Nice work Eth, will add these in.
Nice work Eth, will add these in.
you need to communicate this information to your GM's. i wish i had the screenshot of a GM telling me that it was working as intended. he then promptly closed my ticket.
if you're not going to fix it, at least let your GM's know that this is NOT working as intended, lest they just start ignoring players who run into this problem.
As previously stated, the Raid should still be completeable in that scenario. "Working as intended" may not be the right terminology, but our current understanding of that bug doesn't require the intervention of a GM to complete the Raid. If you have any further information about this issue that indicates that the Raid is becoming non-completeable without the aid of a GM, please file a bug report and we'd be happy to investigate further.
We had a run yesterday were we took out 5 phylacteries at the same time and didn't get the correct one.
Our second try worked though.
So as we already assumed earlier the phylactery is always in a different portal after each try, which does indeed make the raid progressable even if the phylactery is in the unaccessible room for once.
Thelanis - Ethforged - Etherar - Fjirty --- Mitis Mors
Ghallanda - Ethrayne - Ethryne --- Omnipresence
Youtube channel:
Amazing accomplishment and great guide!
Thank you for sharing.
Thanks man. Now you can lead us through it when I hit your lfms![]()
Just a little thing to add:
The main room for the end fight has spellwards around the middle circle.
These do not respawn at all and therefore should be dealt with right at the start of the endfight.
Thelanis - Ethforged - Etherar - Fjirty --- Mitis Mors
Ghallanda - Ethrayne - Ethryne --- Omnipresence
Youtube channel:
Not yet![]()
Went in mostly blind last night (One person that ran it on ML and one that ran it once on Lam) -- lets just say it didn't exactly go as planned.
Actually going to use some tactics and care a little bit about group composition, and go for it again tonight. Its actually nice to have content that requires you to step back, think, and plan a bit again.
Last edited by blackdoguk; 03-13-2014 at 01:04 PM.
Figured out the North puzzle in the second puzzle room tonight and have christened it the "Shadow Tower." This will be going in the guide soon and isn't as tough as gravity/red green in my opinion.
Also ran into an issue which prevented players from looting. I've posted this in the guide but will put it here again for visibility.
Warning We ran into an issue tonight where a player was dead in a phylactery portal after the endfight. The dragon had died and there was no more shadows to port back to him. Even after completion his stone was stuck there, and although on that occasion a GM fixed the issue we were advised that this would not always be the case.If you have someone dead on the shadow side you must retrieve them by killing more shadows and porting back before you down the dragon for the final time.
This could be fixed by having shadows spawn after the raid completes or by coding soul stones back to the chest area upon completion - either doesn't sound too hard and I don't think the devs intended people to be left out (even if their groups did forget they were on another realm of existence....)
Ran my first blind pug of this tonight with mostly unknowns (think I saw a troll in there...) Took an hour and a half, wasn't a particularly smooth run. I did get frustrated at one point and send some stragglers through red/green to watch them all die. Felt a little bad but it was definitely my best U21 moment so far![]()
Last edited by blackdoguk; 03-14-2014 at 10:55 AM.
What might be the best way to contribute as melee for dragon dps ?
EH, even with tank, trying to be on its side between its legs, it felt like too much damage and strain on sp, mostly byoh EH run.
There was almost always that red named Bonelord or whatever it's called up, so just tried to Furyshot/manyshot the drake every time.
Better way to approach it as melee ?
Otherwise trash much easier than I thought for EH, so major pot or two for self healing melee enough.
Shahang (hjealme), Wipekin (kotc), Nezhat (barbie) Ghallanda/Devourer
DPS the bone boys (Khjuldargs?) is a waste of time, they just respawn back to 5.
As a melee your primary role should be dealing with the deathlords and trash.
On EH you're right. That's something a single blitzer can do without any problems.
