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I'm not saying that a guild leader is irrelevant, but it's not required to do what it sounds like you want to do. If you find someone that wants to sell you a guild, that's fine, but if it isn't a shell, and has people in it, well...how much do you want to part of a group that was led by such a mercenary figure? Besides, if someone were to sell you their guild, I'd wager that the guild is probably not in good standing with the rest of the community on the server.
For instance, there have been several large guilds on Khyber in the past (including one very large, rather notorious guild) that were known for basically trolling Korthos for new members, had no real structure, quality control, or unifying identity or purpose, and players from those guilds were by and large considered downright awful to group with and were avoided. I'm sure some individual players may have been worthwhile to group with, maybe even great people and good players, but because they displayed a certain guild's name, were declined from groups. One of those guilds collapsed on itself after a time (I think it was up around level 80). Would you want to buy something like that, only to have to spend a good deal of time and effort fighting against the stigma attached to that guild name? Sure, names can be rehabilitated, but it's an uphill battle.