no longer be affected by spell power.

    Just making sure I understand, or if you meant the damage will be decreased as a result.
    The base damage was doubled (equivalent of 100 spell power). The spell power no longer applies and the chance to crit is gone. The net result was a HUGE damage decrease.

    They could have just changed the description to "You channel your rage in the form of a boulder hurled at your opponent...", and left everything else alone

  10. #9
    Community Member Fedora1's Avatar
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    Okay cool, thanks for clarifying Ancient.
    My take on "the grind":

    Ordinary humans have inhibitions that serve as a buffer against what we know is bad behavior.
    However, some people, by blaming others for their own bad behavior, develop a thought pattern that allows them to override self-control in order to achieve a selfish end.
    - My opinion on exploiters and cheaters blaming SSG for unfair punishment.

  11. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Singular View Post
    Yeah, Cthruego's build and mine are similar. He used to run an acid-specced one, but I've always run force-specced. He spends slightly more points in the racial category, which increases his survivability and I spend them in the arcanotechnitian tree, which increases my spell power. I also don't bother with the dog, so my AP goes toward cheaper spells - I just don't find the dog all that useful in EE content. You can make it fairly survivable, though, if you spend APs on buffing it, take Augment Summoning (or the new necklace) and, if possible, have 3 druid past lives.

    Bladeforged are strong choices - Cthruego discusses why he chose not to play one in his thread, if you're interested. I don't really have much of an opinion, since I avoid toasters

    That said, your build ideas are good, especially considering Boulder Toss is getting nerfed for arties/casters. That's going to pull the dps output of my build down by around 10-30%. At this point, it's worth considering min/maxing around the xbow rather than the more generalist build I have posted above. If you split, it's worth thinking about building for Overwhelming Critical and Combat Archery. Artie spells really don't do much damage anyways, with the highest damaging ones being Boulder Toss and Ruin (and Ruin is ridiculously expensive). The other ones - tac/det, prismatic strike, and the electrical ones, are more for CC.
    Was thinking after reading Cthru's thread on updating the U21 arti... Would a PDK version of your build work? You keep the boost potential while starting at level 15!
    I have a toon ready to TR, debating between your version or Cthru's one...
    I like the fact that your focus on DPS, i think the x-bow damage is where the arti is at now (beside the utility stuff) and i still believe that multiclassing is a good option to further boost your range DPS.
    Ranger/rogue is a decent option, better than the monk split (omg, monk being outclass!!!) cause you can wear armor (light) and rogue complement your x-bow damage and your traps skills nicely.
    Ranger of coarse help your range DPS and you can even take a few AP in tempest to get haste boost...

  12. #11
    Intergalactic Space Crusader
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    Default :d

    Quote Originally Posted by Choopak View Post
    Was thinking after reading Cthru's thread on updating the U21 arti... Would a PDK version of your build work? You keep the boost potential while starting at level 15!
    I have a toon ready to TR, debating between your version or Cthru's one...
    I like the fact that your focus on DPS, i think the x-bow damage is where the arti is at now (beside the utility stuff) and i still believe that multiclassing is a good option to further boost your range DPS.
    Ranger/rogue is a decent option, better than the monk split (omg, monk being outclass!!!) cause you can wear armor (light) and rogue complement your x-bow damage and your traps skills nicely.
    Ranger of coarse help your range DPS and you can even take a few AP in tempest to get haste boost...
    I made a Harty™ (half-orc arty) with focus on greataxe (no glancing blows, just PA and cleaves, etc) and xbow before the PDK came out. Interested in making a PDK arty for fun. Started at L1 and now L16. PDK you can start out the gate at 15 which might make me try a PDK arty.

    Edit ~ post your build if anyone has done a PDK arty pls.

  13. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Livmo View Post

    Edit ~ post your build if anyone has done a PDK arty pls.

