Was thinking of playing a troll build. Arcane spell caster is most suitable.
Spell choice:
1: obscuring mist: to block sight and give concealment to enemies
1: feather fall: to make people fall more slowly in high falls
2: fog cloud: to give your party members miss chance in an area
2: gust of wind: to blow away area DOTs like wall of fire
3: dispel magic: to dispel buffs of your party members
3: sleet storm: this should be your bread and butter spell. slow and blind your party members.
4: dimension door: cast this in the middle of battles. lol if somebody accidentily clicks on it
4: solid fog: more powerful version of fog cloud
4: charm monster: to make a monster invulnerable for a period of time. most useful in situations where all monsters have to be killed before a door opens.
6: greater dispel magic: more powerful version of dispel magic
6: flesh to stone: give some DR to an enemy
7: greater teleport: gives allies an annoying message box they have to click away. lol if they accidentily click on yes.
8: mass charm monster: more powerful version of charm monster
Summon monster is chosen at each level, to drain mana of the healer hire.
For the rest elemental damage spells are chosen, to heal certain creature types.
Any suggestions on my build?