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  1. #1
    Community Member Healemup's Avatar
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    Feb 2006

    Default Cannith Challenge Favor - Looking for interested party members

    OK, so I am determined to eek out a few more favor points. Currently, I am 13 short of max for the challenges. I still believe that 4 are impossible (shortcuts orthon coutner doesn't appear to work). And that 4 more may also be impossible (all larges full upgraded) in Disruptor, but I am willing to try to work towards that one.

    So, I have the following to do:

    Colossal Crystals EPIC - I have this to 4 stars and really should have this done to 6, but one time we had 11 kobolds revived with the 12th literally sitting within a spell radius from the foreman, but didn't get it picked up and turned-in in time. So, I have no doubt this is doable with the right group and rightmap.

    Disruptor - I was able to solo level 8 to 4 stars, so I am confident that this can be replicated with a full group on level 20. The hardest part of this is getting the skelly to spawn at the right time and in my particular case not killing him too soon as he was easily one shot on level 8...

    Disruptor EPIC - I was unable to get to the quota when soloing this one and trying to do the other criteria. I believe this is also possible with the right group. It may or may not be easier with only 4 people instead of 6, but time will tell. The scaling makes the turrets less effective, but if the group is capable it shouldn't be an issue.

    Short Cuts - Gotten 3 stars on this more times than I care to count. It can be done to 4 just needs a good group.

    Short Cuts EPIC - Literally 10 seconds away from 4 starring this (and 6 starring if the Orthon counter would have worked). Had an AWESOME group. Everything was going along just right, but one of the smalls fell when the counter was at 1:50 for the "Maintain an extraction rate of 12 Shards per second for 2 minutes". And we didn't know that it had to be a consecutive 2 minutes. We still had about 30 seconds left and had it over the rate for more than 2 minutes in the whole of the quest, so was very disappionted when it didn't count.


    I think I'll have a guildie helping as well.

    Looking for 4 more folks willing to bang these out. It may take MANY tries, but I think with some persistance and everyone learning their role, they can be done. Wanting to run these around 10 PM - Midnight Central US time.

    I am running Favorhor (currently level 24 favored soul with all max destinies) I can have the Enhancement to charm the undead that will help in Disruptor. I am at 4961 favor (still looking to do CITW Elite also, but that is a different topic).
    Guildie will be on a Ranger/Fighter/Rogue that can more than hold his own on anything he is needed to do.

    Who's with us?
    Favorhor, Rangedeath, Inthedark, Healemup, Axaleal, Hackemlow, Singasong, Intheback

  2. #2
    The Hatchery CThruTheEgo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    I'd love to knock these out on Dubbell O'Seven. I *might* be on at that time, but not 100% certain. I'll look for you if I am. If I am on and forget about it, the only alts I play are in my sig so just send me a tell and I'll come join ya.
    Unarmed monk guide with builds|The Arcane Warrior: wiz/fighter hybrids|White Feather Sniper: CC/dps focused deepwood stalker|The Divine Cuisinart: divine crusader tempest|The Count of Monte Cristo: swashbuckler|Hassan's Assassin: dex assassin|Dubbell O'Seven: WF artificer|Santa's Little Slayer: dragonmarked elf centered kensai

  3. #3
    Community Member Healemup's Avatar
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    Feb 2006

    Default Update

    Short Cuts - CR20 done to 4 stars (would have been 6 had the orthon counter worked).

    Last night, the 4 spots were PUG, so if you are interested in being part of a static effort, let me know. Without a static portion besides the two of us, it may not be a nightly activity. It takes a little prodding to get my guildie to want to help. Although, he is looking to get 5,000 when the update hits.
    Favorhor, Rangedeath, Inthedark, Healemup, Axaleal, Hackemlow, Singasong, Intheback

  4. #4
    The Hatchery CThruTheEgo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Healemup View Post
    Last night, the 4 spots were PUG, so if you are interested in being part of a static effort, let me know. Without a static portion besides the two of us, it may not be a nightly activity. It takes a little prodding to get my guildie to want to help. Although, he is looking to get 5,000 when the update hits.
    I was on last night until about 10:30 central, then had to log off. My playtime is somewhat random so I can't commit to a static effort. But I'm always interested in doing these so feel free to look me up whenever you do run them. I'll be glad to join you if I'm on.
    Unarmed monk guide with builds|The Arcane Warrior: wiz/fighter hybrids|White Feather Sniper: CC/dps focused deepwood stalker|The Divine Cuisinart: divine crusader tempest|The Count of Monte Cristo: swashbuckler|Hassan's Assassin: dex assassin|Dubbell O'Seven: WF artificer|Santa's Little Slayer: dragonmarked elf centered kensai

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