My first day of ddo was as a rogue many years back in beta. Went into a basement then died. After a couple more tries, ended up deleting the game. But returned with much more success in 2009 ftp!
My first day of ddo was as a rogue many years back in beta. Went into a basement then died. After a couple more tries, ended up deleting the game. But returned with much more success in 2009 ftp!
My wife and I were looking for an alternative to LAN games. I believe it was Sacred Gold that drove us to try an MMO.
I learned about auto-granted feats and how the game didn't warn you that the feat you were spending a slot for you would be getting automatically soon. My wife was a rogue and most of her characters these days have a rogue splash.
That was 8 years ago. Can barely remember what I ate for breakfast this morning (I think I ate breakfast this morning).
I do remember playing a Paladin in the beta and having a good time. We used to have a tent back then. Stupid demons.
I suppose it's too late for the entry, but I figured I'd post anyways.
My first day of DDO was during the beta for Free to play. I created a human Paladin and ran the Korthos island quests. It was so new and so unexpected to have an MMO that brought life to the style of the pen and paper adventures I'd been playing for so long! I even named my Paladin after my first pen and paper character, Reno T'Cajey.
Happy Birthday!
i learned that they're not ignoring me, i have to actively turn on voice chat!![]()
I found the game I wished for and had told my friends some 20 to 25 years prior during our PNP group about how wonderful it would be to be able to log in all together from home since it was becoming so much more difficult for us to do so on a regular basis.
Life changes were making it difficult to get together.
I now play with about half of the gang from the old PNP days on a regular basis.
After a little Tolkien I am usually up for anything.
I remember creating a halfling rogue, who fought something much bigger that killed her. But I learned how to tumble!
my first day in ddo was the day that I realized I had an addition.
My first day in DDO...yeah. Let's not go there. It involved a *lot* of failed reflex saves. The second day was much better, way back in 2009. Trust meh.
My first day, during the prerelease in Feb 2006, I rolled an elf cleric modeled after a memorable character I had played in PnP.
Ascent, Argonnessen ~ Cleatus Yogurthawker | Isostatic Rebound | Mohorovicic Discontinuity | Angular Unconformity
Ghalanda ~ Feldspathic Greywacke
My first day: I killed ten rats. Than I killed ten more.
Happy Birthday DDO...that said i don't remember much of my first day...Something about sahuagin I recall...
My first day was playing with my roommate. It was the first thing we did together and we loved roaming korthos on our dwarf paladin and elf ranger.![]()
House of Boii, Thelanis
I remember trying my very best to get under the darn road that we had to through to get to the upper harbor area after doing the inn quests on my very badly made cleric!
Sheesh, how time flies. 8 years eh?
My first day was amazing, I could kill dobolds![]()
On my first day in DDO I created an Elven wizard with 6 CON...I died alot, but I thought it was worth it because I genuinely believed Lord Goodblade was going to give to me a really good sword!!
He lied, btw.
Sad Elven wizard.
I think my first day involved jumping kobolds and being knocked down by dogs.
500-1000 runs of Ringleader/Waterworks later...Kobolds still hate you, and they never forget!
(posting on wrong day, but hey)