My first day about 3 years ago, I created my beloved Bard, and up to this day I didn't reincarnate yet...
My first day about 3 years ago, I created my beloved Bard, and up to this day I didn't reincarnate yet...
I hope I can still win, despite not being able to use the forum account attached to my game account.
Anyway, I recall running the Goodblades quests in the beginner area of the harbor with my shiny new Dwarf fighter and being given a +1 Acid Greataxe by a fellow DDO'er. I thought it was the greatest thing ever, and with that simple act, I was hooked.
It was many years ago that i was a lone ranger traveling the island of korthos on foot. It was a fun day.
"Flexo" on the Cannith server (and many others).
What would happen if Pinocchio said "my nose will now grow because I said this."?
If actions speak louder than words, why is the pen mightier than the sword?
My first day I rolled up human LG ranger because I figured a bow user would be the easiest class on which to learn the game. She is now on her fourth life, no longer human or LG, but still a ranger.
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"
My first day in DDO was spent rolling a fighter and dying, rerolling into a barbarian and dying, rerolling into a paladin and dying, and finally rerolling into a rogue - - and dying. By that time, the day was done and I decided to stick with the rogue for the next few weeks...
You do not really understand something unless you can explain it to your grandmother. - - Albert Einstein
Guild Leader, Spawn of Amblik (Orien)
My hubby started playing first, sometime in the fall of 2009, so he convinced me to give it a try. My first day on DDO was rather frustrating at first, untill I toyed around with the UI settings. Once I got it setup in a way that I could play properly... well I've been playing happily ever since. But you know what? I cannot for the life of me maneuver my husbands characters and the last time he tried to move one of mine... well lets just say there was a soulstone when I got back.![]()
Blood Scented Axe Body Spray (Thelanis)Aelonwy - Wydavir - Metaluscious - Aertimys - Phantastique - Kaelaria - Lunaura - Aelurawynn - Saurscha - Crystalorn - Aurvaeyn - Vaelyns - Wyllowynd
My first day on DDO was amazing (3 or 4 years ago), me and my old PnP friends downloaded the game and begin to play, making characters like in PnP, so I choose a halfling rogue with shield and shortsword...amazing! hahah, fortunately we learned quickly and love the game, but unfortunately I'm the only one of my old PnP friends that still play the game
First day i was looking for someone to do favor runs with
Whelp, here goes (gather round children):
Now, I had been playing online games since about 1992. OK OK, I hear you all saying "Preposterous! There were no MMOs in 1192!". This is not true. There were, and they were (are) called MUDs. Text based multi-user dungeons. And I was a big fan. I continued to play muds for much longer than most, on account of my ancient computer, and the lack of broadband internet in my area. This all changed in 2009. That year I moved from the country into the city. To a city with fibre-to-the-home internet, which I availed myself of at my first opportunity. I also gave up on my old work horse computer and finally decided to shell out some cash for some premium components and then built a REAL computer. But I still used it to play MUDs, because to heck with paying monthly fees to play a game!
Then, late that year, I heard the news. There was a modern (non-MUD) MMO available that could be played for free. I was quite skeptical, but decided to give it a try. On my first day:
-I met a fellow named Jeets and was not sure if he was an NPC or some Brit griefing me.
-I almost drowned in the grotto.
-I was nearly overwhelmed at the number of people in Korthos (there's got to be, like, 30 people here!).
-I learned the hard way that the increment between Hard and Elite is MUCH larger than the increment between Normal and Hard.
-I learned that unlike every MUD I had played, when I died, I didn't lose exp or my equipment! I would not be going back to MUDs.
My first day in DDO I made a halfling rogue on Wayfinder (DE). I found hardly any groups I could understand after i finished the Grotto quest which I learned a lot in. I ventured into the crypt (on normal i believe) and used a lot if not all of my starter potions i acquired previously. I died a bunch, but i kept stubbornly persisting through it. It was a challenge and was a lot more fun then steamrolling content on elite like it is nothing. Then my IRL buds who got me to start the game told me i was on the wrong server, so i moved to Orien and started my "journey of a thousand miles". And 2 years later I am the only one of them that still plays at all, and still with my in game friends on the best server ever! (aka the previously dedicated newb server)
~Somewhat Friendly Neighborhood Halfling
My first day of DDO was in 2006 when game released in Europe. Me and a group of friends that used to play pen and paper D&D together all got the game and was very excited. I still remember people walking around slowly blinded crying out for a cleric to help them haha. First day was all about doing the introduction quests in old harbor and to survive the quest to get further. I still remember the early days - the game has come a long way since then. Some good, some bad - but it is still the only game i play...
Officer of Crusaders of Justice / Orien / Swedish player
Lyrandar/ Devourer in Europe since launch 2006 / Orien since 2009
Charachters: Ctype/ Archibald / Ygolonar / Etype / Dtype
Completionist with Ctype
First day. It was long time ago. Dont remember.
My first day in DDO... was... so much longer, like spending a whole weekend, trying all the f2p races and classes and skimming the forums for hints and, and..
Enough to say, it took me about two years, to finally settle on a character to be my main.
(All the variable options for customising, took my breath away.. And now, I'm ashamed to say, I can't get enough.)
A big HAPPY 8th!! to you Turbine.
My first day was a mix of fun, confusion, learning and exploration - with the wiki just a click away.
My first day in ddo: I found out there's a buff that prevents you from dying. Missed it in all them Korthos quests, still miss it.
My first day in DDO was confusing and fun and confusing as I tried to create my favorite Thief character from long ago PnP days. I just didn't realize until much later that he was so, so, so gimped. Did I mention confusing?
My first day: after dying and seeing the XP hit, I decided to keep playing to remove it (many hours later).
10,000 Days on the music player
went in on Aureon with a couple of mates to see if this online thing was any good... running in one of the Harbor kobold dungeons I had my first MMO experience... "we're all here together!" "this is awesome!" and was hooked.
Ooze melted our wizard's robe off. I asked what happened to his clothes on chat with caps lock on by accident. champagne comedy.
Still taunted about it to this day.
My first day in ddo:
I walked uphill to the quest, in the snow while fighting dinosaurs, with no healing pots, no hires cursing lord goodblade. I ran an 8 base con rogue and always wondered why I died so much. That char is long dead, but I kept the name and still have that guy after 4 servers.![]()