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  1. #461
    Community Member Aeryyn's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    My first time playing DDO, I learned that I had found a game that felt a little like a video version of the old D&D table game.

  2. #462
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    My first day, me and about five friends logged in and created characters. This would have been shortly after the servers went live... we had all pre-ordered the game. It's been a long time, but I remember exploring the harbor and I think we even made it into the marketplace... and I definitely remember getting lost inside the marketplace tent at some point (lol).

  3. #463


    My first day in DDO was a very long time ago: I remember best going into the quest "The Low Road" to sneak into the Main harbor area instead of the normal way at the time. After that quest i was hooked into the game.
    Guild: Ghallanda Rerolled
    Artamax - Cleandeath - Cleanup - Dragonbound - Draykon - Gully - Magestic - Tinbucket
    DDO Character Planner (Stable: Version 04.20.02) , Version 04.23.1 - Planner 5.0 Interface Discussion

  4. #464
    Community Member nomaddog's Avatar
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    Default What do you mean I failed!

    My first day, I spent tons of time in Arachnophobia. It seemed like every time I'd kill a spider, I'd smash a sarcophagus as well. Must have done that quest like 5 times before I actually figured out what I was doing.
    Livestream at

    High Rollers Alts: Brighton, Compleat, Aggrotech
    +5 to Sexterity Alts: Ruffintumble, Soulmistress, Spellmann

  5. #465
    Community Member Fenricus's Avatar
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    Default My first day on DDO...

    My first day on DDO, not typically being a gamer, I was dragged on to play by my brothers. I was addicted within about 3 hours, and I'm still here 3 years on.

  6. #466
    Community Member Gizeh's Avatar
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    The few things I remember about the first day(s) in DDO are having difficulties finding quests on Korthos island, and getting lost in Misery's Peak, and trying to ration my few cure pots because I didn't know about hirelings yet.

    However the day I remember most was when my gimpy halfling rogue (my first character) ran Hiding In Plain Sight with a group. We ran the quest on hard or elite, and I had never heard of skill items yet. Consequently I couldn't even find any of the traps, let alone disable them, even though the other party members threw lots of buffs at me. Everyone was very nice and friendly even though I failed so miserably at trapping, but I still felt terrible. After we had finished the quest (or rather after the others had successfully dragged me through it), I started researching how I could improve my character, as I didn't ever want to feel so useless in a group again.

    Fortunately the character wasn't so bad that I had to reroll him, and now, more than three years and several reincarnations later, he's still my main character, and while I'm currently doing a few lives in other classes to acquire a few past lives, he's been a halfling in every one of them, and eventually in his final life he'll be a rogue again - only a little less gimpy.

  7. #467
    The Hatchery Melkazar's Avatar
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    Default My First Day in DDO

    I actually have two first days to relate. I entered the beta when the F2P model was being tested. Surprisingly, I had not know the game existed before then, nor other games of its type, despite being quite old.

    But my second first day: I rushed to Cannith the day the server was opened in order to get my character named Baldric. Baldric was the first PnP character and is always the first character I make when I start some new game. Unless someone else already grabbed it which depresses me no end.

    I entered Korthos and looked over every inch of the grotto. I was probably in there for nearly an hour on my first run.

  8. #468
    Community Member enteriiblackwater's Avatar
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    !st day of beta, made a sorc with max INT took me 30 mins until I figured out why I could not cast a spell..LOL good times

    Impi! wo 'nans' impi iyeza
    Obani bengathinta amabhubesi?

  9. #469
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    My first hours were spent roaming Korthos. It is hard to imagine that I used to be intimidated by the Sahuagin. I guess Celimas was a good coach who got me started on a great adventure.

  10. #470
    Community Member mr.stevens's Avatar
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    Smile First Day in Eberron

    My first day saw me in awe of the MMO. I had no idea what I was supposed to be doing. I remember breaking every crate on the beach and gathering all the copper pieces. So much to learn, so much to see and so much to do. I remember being a bit scared of the other players, hoping they wouldn't realise that I had no idea what I was doing. The character I rolled on that day is still my main character. I plan on returning to Korthos with her soon after a few Epic TR's. I have a sneaky suspiscion that it won't be the same. But years later and I'll admit there's still so much to learn, so much to see and so much to do.

    Great game, great people, great memories.
    Last edited by mr.stevens; 02-28-2014 at 01:25 PM. Reason: typo

  11. #471
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    I spent most of the first day trying to figure out how to move around. I must have died a couple of times trying to retrieve the key underwater in Korthos before I learned how to surface. That NPC party probably wish they had Pugged it instead of waiting for me.

  12. #472
    Community Member Bosco's Avatar
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    My first day in DDO I came over from another MMO. When running through Waterworks with a group everyone was looting everything out of the chest. And I thought was a bunch of ninja looters, not realizing the treasure was assigned to everyone individually.

  13. #473
    Community Member shasta_cola's Avatar
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    my first day, Gladious Skullsplitter was the name, barbarian. Getting lost in Misery's Peak. Those were the days...
    Demondim Bloodguard, Herem Prothal, Kogler Goldtooth, Perfector Aggessive, Firebrande Phoenix Series

  14. #474
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    My first day here was a few years ago. I broke my ankle so was off work for a few months, and I saw an ad for DDO via Facebook on one of my friend's accounts. I played tabletop a lot when I was younger, so I thought: "I avoided MMOs for long enough, I'll give this one a shot because it's D&D based".... And now I'm hooked.

    First toon was a straight-class fighter and I was stubborn and didn't ask for help, so everything that I learned, I learned on my own. Looking back, I should've asked around.

  15. #475
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    My first day in DDO was some years ago. I created a bard and there was much to learn.

  16. #476
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    Default What a ride

    My first day in DDO was just as magical as a game with the title "Dungeons and Dragons" can be expected. After having just finished a DnD campaign the day before, my friends found DDO and convinced me to log on and play with them. I created a cleric and for the entire rest of the day we battled our way through Korthos and into the Stormreach Harbor. Eyes heavy, but hearts full of thrilling pulsations, we agreed to help out in Irestone Inlet. Yaaryar's angry echoes would forever ring in our ears as we blew up his ship.

    It was then I knew, looking at the wreckage of our defeated foe, that I had found my new home in Eberron.

    Thanks for all the fun times DDO.

  17. #477
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    My first day of DDO i was looking forward to fight some dragons!

  18. #478
    Community Member Noctus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    How to enter: Tell us about your first day in DDO! A sentence or two is fine.
    I was awe-stuck when running the Shan-to-Kor chain for the 1st time with two buddies. And how the Guardian wiped the floor with us, but still had a great time!
    Erzskalde (Warchanter) / Erzassassin (just passing through - ignore me) / Erzsoldat (waiting for TR-time) / Erzschmied (ranged Artificer)

  19. #479
    Community Member ThomasMink's Avatar
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    My first day in DDO... hard to remember really, but I suspect it was mostly intimidation. Think I stuck with the not quite optimized paths because of such before eventually branching out a few months later.
    "Everybody's got a price" - 'The Million Dollar Man' Ted DiBiase

  20. #480
    Community Member Serapis's Avatar
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    Spent my first day trying to get out of the harbor... definitely took some time to adjust to this game but I've yet to find anything like it. Crazy to think it's been 8 years already. Hopefully we still have 8 more to look forward too. **crosses fingers**

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