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  1. #1

    Smile High Lords will host teaching raid epic Demon Queen on Saturday, March 8 at 8pm EST!

    Our last teaching raid TOD went really well! Click HERE to read about it!

    The next raid in our series will be one of the most popular raids in the game: Epic Demon Queen! (aka Zawabi's Revenge) on Saturday, March 8 at 8pm EST.

    As with our last event, the raid is for players newer to the raiding scene or players that are looking to learn raids better. First timers welcome! Dbags not welcome. Please have sound and be willing and able to follow instructions.

    The goal is to welcome newer players into the raiding scene, to teach people how raids work, to get players more comfortable with raids, and to enhance the Sarlona community.

    If you are new to the DQ raid, you will need to be flagged by running 3 quests in Menechtarun: Offering of Blood, Chains of Flame and Chamber of Raiyum (wiz king). You will need access to the Demon Sands adventure pack. We will be doing the raid on epic difficulty but you can run the flagging quests on epic or heroic to flag just the same. Each quest will give you an item that you need to take to the quest giver when you pick up the end reward, and then take to Zawabi the djinn, who is located up the hill from the mailbox in Zawabi's Refuge. The 3 items you need to give to Zawabi are the Orb of the Efreet, Blessed Blood Offering and the Phylactery of Raiyum. Once you've given all 3 items to Zawabi, talk to him again and he will grant the pre-raid quest Against the Demon Queen.

    After running the 3 flagging quests, the pre-raid Against the Demon Queen must be run before the raid. AtDQ must be run every time before running the raid, but the other 3 flagging quests just need to be run once per life. We will run AtDQ together, so you will just need to have completed the other 3 quests prior to Saturday's event. Make sure you have turned in the quest items to Zawabi and he has granted you the quest Against the Demon Queen.

    If you would like to reserve a space in this Saturday's EDQ, please contact me in game on Gingerspyce. I will be out of town and not in game until Thursday night.

    Thanks for all the support and we hope to see you in raids soon!

    Gingerspyce and The High Lords of Malkier

  2. #2


    I'm back in game and can start taking reservations for this Saturday's ATDQ+EDQ teaching raid

  3. #3
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2011


    I've been watching these posts every week and wished I was able to play during the time you do the teaching.

    Is there any plans to continue this after this weekend ? And if so, will there be other play time for hosting the training runs?
    Main toon - Galing (Sarlona)
    Heroic Completionist x1 - 11/03/2016. Epic Completionist x1 - 12/04/2016
    Current life #43 (14 Epic, 23 Heroic, 3 Iconic, 3 Racial): Warforge 20 Arti 10 Epic

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by sk3l3t0r View Post
    I've been watching these posts every week and wished I was able to play during the time you do the teaching.Is there any plans to continue this after this weekend ? And if so, will there be other play time for hosting the training runs?
    We are planning to do teaching raids for at least the next few Saturdays at 8pm EST and beyond if interest persists. If Saturday evenings don't work for you send me a message in game to let me know which raids you are interested in learning and I'll get you into some of our regular guild raids.

  5. #5
    Community Member Caprice's Avatar
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    Thanks again for leading us through this. I'll have to practice the pre-raid traps to get some muscle memory in, and invest in better Jump gearing.

    I'm still not quite sure what got me fighting the djinn trash though since the combat log was not informative. Should I be holding farther back in there? I'm feeling quite a bit too squishy for these though and not quite sure what to do about that (CON14 + 10 CON from items + 40HP FL item +20HO Vitality item) other than getting into Shrouds, I suppose. I've had no luck so far with tomes or auctions but I continue to try.

    Pure- "Top of the Death Count, Top of the Loot Luck" -mouse
    Last edited by Caprice; 03-08-2014 at 08:54 PM.

  6. #6

    Default Good times!

    EDQ was good fun! We had 3 people that were new to EDQ and 1 person that had never run any raid! Grats to Puremouse for pulling a torc on his first ever EDQ!

    The crew conquers Queen Lailat!

    Our next teaching raid will be Abbot on Saturday, March 15 at 8pm EST! Click HERE for details.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Caprice View Post
    Thanks again for leading us through this. I'll have to practice the pre-raid traps to get some muscle memory in, and invest in better Jump gearing.I'm still not quite sure what got me fighting the djinn trash though since the combat log was not informative. Should I be holding farther back in there? I'm feeling quite a bit too squishy for these though and not quite sure what to do about that (CON14 + 10 CON from items + 40HP FL item +20HO Vitality item) other than getting into Shrouds, I suppose. I've had no luck so far with tomes or auctions but I continue to try.Pure- "Top of the Death Count, Top of the Loot Luck" -mouse
    Fireballs from the efreet, arrows from the gnoll archers, the whirling blades, chain lightning, or a combination... all can do quite a bit of damage on EE so hard to say what got ya. More hps will help

  8. #8
    Community Member
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    Aug 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Nachomammashouse View Post
    We are planning to do teaching raids for at least the next few Saturdays at 8pm EST and beyond if interest persists. If Saturday evenings don't work for you send me a message in game to let me know which raids you are interested in learning and I'll get you into some of our regular guild raids.
    Will do, this weekend for the first time I hosted VON flagging LFMs and House K favour to get used to the Sarlona PUG scene. I am used to solo'ing and doing raiding with my guild. We did FoT, Chrono and VON.

    But I have never done Tempest Spine, ADQ, HoX or ToD. Those are the RAIDs that I would like to learn.

    Of course I want to try out the NEW raids with U21 as well, I didn't try them out on Lam.
    Main toon - Galing (Sarlona)
    Heroic Completionist x1 - 11/03/2016. Epic Completionist x1 - 12/04/2016
    Current life #43 (14 Epic, 23 Heroic, 3 Iconic, 3 Racial): Warforge 20 Arti 10 Epic

  9. #9

    Default The Abbot will not ascend to godhood tonight!

    We've squelched the abbot's attempt at godhood! We had 3 people had never run an abbot, and a 4th that never completed. Loot was lame but we got 2 people to learn roids and 2 more to learn ice and goggles puzzles... no beatdown required!

    Our victory pose, complete with a celebratory pork barrel explosion...

    Our next teaching raid night will be a Gianthold extravaganza with Reaver's Fate and FOT on Saturday, March 22 at 8pm EST. I will post in the Sarlona forum soon!

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