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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Suggestions for changes

    1. reduce raids and inc the number of quests.
    raids limit access for many players and are popular with the clicky groups
    much kit is then only avalable to the minority.

    2. stop developing uber parasite classes ie the monk. much of the fighter and rogue enhancments are for the monk
    with grandmaster flowers mentioned in the tier 5 skills. even the epic levels the top core skill which is for rogues grants Evasion
    if you will. Pathetic.... truely.

    3. pale master oooh come on.
    one of the first quests kill necromancer must be such irony there now.....
    only viable EE wizard thats what you offer a lich.
    you couldnt come into town you would be killed...
    even if its an MMO you have to have some belivable consistant world.

    4. core classes mage and rogue not worth toffee at EE level. WHY
    why are you following WOW in their character development.
    uber druids with no limits monks(pandas) and lichs....
    It became play that or be excluded... oh yes thats happening on
    DDO now. Y take a wizard but always waiting for a healer......

    5 my kids play DDO because I do and they found a good game.
    D&D has always been an adult game aimed at the over 20's
    no doubt your demograpics show a v large youth base. and
    you have moved the game to there likes and dislikes.
    Plae master is i think a clear example. but the qualities which
    made a good game were those adult likes and dislikes thats
    what got my children playing and having fun not bright colors
    and simple game play. Raids.
    Kids love raids the whoosh and you have know idea whats going on as
    there is so much eye candy spell effects but the baddy dies and big chest.

    6. please please no more crafting until you sort it out and unify.
    my bags are full of trash from level limit raids and quests giving the then best craft upgrade
    items which are of little use now as your past the level before you can farm the stuff to make anything
    and the drops from the quests are better even the vendor trash. there are exceptions,
    but they become a pain to get as few want to do the many runs required to get the ingredients.
    so please combine drop unify sort and reset the drop rates so that in the flow of the game
    they become a part of the play not some annoying incidental that I see char leaving in the chests
    as they cant be bothered. PS I like crafting but not like it is now.

    7 stop this splash thingy
    2 levels of Favoured soul to get all their goodies. what has the level 20 got
    that makes it worth while. most have nothing. NO downside to 3 classes
    they have raped all the best from each and min maxed their way to WHAT?
    a char that can do huge DPS take loads of damage
    bypass traps or survive them so they are no longer relivant.
    ITs a Blob no Char at all just a list of numbers. no role no play
    just easyiest success well of a sort. a quote i love
    Are you going to do the easy thing or are you going to do it right ?

    Its boring and leads to the STR rogue with Kopeshes or nothing
    on what planet is a ST rogue with TWO massive blades hidden in his/her
    jumper and bulging biceps a reality. OH we have moved on to the stick fighting rogue
    or should I say MONK because its not a rogue thing its been warped to monkify it.
    I suppose its will scarlet / little john. but why why all the centred Ki stuff.
    Devs must think we are stupid .... rogue my foot.

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Default If we're suggesting changes

    The armor and clothing appearance kits are just aweful. Please add some new ones. Some with simple symetrical designs. You remember the picture of the paladin in hell from the first edition player's hand book? I want armor that looks like that and I want it available in different colors. I want a wizard with a simple white robe. Come on guys you seriously have no fashion sense.
    Also I would explode with delight if you would make some martial arts weapons for the monks. Things like tonfa, sais, ring swords 3 section staffs, chains and nunchaku. I know everyone says it would be too complicated, but if soul calibur can handle it you can. Come on! They don't even have to have a ton of different animations just a few.
    PLEASE I'm begging you. If you did this it would be unique among mmos. It would be something you could brag about to bring new customers. It would be good for both of us.