On EE it's a different game. We rarely had more than 2 people DPSing the dragon at a time and people would usually just dump their manyshot into the dragon then go back to trash. We just barely had enough DPS to keep the dragonlord count down.
For meleeing the dragon - your positioning sounds about right.
But it's like with all dragons currently - if you are not a properly built tank you will have problems meleeing them.
Thelanis - Ethforged - Etherar - Fjirty --- Mitis Mors
Ghallanda - Ethrayne - Ethryne --- Omnipresence
Youtube channel:
Oh sorry I meant those dragon necromancer guys, we had Barba kiting the Bonedude, and Wounds tanking the drake ( and thank God for that, we got terrible lag and he was only one standing at one point while we all died on the Shadow side ).
I took out huge amount of trash and tried focusing on those Necromancers but except the manyshot on drake, meleeing seemed like really not effective ( and sp costly ) in HEAVY ranged group ( and many first timers I think).
Shahang (hjealme), Wipekin (kotc), Nezhat (barbie) Ghallanda/Devourer
In general I take DPS dragon to mean kill Dragon Disciples and when they are all dead or thereabouts I'd be tossing your burst/whatever you can into the dragon. Any time I say that in the guide that what I'm meaning.
I was experimenting with standing at an angle off of her hind legs, but to be honest on EE its a stretch simply not being overrun by Disciples and i rarely found myself with time to manyshot her much less charge into melee. Like FoT and the Fire Peak raid your main concern isn't really dpsing the boss but dealing with the trash and various other threats. The time it takes to deal with these will most likely be the limiting factor so long as the party ins't entirely piking.The window where full party dps will be on dragon is only a few seconds or so, so communication with your arcanes/manyshotters is crucial.
You are stealthy Encair as i had no idea we were grouping together... :P
Dwarf executioner puzzle is L, R, R, R, 2nd portal from left, Jump
Thelanis - Ethforged - Etherar - Fjirty --- Mitis Mors
Ghallanda - Ethrayne - Ethryne --- Omnipresence
Youtube channel:
Interesting. As Eth says when we tested this the solution wasn't static, but I haven't done so on live. Have you done multiple runs with this solution? Get back to me if you see this solution pop up again.
I've updated the jumping puzzle guide a bit, this was causing some frustration in the pugs I've ran in, which I guess is to be expected at the start. No video footage yet of the "no boots" method but there is a description on what you're trying to do.
Also put in a guide to the "Shadow Tower" which we hadn't yet figured out. I still think gravity is the most efficient resource wise to do at the second puzzle stage, but once you do complete the Tower you have a super easy path to endfight, especially if this is paired with jump as a first stage puzzle.
Just a note. The toughest puzzle in this raid appears to be the LAG puzzle that you sometimes encounter. Mostly when you get a few shadows attacking one person and trying to "move" phasing in and out and in and on top of each other - their scripts kill all server cycles and freeze everyone in the instance. I've seen this 3 or 4 times. Whenever the final person who has aggro of the shadows dies, ddoors, jumps down, the instance returns back to normal playable levels. This isn't a DA thing as in 2 of the cases we had few mobs on the non-shadow side and just the 4-5 shadows attacking on the other side. Devs need to replace shadows with ghosts or wraiths until they can fix the phasing/movement scripts of the shadows.
Worst location to encounter this is the first port to the Shadow phylactery portion. All the shadows hone in on the people porting in and if they get script bugged then things go to **** for everyone in the raid. Suggestion is to either have a decisive AOE'er or not allow shadows to group on top of each other - especially seems to happen if they're phasing on each other and near a wall/barrier they can't move through.
Edit: A guildy noted that what may be happening is once any DA is upped that mobs from the rest of the raid "wakeup" and cause the extreme lag. Making sure you kill all the spawned mobs after completing each light puzzle (which stops new ones spawning I believe) helps with cutting off the no-movement lag towards the end of the raid.
Last edited by Gratch; 03-20-2014 at 08:54 PM.
Casual DDOaholic