I would like to suggest adding Veteran Status III to the game where you can start at lvl 15...
Now yes Iconics already do this which have to be paid for in the DDO Store but this could be done as either a favor unlock (say 3000 total favor for example), sold in the DDO Store or even both. Now the next thing would be why would people buy it? Simply put Iconics have to start with certain levels which can be gotten rid of using a +1 (or greater) Lesser Heart of Wood, Vet Status III would allow you to use any class EXCEPT for Iconics.
Say for example a player rolls up an Iconic but their friend doesn't have them yet but has unlocked Vet Status III they could then at least run stuff together, it would give people more options on what to play, how to play and what content to run. To introduce it would be fairly simple since there is already Vet Status II which could be duplicated and then modified (yes it probably doesn't work like that but just go with it) to go up to lvl 15.
PS - This is my 700th post w00t! (yes I know it means SFA but hey it's my post so there)