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  1. #101
    Developer Vargouille's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LordTigerDawn View Post
    For example, Moved renewal to tier 3
    Renewal was already tier 3. It's just in a different tree.

    Not sure about the brace for impact change, current is 2 tiers, but it shows 3 on the diagram.
    This is a typo, please ignore. No change to Brace for Impact.

  2. #102
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    Quote Originally Posted by EllisDee37 View Post
    Paladins get no doublestrike from divine crusader. Speaking of which, what's the logic behind that one, devs? Is this another example of the devs' pally hate that caused divine might to not stack with insightful strength items?

    I can't stress this enough: LD gives +250% damage on every swing for the entire quest.
    Actually when you start to factor in things like Combat Brute, Improved Power Attack, Critical Damage, Advancing Blows, ... It actually give more than 250%.

    Now if you could somehow measure the actual total DPS of build in Legendary Dreadnought and compare it to the same build in Divine Crusader I believe there would be some cases where each would win with the scenario I proposed. Key factor is how many mobs are in the Divine Crusader auras combined with how many mobs are hit with each Celestial Bombardment and how often Celestial Bombardment can be cast.

    I will concede that in a 1 on 1 fight, the Dreadnought will always do more damage.

    Consider however a large dense pack of mobs - the Dreadnought has to bring them down one at a time having very limited AOE enhancements (really only Lay Waste).

    The Crusader on the other hand can call a Celestial Bombardment every 30 seconds doing 3d6 fire per character level (no save according to existing description) with a chance to knock down. At level 25 that is average 262 base damage * at least 130 spell power from destiny (100 form Wrath of the Righteous and 30 from Flames of Purity) equals about 600 average damage per mob per cast not considering criticals or other sources of fire spell power.

    The Crusader get Castigation and Consecration damage for free as well every 3 seconds.

    Consecration doing 1d6 damage per level and affected by fire spell power, again at level 25 using only the 130 fire power works out to be about 200 damage per tick per mob.

    Castigation Non-bosses take damage equal to 1% of their health for each stack of Purification they have is much harder to figure put can be quite significant. Consider a 2500 hit point mob with 1 stack would be hit for 25hp, however the same 2500hp mob with 25 stacks would be hit for 625hp. Considering that stacks get added fairly easily this could end up being a significant amount of damage.

    Now add in the 10% increase in party damage with a full party in the aura and the Crusader is contributing a good amount of DPS before even making an active attack. That 10% increase in party damage can be very significant. Consider a Crusader and a Dreadnought running together. Both can do max contribution becasue the Dreadnought can take all the kills and the Crusader 10% increase is an effective 25% increase to the Dreadnought base damage. So if the Dreadnought runs with a Crusader with full blitz the Dreadnought is effectively doing 275% base damage. Consider now what that 10% party increase does to bust damage and I think you will see that a Crusader can very effectively add to the party.

    This brings up a couple more key points with Crusader that I really appreciate:

    - Helps to make Defensive Oriented / Weapon and Shield (Paladin) builds useful
    - Actually gets more powerful with each Character Level

    Can't speak to the double strike point, but I do think there is a good bit of Paladin love in this destiny if you look for it. The destiny really favors the marathon runner over the sprinter so the Paladin - "I'll stand and fight as long as it takes to win because you can't kill me" mentality really pays off with the aura and spell damage - especially when fighting multiple mobs - in a party. The other melee destinies don't have this at all.

  3. #103


    Quote Originally Posted by Wongar View Post
    Actually when you start to factor in things like Combat Brute, Improved Power Attack, Critical Damage, Advancing Blows, ... It actually give more than 250%.

    Now if you could somehow measure the actual total DPS of build in Legendary Dreadnought and compare it to the same build in Divine Crusader I believe there would be some cases where each would win with the scenario I proposed. Key factor is how many mobs are in the Divine Crusader auras combined with how many mobs are hit with each Celestial Bombardment and how often Celestial Bombardment can be cast.

    I will concede that in a 1 on 1 fight, the Dreadnought will always do more damage.

    Consider however a large dense pack of mobs - the Dreadnought has to bring them down one at a time having very limited AOE enhancements (really only Lay Waste).