  3. #3
    Founder & Hero
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    Hell No!! There are other games out there for that all of your changes would kill DDO

    Beware the Sleepeater

  4. #4
    Founder & Hero
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    Quote Originally Posted by LastCrusader View Post
    The armor and clothing appearance kits are just aweful. Please add some new ones. Some with simple symetrical designs. You remember the picture of the paladin in hell from the first edition player's hand book? I want armor that looks like that and I want it available in different colors. I want a wizard with a simple white robe. Come on guys you seriously have no fashion sense.
    Also I would explode with delight if you would make some martial arts weapons for the monks. Things like tonfa, sais, ring swords 3 section staffs, chains and nunchaku. I know everyone says it would be too complicated, but if soul calibur can handle it you can. Come on! They don't even have to have a ton of different animations just a few.
    PLEASE I'm begging you. If you did this it would be unique among mmos. It would be something you could brag about to bring new customers. It would be good for both of us.
    Most of this I like much better!

    Beware the Sleepeater

  5. #5
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    Default Agree

    Quote Originally Posted by LastCrusader View Post
    The armor and clothing appearance kits are just aweful. Please add some new ones. Some with simple symetrical designs. You remember the picture of the paladin in hell from the first edition player's hand book? I want armor that looks like that and I want it available in different colors. I want a wizard with a simple white robe. Come on guys you seriously have no fashion sense.
    Also I would explode with delight if you would make some martial arts weapons for the monks. Things like tonfa, sais, ring swords 3 section staffs, chains and nunchaku. I know everyone says it would be too complicated, but if soul calibur can handle it you can. Come on! They don't even have to have a ton of different animations just a few.
    PLEASE I'm begging you. If you did this it would be unique among mmos. It would be something you could brag about to bring new customers. It would be good for both of us.
    Couldnt put it better

  6. #6
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    Default Really

    Quote Originally Posted by Uska View Post
    Hell No!! There are other games out there for that all of your changes would kill DDO
    In what way would it kill DDO if the fighter enhancements related to the fighter and did not req a 21 dex for dodge with no DEX offered in the enhancments just ST and CON. A high Dex fighter in light armour sounds like a rogue or monk to me.
    In what way.... if the fighter enhancements related to a Heavy armour warrior a Feat given and not LITTLE or NO armour options. be a monk if thats what you want. And whats Ki doing in the Fighter pane at all. Its a monk skill.
    and that enhanceent pane has so many other examples... break DDO i think not.
    Fighter , monk rogue sorcerer cleric Enhancments should develope the class they are named for, not be hidden extras for a different class. the enhancments should enhance the base class not some third party class.
    If you take a skill in the fighter enhancements you should be enhanced not find half or all the enhancment is for a different class altogether. Multiclassing should be possible and synergies found within the enhancements.
    But I dont expect to find Improve your Necro spell DC +1 in the monk enhancements.
    The way things are has MONK Healer Mashups as IT. mega viable out perform all others. so suggest rename DDO atm as "Monkcher".
    Not anti monk its not the only example, other Devs messes, Druid is very close behind. they cast major damage spells they heal they fight they spot and search they wear good armour, run fast ..... blah blah blah weaknesses very hard to find oh and they come from WOW in short they are a super class

    The rogue enhancments are as bad.
    And the Utter ROT is very evident in the EPIC enhancments. Evasion as top core skill in the Obvious rogue pane. got that as a novice in training thanks. Not coming to this school its rubbish....

    How is DDO spoilt by less Raids and more Quests and wilderness areas ?
    more oppertunity for back story, more diversity and choice for the 5th time through......

    How is DDO spoilt by Crafting thats relivant and adds to the story lines in the Quest packs; not mostly trash ignored by players. except the latest end game stuff.
    remodeling the former end game crafting to work in the latest Edition of DDO will help, not hinder and build the Fun and adventure. End game was designed to engage players for months
    if not years but a previously end game level say "12" now lasts a couple of days, maybe a week or two just not long enough to do the crafting or make the results useful.....

