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  1. #1
    Community Member Grizzt14's Avatar
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    Mar 2007

    Default Shadowscale Armor Look Thread

    I haven't seen a thread of what the new Shadowscale Armors looked like so I'll start this one up here. Feel free to post images of any Shadowscale armor/robe/outfit you make to share with the forums.

    Yesterday, I was able to put a Shadowscale Outfit together for my stick build for anyone looking to make one and wondering what it looked like. I gotta say, I'm a little disappointed that the skin is recycled from Black Dragonhide Armor, especially since this is the first Dragonscale Outfit ingame. I've been generally impressed with U21, but Turbine definitely dropped the ball here...

    Degenerate Matter

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  2. #2


    I can post the hide armor later. Just curious though - why is there no smoke around that armor in your screenshot? Or is this just the case in the loginscreen view?
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  3. #3
    Community Member Grizzt14's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eth View Post
    I can post the hide armor later. Just curious though - why is there no smoke around that armor in your screenshot? Or is this just the case in the loginscreen view?
    There is no smoke at all on my outfit in game either, possible bug? (My tier 1 Quarterstaff has no smoke either, but the smoke effect is far too large anyway on weapons.)
    Degenerate Matter

    Shintao Monk Henshin Mystic Mechanic Artificer Tempest

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  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Grizzt14 View Post
    There is no smoke at all on my outfit in game either, possible bug? (My tier 1 Quarterstaff has no smoke either, but the smoke effect is far too large anyway on weapons.)
    Weird. Could you ask other people if they see the smoke on your character when wearing armor/qstaff? Courious if it has to do with certain graphic options...

    Anyway hide armor:

    Loading screen:

    Thelanis - Ethforged - Etherar - Fjirty --- Mitis Mors
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  5. #5
    Hero JOTMON's Avatar
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    The standing in the toxic cloud effect is offensive.
    The shadow effect should have been much tighter to the outfit/items.
    Cant even recognize the players anymore just pockets of clouds where players are standing.

    Please fix this.
    Argo: Degenerate Matter - 200
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  6. #6
    Community Member Horkster's Avatar
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    Default Pigpen?

    Quote Originally Posted by JOTMON View Post
    The standing in the toxic cloud effect is offensive.
    The shadow effect should have been much tighter to the outfit/items.
    Cant even recognize the players anymore just pockets of clouds where players are standing.

    Please fix this.
    Seriously, Turbine? This is not a joke? That image looks like Pigpen from The Peanuts Gang.

    Fix this, please!
    Stavandal - Guild Leader of 'The Silver Legion' of Cannith, a part of Guild Medieval

  7. #7
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    Recycled armor graphics aside.... that smoke effect is ghastly.
    While I appreciate the attempt to make the armors somehow distinctive - the mark was missed on this one.
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  8. #8
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    Yeah it's horrible. Come up with a unique skin and stop rehashing the same skins we've had for years.

    Your art people are obviously super talented. Use them.

  9. #9
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    Does anyone see Plate/Scale Armor?

  10. #10
    Community Member Atremus's Avatar
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    I made the base version of the robe (planned to be the DC version) and it is also just a copy of the Flawless Blackscale from GH. No need to post a picture, we have all seen that before.
    Last edited by Atremus; 03-17-2014 at 12:47 PM.
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  11. #11
    Community Member Dendrix's Avatar
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    I really wanted see the docent, except for the fact that it's stats are worse than gianthold docents.
    So who gives a damm about it?

  12. #12
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    My theory. Since this was a "free" expansion they needed to add some sort of extra revenue piece. That being ****** graphics for gear so people had to buy cosmetic items.
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  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by Horkster View Post
    That image looks like Pigpen from The Peanuts Gang.
    love this comparison
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  14. #14
    Community Member IronClan's Avatar
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    Anyone remember the old Black Dragon leathers (or was it Hide?) from before they added the gold borders and other ugliness to it when they revamped all the armor a couple years ago? I doubt anyone has a screen shot but it was IMO the best looking armor in the game and they ditched it completely for the version we currently get.

    They should dig around in their dataset archives and pull that old version of black scale out, then have an artist who ISN'T THE GUY WITH THE FRINGE/SWIRL FIXATION and have him dress it up a tad.

    The game could really use some cosmetics that don't look like the artist crammed every detail they could into every square inch of the skin.

  15. #15
    Community Member shadowowl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronClan View Post
    Anyone remember the old Black Dragon leathers (or was it Hide?) from before they added the gold borders and other ugliness to it when they revamped all the armor a couple years ago? I doubt anyone has a screen shot but it was IMO the best looking armor in the game and they ditched it completely for the version we currently get.

    They should dig around in their dataset archives and pull that old version of black scale out, then have an artist who ISN'T THE GUY WITH THE FRINGE/SWIRL FIXATION and have him dress it up a tad.

    The game could really use some cosmetics that don't look like the artist crammed every detail they could into every square inch of the skin.
    hmm I'm actually wearing the old black dragonhide right now and it looks the same as the new one to me. i use it for the trap bonsues since the old black is +13 disable and search and ranged alacity+10% i like it better then the new ones for certain builds.
    but i really dont' see any difference in the look though they may have changed the look retroactive though I'm not sure why they would. unless there is an older version of this even further back.

  16. #16
    Community Member relenttless's Avatar
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    Default No smoke effect on outfit?

    I made an outfit for my monk before the smoke effect was toned down, and it has never had a smoke effect on it.

    Today, I made another outfit for another toon and when I put it on still inside the thunderforge it had a slight smoke effect (which I quite liked).

    As soon as I stepped outside the forge the effect disappeared completely and has remained gone, stepping back inside the forge it is still absent.

    Not exactly a game-breaker but I'm thinking outfits might not be WAI
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  17. #17
    Community Member Vanhooger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by relenttless View Post
    I made an outfit for my monk before the smoke effect was toned down, and it has never had a smoke effect on it.

    Today, I made another outfit for another toon and when I put it on still inside the thunderforge it had a slight smoke effect (which I quite liked).

    As soon as I stepped outside the forge the effect disappeared completely and has remained gone, stepping back inside the forge it is still absent.

    Not exactly a game-breaker but I'm thinking outfits might not be WAI
    My shadowscale robe never had any smoke effect, nor my stick, they look ugly(very ugly) for an end game item. Especially the stick, look like a lootegen lvl 0 krothos stick.

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