I found a lesser false life belt and thought it was the greatest thing ever... until I realized you could get them as a turn in from collectibles to Giles Goodman![]()
I found a lesser false life belt and thought it was the greatest thing ever... until I realized you could get them as a turn in from collectibles to Giles Goodman![]()
Formerly Rathic of harvestgain
Leader of the Unearthed Arcana
Hmm, my first day I spent doing more dying than I probably have since except in raids.
Elf rangers are squishy if you aren't quite sure how to move or attack or do anything. But hey, I still have that char and it's one of my favorites still, so something must have gone right.
My first day on DDO was... Almost 8 years ago.
I was disappointed by the dev nightmare ( and the cutscenes in the campaign ) from NWN2, and a friend that keeps more in touch with the news in computer games told me of DDO. He was already playing and he made me create a character... I created my favorite PnP Wizard Rogue ( as a LVL 1 Wiz ), and landed on the end of the pier in Euphonia. I hit Euphonia's Challenge, and promptly died at the second encounter. We had a good laugh, I restarted the quest, managed to survive through it, then hit the Wizard Challenge, managed to survive it... and I was allowed to go to the Lower Harbour ( now Inspired Quarter ), where my friend joined me, and then we started hitting all the quests there.
It took us a few hours to tackle the quests ( and quite a few deaths ), and I was ready to enter the Upper Harbour ( through the Low Road ). That's when I ended my first DDO day.
The character has been rerolled quite fast after that day, as a full rogue, and is now a LVL 25 Assassin ( waiting in line for his turn to get capped ).
On G-Land : Flavilandile, Blacklock, Yaelle, Millishande, Larilandile, Gildalinde, Tenalafel, and many other...
I learned to disarm traps, or at least, the ones that only trigger once.
Member of Storm Lords on Thelanis.
Portalcat (Completionist, Epic Completionist), Catwithnuke, Catwithaxe
Had me standing at the AH and wonder, how I would ever in my life gather the required 2 million gold for a +1 Frost weapon.
Hmm.. first day...
That would have been in September 2009.. cannot remember what exactly was on the first day and what a bit later, but some early impressions:
- The game being so similar yet so different from p&p D&D that while the p&p experience allowed missing some character build traps and knowing things like hitting skeletons with a bludgeoning weapon is a good idea a lot of the other things did not translate, like many builds that are just bad in D&D due to the PRC systems.
- How tough some monsters were on normal... those sahuagin casters with that niaks cold ray just single shotting my gimp and so on..
- How I loved the option to be able to jump and similar movements, after the experience with games like NWN..
The first day in game i told my friend i would never play again... 2 years ago![]()
Back in 2009 barbarian wizard was even worse idea than it is now, when we have eldritch knight, but some old guy with grey hair and beard casting fireballs and swinging 2-handed sword looked great.
I learned that people still love this game s much as I do
The sense of perdition following a friend through Misery Peak with a super squishy Sorc..
Wanted to leave so badly >_<
My first day in DDO was the point at which I broke down and started reading up on the Third Edition rule set. My table top gaming group has undying love for Second Ed and uses it to this day. I remember being rather disappointed to learn that all those skill points I spent into Heal weren't going to give my Elven fighter a way to heal myself!
First day in DDO I got to destroy the undead ... now im a lich ... how the tables turn.
Happy Anniversary,
My 1st day here i failed 5-6 times soloing redemption cause old grumpy was being killed by sahuagin fast... yes...even on normal.
And it took me at least a week to understand how favor points (and turbine points) works
My first day: Awesome! Amazing! I feel like I was young and playing P&P D&D! I can even swim!
I love DDO and I have been a fan of Dungeons & Dragons for many years, but my first day in DDO was scary. Not because of the game, but because I had my life threatened by another player; in fact, it was the first player I tried to play with. I really don't know what set him off.
Back in 2009 I discovered DDO and, after using a ridiculously long time to download the client on a very slow connection, I was all excited to play. Made my toon and when I finally got into Korthos Village I put up an LFM. He joined and I said: "Welcome aboard!" into my microphone. Then he flew off the handle and started screaming obscenity laced death threats at me. I was seriously shocked and a bit scared! I dropped the group and he sent me a tell that said: "bang! that's the gun goin off" (or something very close to). I didn't know about squelch, reporting harassment or about GMs, so I just tried to ignore him. But I was a bit shaken so after trying to play a while longer I just logged out.
To this day I don't know what set him off. However, I knew that that was an individual and not representative of the community, which I have found to be very friendly (for the most part) since then!
On my first day I used to collect every single copper coin I found !
Then I kept running away from skeletons ...
Ghallanda - Legends of Ancient Greece
I think the first day i ended up re-rolling my character many, many times, trying to figure out what actually worked. Really not sure I ever figured it out.
On my first day in DDO, I rolled up 2 characters my main, Cloista, and a test character to get an idea of the mechanics...
... and learned just how ugly a Dwarf woman can be. I referred to her only as 'pudding face'.
Knight of the Silver Legion, part of Guild Medieval
11 bonus days...
On the first day of DDO a small thief gave to me, a sword of a random rarity
On the second day of DDO a small thief gave to me, two loot gems, and a sword of a random rarity
On the third day of DDO a small thief gave to me, three soulstones, two loot gems, and a sword of a random rarity
On the fourth day of DDO a small thief gave to me, four falling blades, three soulstones, two loot gems, and a sword of a random rarity
On the fifth day of DDO a small thief gave to me, five useless rings... four falling blades, three soulstones, two loot gems and a sword of a random rarity
On the Sixth day of DDO a small thief gave to me, six rapiers WOPing, five useless rings... four falling blades, three soulstones, two loot gems, and a sword of a random rarity
On the seventh day of DDO a small thief gave to me, seven crucibles swimming, six rapiers WOPing, five useless rings... four falling blades, three soulstones, two loot gems, and a sword of a random rarity
On the eight day of DDO a small thief gave to me, eight taverns drinking, seven crucibles swimming, six rapiers WOPing, five useless rings... four falling blades, three soulstones, two loot gems, and a sword of a random rarity
On the ninth day of DDO a small thief gave to me, nine hells a burning, eight taverns drinking, seven crucibles swimming, six rapiers WOPing, five useless rings... four falling blades, three soulstones, two loot gems, and a sword of a random rarity
On the tenth day of DDO a small thief gave to me, 10k stars throwing, nine hells a burning, eight taverns drinking, seven crucibles swimming, six rapiers WOPing, five useless rings... four falling blades, three soulstones, two loot gems, and a sword of a random rarity
On the eleventh day of DDO a small thief gave to me eleven bards a piping, 10k stars throwing, nine hells a burning, eight taverns drinking, seven crucibles swimming, six rapiers WOPing, five useless rings... four falling blades, three soulstones, two loot gems, and a sword of a random rarity
On the twelfth day of DDO a small thief gave to me twelve powerful mages, eleven bards a piping, 10k stars throwing, nine hells a burning, eight taverns drinking, seven crucibles swimming, six rapiers WOPing, five useless rings... four falling blades, three soulstones, two loot gems, and a sword of a random rarity
Last edited by inspiredunease; 02-28-2014 at 03:34 AM. Reason: Typos