This is a build I used to run months ago - going to play it again planning under the new gear, and decided to share it with you all.
The Rogue Star is a mainly Rogue based Shuriken build. I haven't searched the forums to see if similar builds exist since this is one I came up with on my own in U-19 pre-tests on Lam (oh how I miss the Ninja Poison on every Shuriken throw), so feel free to suggest any improvements.
Why Rogue Star vs pure Monk Shuricannon?
+ 13d6 more SA die
+ Full trapping abilities
+ Emp Healing for strong Springs/Heals
+ Beguile
+ Improved Uncanny Dodge
+ Venomed Blades on a Halfling
- Ninja Master
- No Fail Reflex (unless you give up Emp Heal for it)
- Grandmaster of Forms (not a big loss)
- Abundant Step
13 Rogue / 6 Monk / 1 Druid - Lawful Neutral Halfling
Strength :: 6 + 5 tome + 8 Augment + 1 True Blood + 2 Ship Buff - 2 Stance + 4 Tenser + 2 INS = 26
Dexterity :: 20 + 5 tome + 7 Levels + 11 item + 4 Insightful + 1 True Blood + 2 Ship Buff + 2 Yugo + 2 Enhancement + 4 Tenser = 56
Constitution :: 12 + 5 tome + 10 item + 4 Insightful + 1 True Blood + 2 Ship Buff + 2 Yugo + 4 Tenser = 40
Intelligence :: 14 + 5 tome + 1 True Blood + 2 Ship Buff = 22
Wisdom :: 16 + 5 tome + 10 item + 3 Insight + 1 True Blood + 2 Ship Buff + 3 Stance + 2 Enhancements + 2 Yugo = 44
Charisma :: 8 + 5 Tome + 8 item + 1 True Blood + 2 Ship Buff + 2 INS = 26
Regarding Tomes: The only "required" tome is a +4 to INT for the purpose of maxing out trapping/UMD/Heal. Less simply would equate to having to sacrifice on your skills. Other stats simply mean drops in DPS/HP.
Skills: (you should be able to max each of these if you're leveling with a +4 INT tome)
Disable Device
Open Lock
(spare points into Balance - or you can put into Balance with spare into Concentration)
Past Lives: Rogue and Ranger have the most application to this build, but getting to 36 points is the bigger key
Leveling order + Feats:
1 Rogue (1) - Point Blank Shot
2 Druid (1)
3 Monk (1) - Rapid Shot; Shuriken Expertise (Monk)
4 Monk (2) - Precision (Monk)
5 Monk (3) - Fists of Light (Monk Path)
6 Monk (4) - Least Dragonmark of Healing
7 Monk (5)
8 Monk (6) - Ten Thousand Stars (Monk)
9 Rogue (2) - Precise Shot
10 Rogue (3)
11 Rogue (4)
12 Rogue (5) - Master of Forms
13 Rogue (6)
14 Rogue (7)
15 Rogue (8) - Improved Critical: Thrown Weapons
16 Rogue (9)
17 Rogue (10) - Improved Evasion (Rogue)
18 Rogue (11) - Improved Precise Shot
19 Rogue (12)
20 Rogue (13) - Opportunist (Rogue)
21 Epic - Improved Sneak Attack
22 Epic
23 Epic
24 Epic - Quick Draw
26 Epic - Epic Spell Power: Positive
27 Epic - Empower Healing Spell
28 Epic - Forced Escape
Feats I wasn't Able to Fit but you could consider changing my feat list for:
- Dodge :: This is definitely a survivability hit as it equates actually to a potentially 5% to 11% (with hit dodge bonuses added) loss. But the freed up AP is also put straight to DPS. So considering you'd have to give up a DPS feat or yet another survival feat for this, an acceptable sacrifice. However if you go Drow (which can spare more feats), take this in a heartbeat.
- Epic Reflexes :: No Fail reflexes is undoubtably nice - however the bonus is minor - 5% - which is why I gave it up (though you can add 10% if you're in the d20 save range). However there are situations where you're making dozens of saves at a time (TOR Blue Dragon, Haunted Halls Moiir, standing in traps to disable) so it's still worthwhile when you can spare it.
- Combat Archery :: Useful, but not a top priority. 1[W] isn't a big deal on a Shuriken, so I don't find a feat worth giving up for the 2% dodge.
- Grandmaster :: This is 1 Wis + 1 Dodge + 1 saves... nice, but with my +5 tome, I don't need the point and the other two is not worth the DPS/Heal sacrifice. However if you only have a +4 tome, this becomes more important.
Season Herald: 2 AP
1 AP - Seasoned
1 AP - Beguile
Assassin: 14 AP
1 AP - Knife in the Darkness
2 AP - Sneak Attack
3 AP - Toxin Affinity
2 AP - Venomed Blades
2 AP - Sneak Attack
2 AP - Sneak Attack
2 AP - Dexterity
Mechanic: 1 AP
1 AP - 5 meter longer SA
Henshin: 8 AP
1 AP - Riddle of Fire
2 AP - Way of the Tortoise
2 AP - Negotiator
3 AP - Contemplation
Ninja Spy: 32 AP
1 AP - Ninja Training
2 AP - Sneak Attack
3 AP - Acrobatic
1 AP - Ninja Training
2 AP - Sneak Attack
3 AP - Agility
1 AP - Shadow Veil
2 AP - Sneak Attack
2 AP - Sting of the Ninja
2 AP - WIS
1 AP - Subtelty
2 AP - Sneak Attack
2 AP - WIS
6 AP - No Mercy
2 AP - Crippling Strike
Shintao: 1 AP
1 AP - Bastion of Purity
Halfling: 20 AP
3 AP - Saves
4 AP - 2 DEX
3 AP - Dragonmark
1 AP - Cunning
2 AP - Dragonmark
2 AP - Leeches
1 AP - Guile
2 AP - Dragonmark
1 AP - Guile
1 AP - Guile
Goggles: Intricate Field Optics WIS +3 :: Green (Blindness Immunity) Colorless (Globe of True Imperial Blood)
Helm: Dragon Masque :: Yellow (SP 250) Colorless (STR +2)
Neck: Necklace of Mystic Eidolons :: Green (Disease Resist +10)
Trinket: Manual of Stealthy Pilfering :: Green (Master's Gift)
Cloak: Adamantine Cloak of the Wolf
Belt: CON 10 of Seeking 10
Gloves: Gauntlets of Immortality :: Yellow (Fear Immunity) Colorless (Vitality +20)
Boots: EE Goatsking Boots Fort 115 :: Green (Poison Resist +10) Colorless (STR 8)
Bracers: Dumathoin's Bracers :: Blue (Golem's Heart)
Armor: Black Dragon Armor :: Blue (False Life +40)
Ring 1: Ring of Deceit :: Yellow (Feather Fall) Colorless (CHA +2)
Ring 2: WIS 10 of Resist 10
Main: Spelltouched
Offhand: Rebellion (improved dec, sneak attack, fort bypass)/Riposte item to swap to when doing traps for saves boost
As you can see, this build has more slots than I know what to do with, so there are some fluff augments. These can be swapped to better ones as new augs come out, replaced with Skill augments, etc. I can list my existing gear setup if needed, but I see no point in having people strive to match the old stuff.