1. reduce raids and inc the number of quests.
raids limit access for many players and are popular with the clicky groups
much kit is then only avalable to the minority.
2. stop developing uber parasite classes ie the monk. much of the fighter and rogue enhancments are for the monk
with grandmaster flowers mentioned in the tier 5 skills. even the epic levels the top core skill which is for rogues grants Evasion
if you will. Pathetic.... truely.
3. pale master oooh come on.
one of the first quests kill necromancer must be such irony there now.....
only viable EE wizard thats what you offer a lich.
you couldnt come into town you would be killed...
even if its an MMO you have to have some belivable consistant world.
4. core classes mage and rogue not worth toffee at EE level. WHY
why are you following WOW in their character development.
uber druids with no limits monks(pandas) and lichs....
It became play that or be excluded... oh yes thats happening on
DDO now. Y take a wizard but always waiting for a healer......
5 my kids play DDO because I do and they found a good game.
D&D has always been an adult game aimed at the over 20's
no doubt your demograpics show a v large youth base. and
you have moved the game to there likes and dislikes.
Plae master is i think a clear example. but the qualities which
made a good game were those adult likes and dislikes thats
what got my children playing and having fun not bright colors
and simple game play. Raids.
Kids love raids the whoosh and you have know idea whats going on as
there is so much eye candy spell effects but the baddy dies and big chest.
6. please please no more crafting until you sort it out and unify.
my bags are full of trash from level limit raids and quests giving the then best craft upgrade
items which are of little use now as your past the level before you can farm the stuff to make anything
and the drops from the quests are better even the vendor trash. there are exceptions,
but they become a pain to get as few want to do the many runs required to get the ingredients.
so please combine drop unify sort and reset the drop rates so that in the flow of the game
they become a part of the play not some annoying incidental that I see char leaving in the chests
as they cant be bothered. PS I like crafting but not like it is now.
7 stop this splash thingy
2 levels of Favoured soul to get all their goodies. what has the level 20 got
that makes it worth while. most have nothing. NO downside to 3 classes
they have raped all the best from each and min maxed their way to WHAT?
a char that can do huge DPS take loads of damage
bypass traps or survive them so they are no longer relivant.
ITs a Blob no Char at all just a list of numbers. no role no play
just easyiest success well of a sort. a quote i love
Are you going to do the easy thing or are you going to do it right ?
Its boring and leads to the STR rogue with Kopeshes or nothing
on what planet is a ST rogue with TWO massive blades hidden in his/her
jumper and bulging biceps a reality. OH we have moved on to the stick fighting rogue
or should I say MONK because its not a rogue thing its been warped to monkify it.
I suppose its will scarlet / little john. but why why all the centred Ki stuff.
Devs must think we are stupid .... rogue my foot.