For Australians and Europeans who wish to celebrate DDO's 8th Anniversary with Trivia Events, here's a special event on Khyber just for you!
The Time!
(All times Eastern, -5 GMT. All other times here.)
Sunday, Match 2nd:
Khyber 04:00AM*
The Plan!
I will be in-game on my main character Ethirial. I will be putting up a public LFM, and will take the first five people who request to join each round. Once you join the LFM, I’ll ask you to join me in Delera’s Graveyard at Gary Gygax’s memorial.
Roughly every 15 minutes I will be opening up a LFM for new players to join, and will allow for 5 minutes ‘gathering time’ and 10 minutes per round. If you are interested in playing, please try to be in Delera's Graveyard so we can get underway as quickly as possible. Remember, more time means more questions!
Participants will be asked DDO-related questions, and the first person to answer the question correctly will get a point. The first person to get three points wins, unless 10 minutes has passed in which case the person(s) with the highest number of points will win.
If 10 minutes has not passed, we will continue playing to determine who gets the next tier of reward. There will be 4 rounds total, so keep your eyes open and watch for the LFM!
Determining who gets the opportunity to answer first will be done through an initiative roll: at the start of each question participants will /roll d20, and the person with the highest number will go first. If that person doesn't get the answer right, the next in line will answer, etc.
The Prizes!
I will be giving out several prizes kindly donated by Cordovan, including, Turbine Points, Snowy Owlbear Creature Companions and more! I will also be providing some of my own rewards to ensure every participant gets a prize!
The Disclaimer!
As this is my first time running a Trivia event, please bear with me as I stumble through this. If anyone has any Trivia questions, comments, ideas or doubtful points, please PM me on the forums.
Good luck everyone, and I hope to see you there!
*Subject to real life and all that fun stuff we try to ignore. I’ll try to keep this post/thread updated if plans change.