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  1. #1
    Community Member Clemeit's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Default Update 21- No love for the Barbs

    New to this update, the following Epic Destiny abilities cannot be used while raged:
    *Rejuvenation Cocoon
    *Healing Spring
    And I believe most ironically:
    *Primal Scream
    As well as other 'spell-like' abilities.

    Rejuvenation Cocoon and Healing Spring at the least make sense. I mean, how is a raging barbarian supposed to concentrate enough to heal him/her self with a spell. However, Primal Scream... really? Hah. So a raging barbarian is no longer able to scream at the air gaining a bonus to strength and constitution. That I find most hilarious.

    Good thing I don't have any barbarian toons!

  2. #2
    Community Member FestusHood's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Clemeit View Post
    New to this update, the following Epic Destiny abilities cannot be used while raged:
    *Rejuvenation Cocoon
    *Healing Spring
    And I believe most ironically:
    *Primal Scream
    As well as other 'spell-like' abilities.

    Rejuvenation Cocoon and Healing Spring at the least make sense. I mean, how is a raging barbarian supposed to concentrate enough to heal him/her self with a spell. However, Primal Scream... really? Hah. So a raging barbarian is no longer able to scream at the air gaining a bonus to strength and constitution. That I find most hilarious.

    Good thing I don't have any barbarian toons!
    Rejuvenation cocoon worked before when you were raged? I was under the impression that it didn't.

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