  14. #13
    Community Member Singular's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Choopak View Post
    Was thinking after reading Cthru's thread on updating the U21 arti... Would a PDK version of your build work? You keep the boost potential while starting at level 15!
    I have a toon ready to TR, debating between your version or Cthru's one...
    I like the fact that your focus on DPS, i think the x-bow damage is where the arti is at now (beside the utility stuff) and i still believe that multiclassing is a good option to further boost your range DPS.
    Ranger/rogue is a decent option, better than the monk split (omg, monk being outclass!!!) cause you can wear armor (light) and rogue complement your x-bow damage and your traps skills nicely.
    Ranger of coarse help your range DPS and you can even take a few AP in tempest to get haste boost...
    Absolutely. If you're going to focus on xbow, multiclass w/ranger and rogue. Ranger for the slayer imbue, rogue for sneak attack damage and evasion. I'd recommend using Glass Cannon b/c it puts 2 damage types into your xbow. Remember to get your str to 23 and your dex to 21 for overwhelming critical and combat archery. In Fury of the Wild, you'll be doing a ton of damage with Needle b/c of all the extra damage you can multiply.

    PDK offers bonuses to sneak attack damage, Greater Heroism and a heal, once per rest. I don't know how much AP you will have for the tree, since AA costs a lot, but it's worth checking out. Let us know what your build is if you try it!

  15. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Singular View Post
    Absolutely. If you're going to focus on xbow, multiclass w/ranger and rogue. Ranger for the slayer imbue, rogue for sneak attack damage and evasion. I'd recommend using Glass Cannon b/c it puts 2 damage types into your xbow. Remember to get your str to 23 and your dex to 21 for overwhelming critical and combat archery. In Fury of the Wild, you'll be doing a ton of damage with Needle b/c of all the extra damage you can multiply.

    PDK offers bonuses to sneak attack damage, Greater Heroism and a heal, once per rest. I don't know how much AP you will have for the tree, since AA costs a lot, but it's worth checking out. Let us know what your build is if you try it!
    Hummm i would not go as far in ranger as to get slaying arrows. Was thinking mostly arit, with a splash in rogue (for evasion) and ranger (like 2 levels)
    Slaying arrows requires 5 levels of ranger.. .if you splash that far, go ranger 6, for sniper shot... and while you're at it: more rogues...
    I posted a build around this, but it's not an arti build...
    Anyway, here it is:

  16. #15
    Community Member Singular's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Choopak View Post
    Hummm i would not go as far in ranger as to get slaying arrows. Was thinking mostly arit, with a splash in rogue (for evasion) and ranger (like 2 levels)
    Slaying arrows requires 5 levels of ranger.. .if you splash that far, go ranger 6, for sniper shot... and while you're at it: more rogues...
    I posted a build around this, but it's not an arti build...
    Anyway, here it is:
    Out of curiosity, why bother with the ranger splash? Why not fighter for some bonuses to damage?

  17. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Singular View Post
    Out of curiosity, why bother with the ranger splash? Why not fighter for some bonuses to damage?
    favored enemy, free rapid shot, AA and DWS enhancements... more reflex...
    ya 2 levels fighter is nice, bonus feats, cheaper haste boosts, extra boost (so more EF)... overall a solid option AND PDK start as a fighter, so no need to LR...

  18. #17
    Community Member Oxarhamar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Singular View Post
    Out of curiosity, why bother with the ranger splash? Why not fighter for some bonuses to damage?
    bit off main topic but, I'm planning something to the tune of 8 fighter 4 Artificer 8 Rogue for my Shadar-Kai
    Last edited by Oxarhamar; 04-03-2014 at 05:16 AM.

  19. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Singular View Post
    Out of curiosity, why bother with the ranger splash? Why not fighter for some bonuses to damage?
    Hey man, was bored so ran some tests on character builder... the ranger version is pretty weak compare to the others... here's what i tested:
    arti16 as a base 1) rog2/ fig2 rogue is fun for evasion but beyond that... a few skills, some bonus on trap's skills, a little sneak attack, overall nothing fancy... fig2 add 2 feats, haste boost and extra boost.
    arti16 as a base 2) ran2/ rog2, same stuff as before for rogue, ran2... aside for free rapid shot, and cheap 1AP enhan in 2 trees... nada!
    arti16 as a base 3) ran2/ monk2, now monk2... sad to say but... **** they're good! evasion, stances (water is tasty), 2 feats, dodge bonus, good saves, and cheap useful enhancements in all trees...
    arti16 as a base 4) fig2/ monk2, i decide... why not test it... result is = ouch! all the good stuff from monk + 2 other feats, boosts, and even synergy with monk and arti (weapon wise)

    My no.4 project had me thinking more... will have to do a full version (with skills, spell and all) but i believe they can rock.
    I went PDK for the instant level 15... and same goodies as human, also took more enhan in human: pick up skill boost for traps, surge for +2 INT each time i boost (with EF, haste, damage, and skill boost, it's like perma +2 INT)
    finely, i grab healing amp with left over AP... here's the build from builder, not fully done but will give you a better idea...

    Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 04.20.01
    DDO Character Planner Home Page
    Arti project 
    Level 20 Lawful Good Purple Dragon Knight Male
    (2 Fighter \ 2 Monk \ 16 Artificer) 
    Hit Points: 274
    Spell Points: 1015 
    BAB: 15\15\20\25\25
    Fortitude: 15
    Reflex: 18
    Will: 13
                      Starting          Feat/Enhancement
    Abilities        Base Stats          Modified Stats
    (36 Point)       (Level 1)             (Level 20)
    Strength              8                    10
    Dexterity            16                    19
    Constitution         16                    19
    Intelligence         18                    30
    Wisdom                8                    10
    Charisma              8                    10
    Level 1 (Fighter)
    Feat: (Selected) Magical Training
    Feat: (Past Life) Past Life: Bard
    Feat: (Past Life) Past Life: Rogue
    Feat: (Past Life) Past Life: Rogue
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Point Blank Shot
    Feat: (Human Bonus) Precise Shot
    Level 2 (Monk)
    Feat: (Monk Bonus) Toughness
    Level 3 (Artificer)
    Feat: (Selected) Insightful Reflexes
    Level 4 (Artificer)
    Level 5 (Artificer)
    Level 6 (Artificer)
    Feat: (Selected) Adept of Forms
    Feat: (Artificer Bonus) Empower Spell
    Level 7 (Artificer)
    Level 8 (Artificer)
    Level 9 (Artificer)
    Feat: (Selected) Mental Toughness
    Level 10 (Artificer)
    Feat: (Artificer Bonus) Maximize Spell
    Level 11 (Fighter)
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Improved Critical: Ranged Weapons
    Level 12 (Monk)
    Feat: (Monk Bonus) Dodge
    Feat: (Selected) Precision
    Level 13 (Artificer)
    Level 14 (Artificer)
    Level 15 (Artificer)
    Feat: (Selected) Improved Precise Shot
    Level 16 (Artificer)
    Feat: (Artificer Bonus) Rapid Shot
    Level 17 (Artificer)
    Level 18 (Artificer)
    Feat: (Selected) Spell Focus: Evocation
    Level 19 (Artificer)
    Level 20 (Artificer)
    Feat: (Artificer Bonus) Quicken Spell
    Enhancement: Purple Dragon Knight - Human Versatility: Damage Boost (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Purple Dragon Knight - Human Adaptability: Intelligence (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Purple Dragon Knight - Human Versatility: Skill Boost (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Purple Dragon Knight - Action Surge: Intelligence (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Purple Dragon Knight - Action Surge: Intelligence (Rank 2)
    Enhancement: Kensei (Ftr) - Kensei Focus: Crossbows (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Kensei (Ftr) - Extra Action Boost (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Kensei (Ftr) - Extra Action Boost (Rank 2)
    Enhancement: Kensei (Ftr) - Haste Boost (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Kensei (Ftr) - Haste Boost (Rank 2)
    Enhancement: Kensei (Ftr) - Haste Boost (Rank 3)
    Enhancement: Battle Engineer (Art) - Battle Engineer (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Battle Engineer (Art) - Infused Weapons (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Battle Engineer (Art) - Infused Armor (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Battle Engineer (Art) - Infused Weapons (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Battle Engineer (Art) - Crossbow Training (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Battle Engineer (Art) - Field Engineer (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Battle Engineer (Art) - Thermal Venting (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Battle Engineer (Art) - Thermal Venting (Rank 2)
    Enhancement: Battle Engineer (Art) - Thermal Venting (Rank 3)
    Enhancement: Battle Engineer (Art) - Crossbow Training (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Battle Engineer (Art) - Thaumaturgical Conduits (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Battle Engineer (Art) - Thaumaturgical Conduits (Rank 2)
    Enhancement: Battle Engineer (Art) - Thaumaturgical Conduits (Rank 3)
    Enhancement: Battle Engineer (Art) - Crossbow Training (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Battle Engineer (Art) - Arcane Capacitors (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Battle Engineer (Art) - Intelligence (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Battle Engineer (Art) - Crossbow Training (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Battle Engineer (Art) - Endless Fusilade (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Battle Engineer (Art) - Rune Arm Overcharge (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Battle Engineer (Art) - Arcane Capacitors (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Battle Engineer (Art) - Intelligence (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Battle Engineer (Art) - Rune Arm Overcharge (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Battle Engineer (Art) - Tactical Mobility (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Henshin Mystic (Mnk) - Riddle of Fire (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Ninja Spy (Mnk) - Ninja Training (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Ninja Spy (Mnk) - Acrobatic (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Ninja Spy (Mnk) - Acrobatic (Rank 2)
    Enhancement: Shintao (Mnk) - Bastion of Purity (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Arcanotechnician (Art) - Arcanotechnician (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Arcanotechnician (Art) - Palliative Admixture (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Arcanotechnician (Art) - Thaumaturgical Battery (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Arcanotechnician (Art) - Lightning Bolt (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Arcanotechnician (Art) - Energy of Creation (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Arcanotechnician (Art) - Spell Critical (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Arcanotechnician (Art) - Wand and Scroll Mastery (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Arcanotechnician (Art) - Wand and Scroll Mastery (Rank 2)
    Enhancement: Arcanotechnician (Art) - Wand and Scroll Mastery (Rank 3)
    Enhancement: Arcanotechnician (Art) - Efficient Empower (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Arcanotechnician (Art) - Efficient Empower (Rank 2)
    Enhancement: Arcanotechnician (Art) - Spell Critical (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Arcanotechnician (Art) - Efficient Quicken (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Arcanotechnician (Art) - Spell Critical (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Arcanotechnician (Art) - Intelligence (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Arcanotechnician (Art) - Spell Critical (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Arcanotechnician (Art) - Intelligence (Rank 1)
    Comments are welcome, we all want better artis!