    The Crusader on the other hand can call a Celestial Bombardment every 30 seconds doing 3d6 fire per character level (no save according to existing description) with a chance to knock down. At level 25 that is average 262 base damage * at least 130 spell power from destiny (100 form Wrath of the Righteous and 30 from Flames of Purity) equals about 600 average damage per mob per cast not considering criticals or other sources of fire spell power.
    600 damage on every mob in a group once every 30 seconds is pretty poor compared to a a blitzer, who will be spamming both cleave and great cleave every 5 seconds. That's 12 AOE melee attacks during that same 30 seconds.

    My dps paladin is about as gimp as gimp gets in terms of base damage dps, and he does 250 per swing base damage, non-crit (500 on crits) while blitzing. So that's 12x250 = 3000 damage on the group of mobs in that 30 seconds from cleaves alone, assuming no crits at all. This is even ignoring that I crit on a 15-20. (Soon to improve that from 15-20x2 to 13-20x3 when I switch to sireth next life.)

    Nothing in this destiny will do anything remotely close to what blitz alone does.

  4. #104
    2015 DDO Players Council Sebastrd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    Please let us know what would make the choice an actual meaningful choice, or at least a different choice for different characters. The goal is to present additional choice, not reduce it. What are some possible costs and cooldowns should Divine Wrath, Reborn in Light, and Sunbolt have to be equally viable choices? Hopefully such numbers exist. (We of course mostly expect some ratios and reasoning why some numbers should be one thing in relation to another. If most players agree on the ratios we can try to make the absolute values work out.)

    We do recognize that some particular builds or players will always want to go one way or another. Players who want more AoE healing are likely to keep using Divine Wrath, solo players may be more likely to use Reborn in Light, and pure Light DPS players will of course want Sun Bolt. This is fine and useful, even if some of these build types or player types are more popular right now. We want to support minority builds and players as well. Of course, minority builds and players can become popular when they get support. (Some players may remember at least one developer saying that we were trying to ensure ranged viability, not so many years ago when ranged was generally considered almost strictly inferior to melee or casting. Some might also mention being victims of our own success.)
    Since they are all Tier 6 abilities, I suggest:

    • Sunbolt: I recommend an SP cost of 3-6 SP, similar to Avenging Light, and a cooldown of 6 seconds, similar to the Searing Light SLA. Anything more and it just isn't worth it, especially considering the number of dangerous evasion mobs in epic levels.
    • Divine Wrath: It really ought to be comparable in power to Energy Burst. I think the same spell point cost and cooldown coupled with similar damage split between healing/light damage is about right. Quicken is an absolute must to make it useful. Also, allow it to target self.
    • Reborn in Light: Further reduce the cooldown to five minutes.
    Astreya the Unturning

    It's always a shame when the hammer of poor design choices smashes the fun of player tactical adaptation.

  5. #105
    2017 DDO Players Council Starla70's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    Renewal was already tier 3. It's just in a different tree.

    This is a typo, please ignore. No change to Brace for Impact.
    Which is my point, none of the 4 clerics I have now will get to that tier 3 in the new group. So one of my favorite abilities is going to be worthless to me.

  6. #106
    Community Member sollor's Avatar
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    Default Unyielding Sentinel need an atk

    Taking Confront Any Foe out of the tree levees this tree with no atks.
    Threat Madagascan does not count. (Intolerant Blow)

    make something to do with the Deity Feats may make them more point full.
    Last edited by sollor; 03-07-2014 at 07:08 PM.

  7. #107
    Community Member Antheal's Avatar
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    So no healing-based destiny?

    Guess I'll have to start referring to it as "Beacon of Nope".
    Those are not pebbles surrounding the urn filled with Human teeth. They are megaliths!

  8. #108
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    Quote Originally Posted by EllisDee37 View Post
    600 damage on every mob in a group once every 30 seconds is pretty poor compared to a a blitzer, who will be spamming both cleave and great cleave every 5 seconds. That's 12 AOE melee attacks during that same 30 seconds.

