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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Having problems with Shadowdancer and Unyielding Sentinel...

    I have two questions relating to two epic destinies possessed by some of my epic characters.

    I have a 25 paladin with unyielding sentinel maxed. I'm currently at rank 17 (level 4) in Exalted Angel. I have maxed Unyielding Sentinel, including putting points in all six tiers of constitution. I just opened up my second twist of fate and i wanted to stick my tier 1 constitution in there to boost my HP. Unfortunately, on the list of abilities, only tier 4 constitution is shown. Tiers 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6 are not on the list, despite having points in them. At first i thought maybe you couldn't stick stat increases into fate slots, but then i noticed that while i was in Unyielding, i *COULD* put the charisma bonuses from Exalted Angel into twists.

    I did a little research but couldn't find anything to tell me whether this was WAI or not. Does anyone have any input?

    TL;DR - I just want to put the Tier 1 +1 constitution bonus from Unyielding in my twist, but only tier 4 shows up on the list

    Second question:
    My level 23 rogue3/fghtr17/Shadowdancer doesn't appear to be gaining any shadow charges from Shrouded Strike. I've seen no change in stats (someone told me to check my dodge % and see if it was going up), abilities, or the DC of executioner's strike. I have tested multiple times and confirmed that enemies are receiving the mark and then getting killed within the time allotment, but if i am receiving shadow charges from the kill, i don't see them. I receive no buffs, no notifications, and nothing appears in the text box.

    On a related note, is Reed in the Wind bugged? It says that i get a 9% insight bonus to dodge on a successful attack, but my dodge only increases by 3% when the ability procs. I have checked and, if i have any other dodge insight bonuses from items or abilities, they're certainly dodging my notice (hahahah? Ha? eh? eh?). Yes, i chose the correct shrouding strike (melee).

    TL;DR - where do i see how many shadow charges i have received from killing enemies marked by Shrouding Strike.
    Last edited by Inoctus; 03-05-2014 at 05:01 PM. Reason: Edited for clarification

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Inoctus View Post
    I have two questions relating to two epic destinies possessed by some of my epic characters.

    I have a 25 paladin with unyielding sentinel maxed. I'm currently at rank 17 (level 4) in Exalted Angel. I just opened up my second twist of fate and i wanted to stick my tier 1 constitution in there to boost my HP. Unfortunately, on the list of abilities, only tier 4 constitution is shown. Tiers 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6 are not on the list. At first i thought maybe you couldn't stick stat increases into fate slots, but then i noticed that while i was in Unyielding, i *COULD* put the charisma icons into twists.

    I did a little research but couldn't find anything to tell me whether this was WAI or not. Does anyone have any input?

    TL;DR - I just want to put the Tier 1 +1 constitution passive in my twist, but only tier 4 shows up on the list

    Second question:
    My level 23 rogue3/fghtr17/Shadowdancer doesn't appear to be gaining any shadow charges from Shrouded Strike. I've seen no change in stats (someone told me to check my dodge % and see if it was going up), abilities, or the DC of executioner's strike. I have tested multiple times and confirmed that enemies are receiving the mark and then getting killed within the time allotment, but if i am receiving shadow charges from the kill, i don't see them. I receive no buffs, no notifications, and nothing appears in the text box.

    On a related note, is Reed in the Wind bugged? It says that i get a 9% insight bonus to dodge on a successful attack, but my dodge only increases by 3% when the ability procs. I have checked and, if i have any other dodge insight bonuses from items or abilities, they're certainly dodging my notice (hahahah? Ha? eh? eh?). Yes, i chose the correct shrouding strike (melee).

    TL;DR - where do i see how many shadow charges i have received from killing enemies marked by Shrouding Strike.
    That's the way twists work. You change your destiny into one you want the twist from. There you can choose from one of the abilites you already "bought" in that destiny. If you got only lvl 4 con in sentinel, that's the only con you can twist. You can reset the destiny and respend points to gain access to the twists you want.

    Shadow charges have been buged from the start LINK. You can check how many you have by dragging any ability that uses shadow charges on your hotbar; like with everything in the game, should have a number of uses in the bottom corner.
    Last edited by PrimalConcreteSledge; 03-05-2014 at 03:12 AM.
    NESALOMLJIVI, Thelanis

  3. #3
    Community Member Munkenmo's Avatar
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    Click the show all box just above your twists.

    If you're in exalted angel you can only twist abilities in from other inactive destinies, you cannot use twists to double up abilities within a tree.

    For you to use +1 con as a tier 1 twist, youll need to have +1 con as a tier 1 ability in unyielding.

    The previous poster is correct about shrouding strike, its bugged.

  4. #4
    Ice Drakeling digital_terror1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Inoctus View Post
    I have two questions relating to two epic destinies possessed by some of my epic characters.

    I have a 25 paladin with unyielding sentinel maxed. I'm currently at rank 17 (level 4) in Exalted Angel. I just opened up my second twist of fate and i wanted to stick my tier 1 constitution in there to boost my HP. Unfortunately, on the list of abilities, only tier 4 constitution is shown. Tiers 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6 are not on the list. At first i thought maybe you couldn't stick stat increases into fate slots, but then i noticed that while i was in Unyielding, i *COULD* put the charisma icons into twists.

