My first day in DDO I remeber after creating my first character I heard DM in tutorial dungeon and thought this game is one of a kind.
My first day in DDO I remeber after creating my first character I heard DM in tutorial dungeon and thought this game is one of a kind.
My first day in DDO I remember being murdered by kobolds...
My 1st day... 8 years ago btw, I remember thinking "Hey, this is a pretty cool rendition of D&D", and after 10 years, I still think that. For all the problems and warts DDO still does pretty good at translateing pnp D&D for mmog.
Lunality, Sorcality, Tunality, Axation, Causation, Shurality, Desparality, Stingality and a few more...
Oh, wow. Don't make it an easy question, eh? Beta was a LONG time ago, and I've slept since then... Heh.
I couldn't start to recall exactly what we did back then, but I started as a Rogue, following my PnP roots. Met a great group of folks who played by "Need Before Greed" rules. We met up on the Live side, and formed the Eutopia guild on Lhazaar.
Oh. Remember having to speak to Euphonia to progress. I looked for anything else at all to do rather than speak to an NPC with the questionable name pronounced, "You Phony ah".
Last edited by cdbd3rd; 02-28-2014 at 03:54 PM.
On day one I learned how to turn disable voice chat, and game sounds. I also learned that you can drown in DDO and "Stopping the Saughin" puzzle traps hurts.
I played about an hour in game, realized my first character was borked, and spent the rest of my play hours that day reading the wiki. Those who keep that thing updated on a daily basis deserve way more thanks than they get.
I was using the tiered TDM download, so my first day was probably just running from "You're not undead, are you? Can you move? Speak to me!" to the Grotto entrance a few times while the Grotto downloaded, then running both Shipwreck Shore and the Grotto waiting for Korthos to download. Korthos probably wasn't till day two.Oh, and character was a THF Fighter, heh. My quest in Korthos was to try to solo everything in Korthos on Elite while waiting for Stormreach to download, double-heh.
My first day that I learned about DDO I only left my computer for a few minutes at a time and I stayed up all night and the next day. I also broke my own rule: I ate and drank at my computer. Happy 8th Anniversary DDO I love you!
I impatiently waited for the game to download. Then once installed I impatiently waited for the game to download. Then I rolled 6 toons before I actually played anything, because I enjoyed going through the character creation process![]()
I had two Beta accounts, but my first true day in DDO was head start day. It was a Friday and I was "sick". Got up early, logged on, reserved some my favorite PnP character names, and started leveling up my cleric named Sean on Sarlona. I want to say I hit level 5 or so that first day and was one of the rare few on the server who could remove curses. In between quests I'd hit the taverns and remove any curses. Pretty sure i even removed a few blindnesses. This was back when those effects were permanent and for many it was easier to reroll than save up enough for a pot.
Stepping off the boat into the harbour (having completed the quests at smugglers rest), having to run sunken sewer just to access the harbour . The sense of accomplishment in gaining access to the marketplace, having defeated the neferious denezins of the waterworks. All new shiney and awe inspiring, my first mmo. Learning the game, supported by the playerbase and their advice through pugs. Totally overwhelming, the excitement of it all...........8 yrs later still love the game. (Played Europe from launch). Running around the harbour looking for a cleric like Sean to remove the curse!!!!!!
I realized that I failed to mention something important: The winners will be selected on Monday, March 3rd.![]()
Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
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Solved the puzzle and killed by SahuaginsAnd three years passed ... atleast i learned the puzzle!
After killing iron golem on the starter island I arrived at the tavern. A higher level character opened a trade window with me and gave me a ring of disease immunity. I only had 4 more levels till I could use it ^_^
I love you Abbot♥
On my first day of ddo, i learned that a stick is not the proper melee weapon for a wizard.
Kobolds pawned me at stick-fighting
QuickBenqb 4*wiz/3*sorc/3*fvs/3*bard/2*pala/3*barb/fgr/rgr/3*rog/mnk/3*clr/drd/art/4*Wlk(current)
Yil 3*Rngr/4*Fgr/3*Pala/3*Brd/3*Brb/3*Drd/4*Mnk/3*Clr/3*Fvs/3*Wiz/3*Sorc/3*Art/3*Rog/Wlk/Wlk (current)
Bankrupt FvS lvl 20 (TR1) Krupppe lvl 25 something (TR3)
My first day on DDO I remember me and my friends repeating the quest Redemption on Korthos so we could get multiple of those Curative cloaks to heal ourselves, I think we got like 10 or so once we got to the Harbor.
My first day I learned the combat engine was better then any other MMORPG I had played before.