    My dps paladin is about as gimp as gimp gets in terms of base damage dps, and he does 250 per swing base damage, non-crit (500 on crits) while blitzing. So that's 12x250 = 3000 damage on the group of mobs in that 30 seconds from cleaves alone, assuming no crits at all. This is even ignoring that I crit on a 15-20. (Soon to improve that from 15-20x2 to 13-20x3 when I switch to sireth next life.)

    Nothing in this destiny will do anything remotely close to what blitz alone does.
    So lets consider everything in your 30 second example:

    Your Blitzer 3000 damage per mob in group (assuming you actually hit every mob with every swing - most cleaves are not 360)

    Assume Crusader with max damage is about 65% of blitzer with max damage and each mob has an average of 2500Hp and 5 stacks for Castigation.
    Then in that 30seconds every mob cleaved takes 3000 * .65 = 1950 damage
    Consecration ticks 10 times: 10 * 200 = 2000 damage
    Castigation ticks 10 times for about 1000 damage (accounting for reduced hp each tick)
    Celestial Bombardment hits for 600
    Total for Crusader: 5550 per mob over that same time frame

    Now this is an unrealistic scenario in that it is unlikely that a blitzer will have a pack of mobs around them in the cleave arc because they are usually running from mob to mob. My Paladin on the other hand can easily group up a large bunch of mobs on Epic Hard and below and often takes more than 30 seconds to take them all down so play style will have a huge impact on how effective Crusader is.

    Granted that the Blitzer will do more damage to the mob in front of them and a for higher DPS build the difference will not be so great - but for a Paladin who can group mobs Crusader seems better to me. On the other hand, 1 on 1 or 1 on 2 encounters where the mobs fall in a few seconds and the Crusader ticks never really get going, the Blitzer will destroy the Crusader.

  9. #109
    Community Member ninjamonkey373's Avatar
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    Would you consider allowing renewal to be self targeted if twisted? That way we could have self healing more reliable than the rejuvenation cocoon, which is removed with one hit from an EE mob.
    "Flexo" on the Cannith server (and many others).
    What would happen if Pinocchio said "my nose will now grow because I said this."?
    If actions speak louder than words, why is the pen mightier than the sword?

  10. #110
    2017 DDO Players Council Starla70's Avatar
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    Maybe that is really my whole issue with all these changes, there is no real healing major destiny. It is all a splash of this and a splash of that. Is it impossible to make one just for those of us that want to be healer based?

  11. #111
    Community Member Vellrad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Antheal View Post
    So no healing-based destiny?

    Guess I'll have to start referring to it as "Beacon of Nope".
    Why do you need hjealbot destiny?

    All you need to heal is heal spell, quicken, empower healing, mass cure critical and cocoon, and you can hjeal anything in game.
    Quote Originally Posted by Originally Posted by Random Person #2 View Post
    People who exploit bugs in code are cheaters cheaters cheaters. And they are big fat ****yheads too.

  12. #112
    Community Member bennyson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ninjamonkey373 View Post
    Would you consider allowing renewal to be self targeted if twisted?
    I got an answer towards you ninjamonkey


    Monchers are overpowered as it is with their Cocoon twist, allowing Renewal as a self-healing twist will further make them overpowered.

    Keep Renewal as it is, this decision is balanced in terms of gameplay.

  13. #113
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    Given infinite time and resources, we'd probably like to add a melee arcane option as well, given certain Artificer builds and Eldritch Knight, even though the most popular arcane builds are focused on spellcasting.
    rather then yet another melee centered destiny, I would really like to see a ranged destiny in the arcane sphere. I would also like to see a ranged destiny in the divine sphere and martial sphere, and a caster / healing destiny in the primal sphere.

  14. #114


    Quote Originally Posted by Wongar View Post
    Assume Crusader with max damage is about 65% of blitzer
    How do you figure? As written in the OP, the wrather gets 200% damage compared to 350% blitzer. That's 57%, and you only get 57% for 3 seconds. It just goes downhill from there.