    I cant see how making wizards and rogues just as two example relevant in quests breaks DDO (its just as true for other classes)
    In early quests on Korthos Island you cant get some chests if you arnt a rogue or artificer.
    Its what they do ( in part anyway )
    So where is it in the epic stuff. abcent Traps are avoidable or survivable or worse yet a
    none rogue just with a splash or scroll or wand who cares how and wanders up and says easy... done
    I dont suggest that the solo game is removed far from it . Its what i and most players spend very significant amounts of time
    Playing and enjoying . Just lets get back to the design of quests seen in Korthos island . Places a wizard dare not go without a fighter,
    places where only a rogue can get you. not Uber can go and do anything everything all in one Wrapper game spoiler. who goes around saying no hirelings
    as thats not right... they relie upon the stolen skills of "paladin and rogue , ranger what ever" "UMD" to provide JUST for them the WHOLE PARTY.
    Such fun such a spoiler, its not hirelings who ruin the game but unkillable super tanks who heal trap kill evade buff cast lightening and have time to cook lunch
    who very very effectivly do that.

    I am an adult I like to think and plan and as a result succeed. so lets see quests with more challenging moments were a good plan is worth a bit.

    and to repeat my replie to the earlier Kit comment.
    Yep lets have sharp and sylish kit not pointy bizar with mega inprobable swords that are three times your size.
    and armour which if you lent agaist the Bar in the tavern you would be pined to by all the wierd points and spicks.
    get rid of all the skulls unless relivant to the class or alingment.
    Classy animations of moves and effects look great and make it cool.
    Love the idea of martial arts animations for more weapons and moves. lets see them please.

  7. #7
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by arabellah View Post
    1. reduce raids and inc the number of quests.
    raids limit access for many players and are popular with the clicky groups
    much kit is then only avalable to the minority.
    In the last 3 years (i.e., since U9), Turbine has introduced a grand total of 5 raids: LoB, CitW, FoT, and the two new Thunderholme raids. Meanwhile they added dozens of regular quests. I would hardly call that an "all raids all the time!" mentality. Indeed, they took a lot of flak from vets who were upset that Shadowfell didn't culminate in a new endgame-worthy raid.

    Furthermore, raiding defines most MMO endgames, inc. DDO's, for better or for worse. That's unlikely to change anytime soon.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  8. #8
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    Default Good point

    [QUOTE=unbongwah;5289689]In the last 3 years (i.e., since U9), Turbine has introduced a grand total of 5 raids: LoB, CitW, FoT, and the two new Thunderholme raids. Meanwhile they added dozens of regular quests. I would hardly call that an "all raids all the time!" mentality. Indeed, they took a lot of flak from vets who were upset that Shadowfell didn't culminate in a new endgame-worthy raid.

    Furthermore, raiding defines most MMO endgames, inc. DDO's, for better or for worse. That's unlikely to change anytime soon.[/QUOT]

    Thx but maybe thats the point ; that a broader approach to the end game would be helpful.
    May be Proceedual code for wilderness and raid structure and content.
    In part we see this in the "random" appearence of mini quests in the high road.
    This could keep being new and challanging for longer.
    I still feel that a way to make raids more accessable would really help and less DPS/healing only issues

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by arabellah View Post
    D&D has always been an adult game aimed at the over 20's
    Most of your post didn't make sense and was boring so I didn't do more than skim until I saw this.

    You are wrong. D&D has never been intended as an adult game. Never.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by General_Gronker View Post
    D&D has never been intended as an adult game. Never.
    Actually D&D was originally marketed primarily to college aged people who some would concider adults. When hi-schoolers started playing it in the 80s the players were widely seen as nerdy and smart. The game is just too complicated for most kids.
    Oh and don't forget that D&D's defense against accusations of inapropriateness ( demons , devil, undead and above all the succubus ) has been a combination of watering it down ( making it less edgy ) and declairing that it's intended audience is mature enough to handle these things.
    Last edited by LastCrusader; 03-24-2014 at 04:03 PM.

  11. #11
    Community Member Powerhungry's Avatar
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    Default Why bother with appearance kits?

