Anyone have a good channel for raiding? I never really bothered with chat channels but i can see the new raids are being organised this way
Anyone have a good channel for raiding? I never really bothered with chat channels but i can see the new raids are being organised this way
I haven't used channels in about 5 years, soory no help here. I have been semi-pugging this lately, but have some spare time and not afraid to use bypass timers.
I would also be interested in a modern chat channel for raids. Many know me on Thelanis as Fizzymadizzy (completionist), Bizzymadizzy or Shizzymadizzy. I am co-leader of my guild that me and a friend of mine started and not interested in leaving to a bigger guild, but would like more access to raid LFMs. By the way I have about 20 completions in each thus far.
Never mind I just signed back up to my old channel and it's still active apparently. I will continue to PUG this in hopes of encouraging new players, but will also use channels for times when I don't have time.