    Now this is an unrealistic scenario in that it is unlikely that a blitzer will have a pack of mobs around them in the cleave arc because they are usually running from mob to mob. My Paladin on the other hand can easily group up a large bunch of mobs on Epic Hard and below and often takes more than 30 seconds to take them all down so play style will have a huge impact on how effective Crusader is.

    Granted that the Blitzer will do more damage to the mob in front of them and a for higher DPS build the difference will not be so great - but for a Paladin who can group mobs Crusader seems better to me. On the other hand, 1 on 1 or 1 on 2 encounters where the mobs fall in a few seconds and the Crusader ticks never really get going, the Blitzer will destroy the Crusader.
    Why does your divine crusader get to group mobs up for an AOE attack while my blitzer does not? I'm not following the logic.

    This is also ignoring crits, which I specifically didn't include in my numbers. Crits favor blitzers even further because it's base damage.

  15. #115
    2017 DDO Players Council Starla70's Avatar
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    That might be how you run your healers, not the way I like to run my clerics. The people I tend to run with have a balanced party and each person has a job. Yes, I know that many now like to be a party unto themselves. That is not how many of the people I run with like to do it.

  16. #116
    2014 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by Starla70 View Post
    Maybe that is really my whole issue with all these changes, there is no real healing major destiny. It is all a splash of this and a splash of that. Is it impossible to make one just for those of us that want to be healer based?
    Under this proposal, Unyielding Sentinel is the healing destiny. So what's the problem?

  17. #117
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    Quote Originally Posted by EllisDee37 View Post
    How do you figure? As written in the OP, the wrather gets 200% damage compared to 350% blitzer. That's 57%, and you only get 57% for 3 seconds. It just goes downhill from there.

    Why does your divine crusader get to group mobs up for an AOE attack while my blitzer does not? I'm not following the logic.

    This is also ignoring crits, which I specifically didn't include in my numbers. Crits favor blitzers even further because it's base damage.
    If you read my original post that you quoted you will see the answer to your first question. I accounted for an additional 30% damage from other enhancements in the destiny and I was suggesting that Wrath of the Righteous be changed to make it possible to keep 100%.

    As for playstyle - there is nothing keeping you from grouping mobs with the Blitzer. It's just that when I play in Blitz I don't usually take the time to group mobs so that's how I looked at it. As I said playstyle dependent.

    Unless you are using a weapon specific enhancement on the Blitzer, crits will not make much difference as we are talking about a % of damage to simplify the math.

  18. #118
    Community Member ninjamonkey373's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bennyson View Post
    I got an answer towards you ninjamonkey


    Monchers are overpowered as it is with their Cocoon twist, allowing Renewal as a self-healing twist will further make them overpowered.

    Keep Renewal as it is, this decision is balanced in terms of gameplay.
    I'm not disagreeing that monkchers are overpowered, but if that is the case, wouldn't it be more logical to balance monkcher builds to be more in line with other builds using things unique to monkchers, rather than things that would also affect all other builds that rely on rejuvenation cocoon for healing?
    "Flexo" on the Cannith server (and many others).
    What would happen if Pinocchio said "my nose will now grow because I said this."?
    If actions speak louder than words, why is the pen mightier than the sword?

  19. #119
    Community Member Simonhook's Avatar
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    Default Absolutely No!

    Most of the new changes to Unyielding Sentinel I can live with, but one should be changed.

    -Commanding Presence: +50/100/150% Threat Generation (melee, ranged, magic)

    This should not be allowed for ranged and magic. They do enough damage, that makes melees having to chase.
    Last edited by Simonhook; 03-07-2014 at 09:54 PM.

  20. #120
    The Hatchery Correlan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Simonhook View Post
    Most of the new changes to Unyielding Sentinel I can live with, but one should be changed.

    -Commanding Presence: +50/100/150% Threat Generation (melee, ranged, magic)

    This should not be allowed for ranged and magic. They do enough damage, that requires melees to chase mobs.
    Why should it not be allowed for ranged and magic? Tanks should be able to grab aggro with ranged weapons too, and caster tanks should be able to grab aggro with magic. I don't think it should be changed, you'd be taking away something useful for several minority builds.
    Quote Originally Posted by Steelstar View Post
    Very soon.............ish.™

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