I ran a arti/ranger/monk on a 4/6/10 spit to get my monk life taken care of, and it was great for leveling, but this was more then a year ago(I think) I actually found my self using a the heavy repeater way more then I thought I would.
I am thinking of going bladesworn with this same split. Has anyone ran this for EE stuff. It will be a completionist with +5 tome in all stats. I plan on this being my last life, and would like the best self healing archer build I can do. To jump topic a little I would love it to be a party healer with out suffering from lack of ranged dps, but I think this is a pipe dream(I ran 6 ranger/6 monk/8 cleric(again this was great to 20) would this work as a sun elf(just to start at level 15 would be the only reason)