    I did a little research but couldn't find anything to tell me whether this was WAI or not. Does anyone have any input?

    TL;DR - I just want to put the Tier 1 +1 constitution passive in my twist, but only tier 4 shows up on the list

    Second question:
    My level 23 rogue3/fghtr17/Shadowdancer doesn't appear to be gaining any shadow charges from Shrouded Strike. I've seen no change in stats (someone told me to check my dodge % and see if it was going up), abilities, or the DC of executioner's strike. I have tested multiple times and confirmed that enemies are receiving the mark and then getting killed within the time allotment, but if i am receiving shadow charges from the kill, i don't see them. I receive no buffs, no notifications, and nothing appears in the text box.

    On a related note, is Reed in the Wind bugged? It says that i get a 9% insight bonus to dodge on a successful attack, but my dodge only increases by 3% when the ability procs. I have checked and, if i have any other dodge insight bonuses from items or abilities, they're certainly dodging my notice (hahahah? Ha? eh? eh?). Yes, i chose the correct shrouding strike (melee).

    TL;DR - where do i see how many shadow charges i have received from killing enemies marked by Shrouding Strike.
    If you're only seeing the tier 4 constitution boost, then that means that you didn't put any points into tier 1, 2, 3, 5, or 6.

    As for how to see shadow charges, you need an ability that uses those shadow charges on a hotbar somewhere. The # of times you can use those abilities is the quantity of shadow charges you have.

  5. #5
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    I was very tired when i posted the original message. I've added some clarification (which i will reiterate here)

    I have all six constitution unlocked in my Unyielding Sentinel tree. The menu to the right (from which i drag and drop my twists) only shows tier four. I'll post some screenshots so you guys can see what i'm seeing.

    There is my ED window with Unyielding Sentinel selected as my active ED. In the right hand menu, only tier four of constitution shows up, even though you can see i have all six constitution unlocked. When i have Unyielding active, those unlocked con are reflected in my character sheet, so they're definitely being applied, and they're definitely active. However, their absence from the right hand menu (except for tier 4) means that i cannot drag and drop them into my Twists. If i switch to Exalted Angel, the tiers of CHA that i have unlocked all show up in the sidebar, so why not Con?

  6. #6
    2015 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by Inoctus View Post
    I was very tired when i posted the original message. I've added some clarification (which i will reiterate here)

    I have all six constitution unlocked in my Unyielding Sentinel tree. The menu to the right (from which i drag and drop my twists) only shows tier four. I'll post some screenshots so you guys can see what i'm seeing.

    There is my ED window with Unyielding Sentinel selected as my active ED. In the right hand menu, only tier four of constitution shows up, even though you can see i have all six constitution unlocked. When i have Unyielding active, those unlocked con are reflected in my character sheet, so they're definitely being applied, and they're definitely active. However, their absence from the right hand menu (except for tier 4) means that i cannot drag and drop them into my Twists. If i switch to Exalted Angel, the tiers of CHA that i have unlocked all show up in the sidebar, so why not Con?
    I'm not sure why they are not showing up, have you tried clicking "show all" to see if they show up then?

  7. #7
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    Yes, Show all shows the enhancements from the tree that isn't currently active, but tiers 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6 of Unyielding Sentinel Con are still absent.

  8. #8
    The Hatchery Sardonica's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Inoctus View Post
    TL;DR - I just want to put the Tier 1 +1 constitution bonus from Unyielding in my twist, but only tier 4 shows up on the list
    I think I have had this problem (when I was first starting my destiny journey) and I think I have a workaround. Yes, it is annoying that whenever you are in a different destiny and "show all" shows only the highest tier stats show from other destinies. But the current destiny shows all the stat tiers you have in it. So make US your active destiny, twist from there, then change back to EA.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    Gotcha, deleting the warlock class.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sardonica View Post
    I think I have had this problem (when I was first starting my destiny journey) and I think I have a workaround. Yes, it is annoying that whenever you are in a different destiny and "show all" shows only the highest tier stats show from other destinies. But the current destiny shows all the stat tiers you have in it. So make US your active destiny, twist from there, then change back to EA.

    Unfortunately, that won't work. Even with unyielding sentinel active, only tier 4 shows up in the sidebar.

    How do i go about bringing this to the attention of turbine's QA or Bughunting department? I filled out a bug report several days ago and other than the automated response, i've heard nothing back from them. It's not like this is a minor bug in a free-to-play quest, Epic Destinies are paid content and any problems, especially the kind that gimp a character (like reduced HP) should be dealt with as quickly as possible.

    I have already tried resetting the US tree and redistributing the points, but there was no change, other than my wallet getting a bit lighter.
    Last edited by Inoctus; 03-06-2014 at 03:45 AM.

  10. #10
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    I am having the very same issue. Unyelding Sentinel is only showing the top tier Constitution that you got. I wanted to twist an extra constitution from it since I got tier 1, 2 and 3 Constitution, but only the Tier 3 (my top tier at the moment) is appearing in the list. "Show all" does nothing. I did reset tree as well but nothing changed.

    Other epic destinies are showing all tiers of abilities, as usual.

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