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  1. #541
    The Hatchery Galeria's Avatar
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    Nov 2010


    I agreed to play with my husband and sons after months of them asking. They set me up with a warforged wizard, that I thought was pretty ugly and who couldn't fight her way out of a paper bag, even if I knew what I was supposed to be doing.

    They all ran around, faster than I could figure out having never played a WASD game before. They gave me snarky advice like, "You have to be facing a monster to hit it" and "Equip your new gear" and "Why are you running against that wall" and they really ticked me off. I had no idea what they were talking about.

    I thought this was the stupidest waste of time ever and regretted my deal to spend a weekend playing with them.

    Three years later, they've moved on to other games, but I still play DDO.
    A PUG is like a box of chocolates
    Get people to read your post.

  2. #542
    Community Member chadj82371's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    Promptly rolled up a Ranger to play along side my buddy's Paladin. Of course, we ended up being on different 'sides' of Korthos so we couldn't play together right away. Still my main toon and my favorite to play, though there have been one or two LRs to fix a mistake here and there.
    Antello - Kinisar - Erifeci
    Antelli - Antelly - Antellia

    The Rogue Saints - Sarlona

  3. #543
    Community Member sollor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Melli View Post
    I learned I was not meant to be a caster.
    Same but i learned sp a small thing.
    A few day later i could not enter with out dying.

  4. #544
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    My first day in DDO was 4 years ago. Been a DND guy since the old chain mail rules set, figured an MMO would be pretty cool. Spent the whole first day wandering around Korthos; I don't think I even finished any of the quests because I was so busy looking around and exploring.

  5. #545
    Community Member Talonaise's Avatar
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    Default My First day

    I created a rogue, because it seemed simple. I used the bow, because I thought it would keep me alive. I joined a group, because hey, isn't that the point. I died and I met my first guild leader. Not bad for a first day.
    Kitraine ~ Degenerate Matter
    Completionist / Epic Completionist - 15 Druid / 4 Favored Soul / 1 Sorcerer
    Triple past lives Sorcerer/Wizard/Cleric/Favored Soul/Druid/Morninglord

    Other Main Capped Characters
    Krestal Sorcerer Azlix Cleric Talonaise Rogue Assassin

  6. #546
    Community Member lurxst's Avatar
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    Default March 2006

    You had to pay up front back then. I was so happy to recreate my 3.5 rogue. I remember 3 tries to make it through Miller's Debt.

    For 25 gold pieces!

  7. #547


    I found out why MMOs are addicting.
    Alesthane - Chorwynt - Glyndwyr - Hasta - Azzad - Chereneko - Threesee - Ziggystar - Pfipher - Zaathras - MajorisUrsa - Eichenauer - Cherneko - Kwayzaar - Gweirwyn - RedArray - Arbengwr - Aryett - Bhokz - Escobhaul - Formerprez - Maarkenward - MacDoel - MacIntyre - Ritterstan = Khyber

  8. #548
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    Kobolds still hate me for my first day.

  9. #549
    Community Member Drakyes_01's Avatar
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    On my first day, I learn what a gimp wizard can (not) do.

  10. #550
    Hero mcgowan's Avatar
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    Nov 2009

    Default Skill points in heal are all I need for a cleric, right?

    There was a screen suggesting new players make their characters in Orien, so I did. I made the cleric I had been playing in tabletop and wandered around Korthos trying to get the lay of the land. OCD meant I had to break every crate and kill every foe while exploring every corner.
    Kirilin - Mechanos - Mikayli - Penyn -Saurrel - Serahna - Skellyton - Taiori - Tarhyn
    The Templars of Eberron -Orien Server

  11. #551

    Default First Day of DDO!

    It was January 30, 2006...I had logged into the beta and made as close to my 3.5 character as i could. (Korlia Vivarin Half-Elf Bard), since half elves didn't exist, I made an elf. I went to slay that dang Jacobi after exploring the island with the training golems, tutorial on using search, and taking the boat to the Harbor. I should mention it took a really long time for a bard to slay Jacobi, who by the way, was very difficult at the time. Either way, I was overjoyed to have my favorite game as an MMORPG.

    And obviously, still here to this day.

    Thanks to Turbine, contractors, and players alike!!


  12. #552
    Community Member Rothgo's Avatar
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    I remember spending time my first day figuring out how to swim down for the key I needed. I think I learned from a video how to use the T key and aim down.
    My wizard couldn't wait to multi-class to cleric and have every spell in the game.


  13. #553
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    Default First Day

    Cool...ready to play again...
    Who ever said, "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." did not work with computers...

  14. #554
    Community Member Aliss7's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    How to enter: Tell us about your first day in DDO! A sentence or two is fine.
    I was, still am, a dnd pnp player, although more casual than others. When ddo went free to play is when I first heard about it (must have been ~2009, my forum join date). And when I did, I was like, "How did I not know this existed before? And it's now FREE to play??? Whaaaa?"

    I downloaded the client that day and made a ranger. I met Jeets (hoi!), went through the tutorial and just wandered Korthos, ended up in the Wavecrest Tavern. This other toon was just sitting on one of the tables. I'm afraid I can't remember the toon's name or even what server I had created my first toon on! Anyway, it looked odd and I was just staring at the toon and I got a tell, "Hey, nice eyes." I had chosen a bright day-glo color. We ended up questing around korthos and s/he showed me the basics. In fact, all I ever remember from those times was how everyone was so helpful, patient, and cool. (Yeah, I might be looking back with nostalgia but whatever! Good Times.) Well, that's all.

  15. #555
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    the first time i played DDO i was OMG, SAHUAGINS! i was kind of expecting undeads and goblins and kobolds first

  16. #556
    Community Member Juicer01's Avatar
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    Default First DAy

    The first time I played I picked the server at the top of the list, Adar. Stormreach was much different then, no such thing as Korthos, and when you died you lost XP. After a few deaths you could end up with less XP than when you started. My first character was a Wizard, Alber. He has changed classes a few times but is still the funnest character I have.

  17. #557
    Community Member Portibraf's Avatar
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    I spent all my first day in ddo thinking to a cool name for my toon ... and I failed ... few times.

  18. #558
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    Default First day in DDO

    My first day was spent as a Barbarian, soloing every quest on Korthos. I felt really accomplished hitting level 2.

    If only leveling from 1-2 still felt like an accomplishment...

  19. #559
    Community Member
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    Default Oh god..

    Oh god... My first day playing DDO - I died a bunch of times to dogs eating my soul, made a barbarian cleric wizard and really learned to appreciate the texture of the soulstone.

  20. #560
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    Rolled up a wizard to play with my friend. We were doing pretty good till we got murdered by a bunch of sahuagin in a tavern.

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