I'd like to see an option to choose an off destiny to level up in, while in a different capped active destiny.
The off destiny would only receive say, 25% of the XP earned. That way you could stay in your preferred Destiny.
I'd like to see an option to choose an off destiny to level up in, while in a different capped active destiny.
The off destiny would only receive say, 25% of the XP earned. That way you could stay in your preferred Destiny.
Orien: Kelerak (42 Lives/23 Epic) Kellraiser (21 Lives/10 Epic)
I do not like how they did EDs, but it would make more sense to me if we could keep a top tier power active from our first destiny... (and something to charge it with if needed.)
Not to keep everything active, but not to have to get rid of an awesome power we just obtained....right before we caped the destiny.
This may not be as easy as your suggestion though... but I do not like the idea of leveling a destiny without being in that destiny.
On a second note, they need to add more stuff to each destiny to make sure every class can benefit from every destiny in some way.
They partially did this, but for many destinies many classes barely gain anything of value.
Here we go again and once again I say no but I did like the suggestion of going across the center of the tree so you could go around some of the destines you would rather avoid.
Beware the Sleepeater
So you get the full power of one destiny, while reaping up the rewards of another that you're not even in? Forget it. You want the benefits from another destiny, go run in it. If you don't want to run in it, you don't get the benefits. Pretty simple, right?
Opposed to yet another repeat of asking for the same easy button.
I disagree with how the OP wants to implement it. Getting off destiny XP on top of regular is too much. I'd think it's more fair for us to be given a choice to earn 100% XP in a destiny of our choice, or be allowed to level an off-destiny while staying in our current destiny at say at the 75% penalty suggested. But not both at the same time.
Asking for this is not an easy button. The system as is is not a challenge, it is a boring long grind. A system that requires you to play more time in a gimped state than in your prefered state is flawed. Running a barb in Magister is not fun and hurts others in group because the character is turned largely into a piker.
We should be able to advance while playing the way we want, not be forced to take 5 steps back in order to be allowed to take 1 step forward. The game is much better when we can take 1 step forward at a time and slowly advance our character without demoralizing peaks and valleys in development.
My DDO youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCd8...q8NOYTOTbzeVnw
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You are the one choosing not to play alts.
Casual player now investing way less than I used to into the game, playing 1-3 months at a time and still want nothing to do with Reaper. #improvepuggrouping#alldifficultiesmatter
Run Impossible Demands at 80% ransack. Still best repeatable XP in the game.
Every destiny you twist in steals some portion of the XP that would be going to your primary destiny, based on how much you're twisting.
You've got to level actually in the destiny you want until you unlock at least enough to twist an ability, but then you can rely solely on the twist XP if you want.
Pfft, easy, no possible negative consequences there!
/sarcasm on
While were at it, I would love to get my heroic past lives in what I consider gimp classes (cleric. rogue, pali) while I level to 20 as a sorc.
/sarcasm off
While this has been discussed many times before today - with options and everything... I'm still inclined to believe that this feature is not needed. (And yes 4 out of 6 of my characters have MAX'd All currently available EDs - No farming of ED XP, but I did use the SAGA XP to bypass)
Now I will admit that it was not always fun in every destiny, but each one I was able to find something to help, some of the help didn't come until later in the destiny such as level 4+.
Strategies I used for leveling:
- Not all of my characters MAX'd out destinies in a single life - This is important as you need just a little less then 2Mil XP per ED, currently with level 28 you need 6.6 million XP, this is 3 EDs+ (or One full Sphere) - Advantage when combined with HTR is being able to set a build that works best for a Destiny Sphere, Advantage with an ETR is that you will be earning that XP anyway and this route means 3 ETRs to complete all 4 Spheres
- Use of Primary ED when you feel the lull or dread - Especially for Raiding difficult content or working for higher setting of SAGA XP
- SAGA XP - Switch over to a destiny you don't want to earn by playing in it. With 6 sagas this can be Approximately 500K XP or Approximately 4 Full Saga Cycles per ED
- Explorer Areas - Save the Explorer Points/Messages and slaying for Off-Destinies - You don't need your best as these are scaled down to the NORMAL setting
- Run quests at lower difficulties such as Epic Normal - Advantage is First time bonus