    Quote Originally Posted by LastCrusader View Post
    The armor and clothing appearance kits are just aweful. Please add some new ones. Some with simple symetrical designs. You remember the picture of the paladin in hell from the first edition player's hand book? I want armor that looks like that and I want it available in different colors. I want a wizard with a simple white robe. Come on guys you seriously have no fashion sense.
    Also I would explode with delight if you would make some martial arts weapons for the monks. Things like tonfa, sais, ring swords 3 section staffs, chains and nunchaku. I know everyone says it would be too complicated, but if soul calibur can handle it you can. Come on! They don't even have to have a ton of different animations just a few.
    PLEASE I'm begging you. If you did this it would be unique among mmos. It would be something you could brag about to bring new customers. It would be good for both of us.
    Why bother with them?
    Have you seen the new Thunder-forged items and the massive pig-pen style cloud around your character? You can't see yourself anyways.
    (Combat): You are hit by your knockdown.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
    In the last 3 years (i.e., since U9), Turbine has introduced a grand total of 5 raids: LoB, CitW, FoT, and the two new Thunderholme raids. Meanwhile they added dozens of regular quests. I would hardly call that an "all raids all the time!" mentality. Indeed, they took a lot of flak from vets who were upset that Shadowfell didn't culminate in a new endgame-worthy raid.
    Yeah I'm a raid-hater too and part of the reason I left LOTRO and came back to DDO was because LOTRO was trending too much towards "raiding and PVP=endgame", at least at the time (around when Isengard came out).

    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
    Furthermore, raiding defines most MMO endgames, inc. DDO's, for better or for worse. That's unlikely to change anytime soon.
    I reject that, though. That's a mantra that raiders say because they simply cant imagine that someone else might not want the same thing they want, and a lot of times because they do get chappy when anything is released that is not geared towards raiding....

    I've never been a raider, I've only ever run I think one raid in DDO, mostly just piked it for the favor and just because it was right there ready to go...

    DDO is very solo-friendly, and I think it should continue to explicitly offer some content to cater to soloers and other casuals up through endgame. LOTRO did get one thing right - you only *needed* raid gear to do raids, and I think that's a model that Turbine should continue to implement in DDO. EE at-level should remain soloable (if challenging) without raid-locked gear.

  13. #13
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by droid327 View Post
    DDO is very solo-friendly, and I think it should continue to explicitly offer some content to cater to soloers and other casuals up through endgame. LOTRO did get one thing right - you only *needed* raid gear to do raids, and I think that's a model that Turbine should continue to implement in DDO. EE at-level should remain soloable (if challenging) without raid-locked gear.
    There's some raid gear with special abilities which can't be replicated with non-raid gear (e.g., some GS items, Raiyum Torc, etc.); and the best weapons are all raid gear. But honestly, the level of power inflation in DDO is so out of whack with the difficulty curve, I can't think of anything you need for EEs which you can't make up for with extra PLs & the right build. Heck, if you're playing Yet Another Shiradi Sorc, you might not even need the PLs. You can still do fine with EH/EE Gianthold & Storm Horns gear; and I believe you can craft up to tier-2 Thunder-forged gear just by farming the wilderness for ingredients, IIUC. So you might not have the best gear in DDO; but if you're not running the hardest raids, what does it matter?
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  14. #14
    Community Member Vellrad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by droid327 View Post
    Yeah I'm a raid-hater too and part of the reason I left LOTRO and came back to DDO was because LOTRO was trending too much towards "raiding and PVP=endgame", at least at the time (around when Isengard came out).

    go redownload lotro.

    in helms derp they killed raiding, and made endgame terribly easy instance that can be completed by NPCs while you're afking.

    Masses of casuals whined that raiders are evil and mean, so game is made so easy, 3 year old can beat it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Originally Posted by Random Person #2 View Post
    People who exploit bugs in code are cheaters cheaters cheaters. And they are big fat ****yheads too.

  15. #15
    Community Member Toro12's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by General_Gronker View Post
    Most of your post didn't make sense and was boring so I didn't do more than skim until I saw this.

    You are wrong. D&D has never been intended as an adult game. Never.
    A lot of the explicit nudity in the early monster manuals begs to disagree with your statement.

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