So, my old rogue is a dual rapier user, and I absolutely love it. There were so many GOOD Rapiers for rogues, and the ones you could craft were pretty good too like the elemental rapier of air. But now I see with the new assassin tree there's some decent things to be had with Kukris and daggers...
First off, utilizing dual rapiers requires Weapon Finesse and Oversized TWF, 2 feats. Using Dual Kukris or daggers does not. You no longer need weapon finesse to use your dexterity for both attack AND damage with them.
A rapier does 1d6 to a Kukri and daggers 1d4? I can't check right now but I believe thats so, and it has a 18-20 crit range. With the assassin trees a Kukri and dagger will share that, but where a Rapier has a x2 crit the kukri and dagger will have x3 and +1 damage before crits?
Still, a good 80-90% of a rogue's damage is sneak attack, something that won't change with weapon choices.
So, with the freedom of 2 feats, what would I take in their place I wonder...
Are there even any good legendary Daggers or Kukris? To be honest I've not even checked, I do remember ONE really good Kukri that added int to damage and I think increased the DC of assassinate a while back.
Are Daggers/Kukris viable