I know, I know, there have been a million and one ideas on how to "save" DDO, and they often look like a spiral into depravity from bad to worse to things that really should not have been thunked up, but, before you all get the torches and pitch forks, just hear me out on this.
I present:"The New Forgotten Realms Era"
The idea is simple, Turbine makes it so that any character can start at level 1 in either FR or Ebberon, and I am not talking that Hall of Heros stuff, I am talking, you make either a FR Character OR an Ebberon Character.
No, what I am proposing is a whole separate environment for Forgotten Realms, away from the Monty Haul and other problems of Ebberon.
Ok, So now you might be wondering: How does it work?
I works like this. The story for players that enter into the Forgotten Realms setting, is that it is 100 years in the future from when the Ebberon Heros defeated Lolth. Ana is passed away as an old woman, or moved off to be with Elimister, and things have gone by, life has returned to normal in the village of Eveningstar, and all that remains of Ebberon in the small village is the stories of these other world hero that have long since gone back to their home world, now that the threat has been averted.
The Drow, now defeated (Mostly), their power broken (Mostly) and their Goddess banished (Mostly) are not causing any current problems, and have been naught but a bad memory for most, and the stories that children get told to scare them.
Lo and Behold, an Orc Uprising has begin in Kings Forest, and there are reports of Undead in the Prison of Weloon, now, is the time for you, now if your moment to show the world what you are made of, clinging to the heroics of the stories of the Ebberon Heros, people from the village rise up to fight these problems, (You) among them, and now is your chance to carve your name in the history books.
So, here is how it works.
The setting is Low Magic, Almost Zero Loot.
There would be no Vendors for Potions, no buying stacks of scrolls and all kinds of stuff. None of that.
Loot Gen, would rare drop only, and be defaulted back to the old style of Loot gen, no deadly, no Ghost Bane, no Tiers I - X, just the normal stuff we all recall from the books.
No Slots, No Augments, just, good old school style DnD type loot.
Most chests being nothing but potions, scrolls, and coinage, with some sprinkling of 'collectibles' because we gotta have red and green bag usage. There would be vendors that would trade in collectibles for potions and scrolls and such.
This, players would have to put in some real effort to build their toons, to get decent gear.
All named items from the FR "packs" would be BtC, and exclusive.
Ok, now, this we set the stage, a real feeling of FR, low magic, low gear drops, a real challenge to get what you are looking for, and it would function like Snowy Side Krothos, you can leave, but you can't come back.
So how would you leave?
Simple enough, you could take the Hall of Hero's to Ebbron, that would port you 100 years in the past, back to the Ebberon Era, Or you could Level to 20th, and then take the "Epic Level Walk the Rift" back to the Ebberon Time to face Lolth. (Think "Beyond the Rift" in reverse)
But this would be required if a player wanted to progress past level 20, as epic levels would not exist in this old style Forgotten Realms, that would be reserved to the world of Ebberon.
Now, there would only be 2 ways to get into the Forgotten Realms Era, that would start a New Toon, or TR.
But, if you TR'ed, you would not have access to your TR bank, as that would be 100 years in the past, and in Ebberon, and the rift to FR had been closed, so they could move your stuff to the New FR Era. Only once you return to Ebberon do you get access to your TR bank. (Just like Snowy Side)
This way, some people really could enjoy FR without the taint of Ebberon all over it, the stupid powerful loot gen, the insane amount of magic and abundance thrown all over the place.
This would be old School, This would be Forgotten Realms as players remembered it, when a Flaming sword was cherished, and +1 Full Plate was rocking the scene.
I think this would really revitalize the game for a lot of new players, players who want to give it a go, but don't want to have to try and keep up with the several year vet who is by this point is insanely powerful and has enough raid gear and epic items to bury a small town.
Such is my idea to fix that, to return to the basics, without hurting anyone else's game.
Nothing changes for the existing game, all that is, would be as it is, more content could be added, Ebberon packs, and FR packs, each in their own time.
It would make for a great "expansion" that would feel like an Expansion.