I am probably not the first since it took most of the first day to complete the three different quests. But, I am probably the only one to not actually get my +5 tome. Turbine was nice enough to turn what I was proud to have accomplished and made it a pain. I went to turn in the reward and the quest reward box appeared and low and behold all +5 tomes. Well, I wanted to take a pic, because we all know that pic or it didn't happen. Well, I hit CTRL+Z to remove the UI and the reward shut also. So, I talk to him again and I get the dialog box as if I had chosen my tome. Put a ticket in, and of course, they say they can't fix it, and I should bug report it. But, of course, bug reports don't fix player issues. So, now, I am sure I am going to have to fight with customer support in order to get resolution. Thanks Turbine.