  20. #19
    Community Member Fedora1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Choopak View Post
    I went PDK for the instant level 15...
    If you are going to go iconic, wouldn't a bladeforged work better? Less h-amp but better self healing by a long shot.

    You also lose greater heroism from the PDK tree.

    You gain a bunch of immunities, self healing, weapon attachment, etc.

    Of course you have that pally level you need to dump or use.

  21. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fedora1 View Post
    If you are going to go iconic, wouldn't a bladeforged work better? Less h-amp but better self healing by a long shot.

    You also lose greater heroism from the PDK tree.

    You gain a bunch of immunities, self healing, weapon attachment, etc.

    Of course you have that pally level you need to dump or use.
    Interesting... can't believe i passed BF, i love them! You'll have to invest more in class enhancements to grab power of the forge, it's that good! The self healing is easy to get, and the repair amp also. Heck! you can even go for weapon attachment... A tempting choice man...

    Edit: tested! Verdict is: PDK are better, BF have to put to many AP in race's tree, for same +20% dam.. PDK also have skill boost and surge + feat. It's not often but BF is out match! Unless you cut AP from BE or arch.

    Let's assume (no idea of the real numbers) that a full arti can obtain 80% of overall DPS potential, multiclassing surely boost the x-bow dam to 90% (maybe more) while retaining most of the other 2, spell DC are the same although damage is down from being a 16 caster instead of full 20. Runearm damage is also down from max level to arti16... BUT how much % do we gain/ lose?
    If the x-bow% gain is superiror to the runerarm and spells% lost then = win! if not... scratch and redo...

    After all my tests, i'm wandering how much can you boost DPS without gimping the other stuff: spellcasting (DC) and runearm dam. We are trying to add to the overall damage, not just 1 tier (being: x-bow, spells, runearm) and even if i still believe x-bow dam is where it stand, doesn't mean i wanna forget about all the rest. Maybe Singular and Cthru can enlighten us on this.
    Last edited by Choopak; 04-03-2014 at 06:55 PM.

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