I read all text, kited spiders and rats on normal with an Etenal Wand of Finger of Fire and actually diedDD
Sahuagin ... were just plain amazing. Still my favorite monster in this entire game.
I learned that I just might have an addictive personality...
I don't remember much of my first day it's been that long. I remember the harbor where the inspired quarter now is. I'm pretty sure I still hav the ornamental sword Goodblade gave me.
My first day ( when I found some friends ) I learned that traps can be deadly and to not follow Turtle.
Solving the Warforged Riddle!
…That was the moment!
..That was when I fell in love.
…A puzzle, a riddle no less, in an MMO when all others before had seemed so vapid and meaningless (collect 10 rat tails).
It was clear I had finally found the MMO I had always hoped might be out there
First off I love playing D&D particularly the 3.5 rules, and my first thoughts as I stared in fascination around Korthos, was Yesssssss !!!! This is exactly as I've always imagined D&D would look as a video game, awesome. I was hooked and I fell in love with this game when I saw the white dragon for the first time, awesome work Devs. And while on Korthos my main, Equatis met and found my best friend in this entire Game, Athenadora. I would literally drop Von 6 seconds from completion if she asked me to come unlock a door/chest in some quest elsewhere, that's how deep our friendship has become through the medium of this great game. Thank You all for the greatest fun I have ever had in a video game. - Equatis, Guild Leader , Rogues of Argonnessen
All I remember about my first day in DDO was that after the first couple of fun Harbor quests that I played with my husband and sister, we split up to do Arachnophobia and I died an embarrassing number of times. On day three, though, someone convinced us to bribe guards to get into the Marketplace. I thought it was a waste of money, but when we got there, there was a guy **balancing on a pole!** O-M-G!!!!!
My first day the friend who introduced me kept trying to get me killed (hey run down this hall with a bunch of traps!)
Shamgar ~ Pjstechie ~ Melchizedek ~ Habakkuk ~ Josheb ~ Magoi ~ Kinnor ~ Eshek ~ Zakchaios ~ Jephthah ~ Bartimaios ~ Ehudh ~ Bezaleluri ~ Nebuchad ~ Lava Divers (Khyber) ~ Epic Education ~ Building Blocks ~ DDOCast ~ contact me
I began DDO by making an elf wizard.
In the very first area of korthos, I broke all of the boxes and picked up the small amount of coins that dropped from them.
I had some trouble swimming to the key in the grotto.
I then played through the next three quests on the island, and had some trouble with the puzzle, but managed to light up the tiles through luck.
I got through the collaborator without issue, and went outside (into the explorer area).
I began by talking to the guy about the stopping the sahaugin quest, and managed to fall very ungracefully off the cliff.
I got through the quest to the end, killed the spider, and was so confused by the puzzle that the traps managed to kill me.
I remember thinking wow a game that isnt so easy as click and kill. You had to fight the dungeon in the noob zone before the gate guards would let you through to harbor. You got into the harbor thinking wow its huge and full of quests. Then you realise later levels that harbor is the noob zone and just a tip of the iceberg.
My first day off DDo I made a WF and he drowned in 3 sec
Server: Fernia Guild: Southern Tenant Farmers UnionMrTreats:lv20 Fighter Huma Macleod:lvl20Pali WF Octavius:lvl20 Rgr Drow Ramrez:lvl20 Clr Halfling Faygo:lvl20 Rog Drow Ampata:lvl20 Wiz Drow Bach:lvl17 Bard Drow Odafin:lvl5 Life 10 Seeley:lvl1 Barb 1/2 Orc
My first day in DDO. Can't really remember. I know I built a Elf fighter, stumbled my way through Korthos and got a few levels. Then spent hours exploring Korthos Island! I wanted to get all the rares, explorers and kills. Seemed like a magical world! That was about 2 years ago. Been hooked ever since!
And Happy anniversary!
My first day in ddo I killed Jacoby Drexelhand.
Running the combat training rooms in the original Smuggler's Rest during close beta.
My first day on DDO I made my first character, a wizard by name of Leon. However, I could not for the life of me figure out how to cast my spells! I could summon my celestial dog since it was on my hotbar, but other than that all I could really do was his things with my stick. After finishing the start quest and maybe the hayton's crypt one, I got frustrated and gave up.
The NEXT day I logged in, to give the game another go, selected a world at random, and found my Leon had disappeared! I know now, of course, that toons are world specific unlike Runescape, but at the time I though "Did I have to save or something"??? Anyway, on this world (Orien) I made a new fighter, the main character I run today, made my home, and was happy.
Months or years later, I got to farming favor on the other worlds and found Leon again, sitting on (Sarlona maybe?)!
Not quite all about my first day, but it was quite the experience when coming into my first major MMO![]()
That's not lag, it's just DDO trying to become turn-based again.
Feature wishlist: colour-coded HP bars; red/blue teams in raids; rez-timer in party menu
Bug report form link
Spent most of the day trying to roll up a good wizard. Gave up on that and rolled up a pally and started smacking around fish people lol. got to level 4 and finally made it to the harbor.