OP, I think what you're saying about 20 elitists per server forcing the devs to make changes to the game is pretty thin. The only way such a small group could carry that much sway was if they were paying for the whole game to be run.
Do you think that is the case? If not, why do you suppose they aren't just being ignored on the forums? It's actually pretty easy to ignore someone having a tantrum on the internet.
So just ignore those nasty power-gamer types. They will leave you alone if you leave them alone. One thing they can't do is force you to group with them, so just find some like-minded people and hang with them instead.
If other players' attitudes worry you to the extent your post suggests, just be careful which lfms you join, and specify what type of player you want in your lfms. Then you will be fine.
When I see posts like this raving about naughty elitists it makes me wonder about the self-esteem of the people making those posts. Most of the best players I've met have been quite nice people. The most obnoxious people I've met have been pretty average players desperately trying to convince other people they are good when they aren't.
By running with people who are better at the game than you, you can learn a lot of neat stuff. I certainly did. By becoming a better player, being able to look after yourself and contribute rather than being a burden, you also tend not to get hassled in group.
Lastly, I'm not sure why you think you have the right to dictate how other people play. Would you want someone else making decisions for you about how you should play, and that your loot be made worse if you didn't adhere to their standard? No, of course not, it's a ridiculous, awful idea. And the solution is so easy, just like kindergarten all over again; play with your friends, stay away from the bad kids.
Take care and good luck.
First: take the first five people that want to help you complete a quest.
Second: stay sorta together..... at least do not leave anyone behind.
Third: bring pots; wands/scrolls if you can use them.
Fourth: after a fight, heal yourself and each other up before the next fight. (can be done on the run)
Fifth: enjoy.
(could add a step about using your class's abilities and tactics to minimize damage to everyone.)
That is true that after a certain point CSW pots become less optimal, but thats when using your head and tactics become more important. SF pots than become necessary for any non umd build or builds that can't get their umd high enough to reliably use heal scrolls.
You are the one choosing not to play alts.
Casual player now investing way less than I used to into the game, playing 1-3 months at a time and still want nothing to do with Reaper. #improvepuggrouping#alldifficultiesmatter
Au contrare . . . teh devs have made a game where smart players can make melees and casters that do not require a healer to completely 99.9%-100% of the game. We players DID NOT DESIGN the dumbness that allows that.
If you actively CHOSE to play a gimp who can't heal yourself, that's your fault.
Ha ha this thread can't be for real. Serious troll material here. This game has been catering to the casuals for years now. Elitists and power gamers have had their game ripped away. I mean random loot that supercedes any raid stuff, free citw gear, run a chain 3 times get loot automatically, enhancement system so front end loaded that a baby in diapers can zero elite quests. I mean come on us elitists need a bone here.
Why should I care about anyone else's fun but my own? I have no empathy for you mammals in real life, why should I pretend to have any when playing a video game.
Hurting others makes the game more enjoyable . . . bringing in barbs and then intentionally not bringing a healer is just a joy, as are potions of wonder.
This game is totally geared these days for casual gamers willing to spend lots of money. The bolded, underlined, italicized, portion of your post stands out as proof positive of your exact disconnect. Either get better at the game, find someone willing to spam heal you, or play something else. You don't have the right to tell me or anyone else how to run my characters. Particularly if your character is built in such a way that you are leaning heavily on one of mine for survival.
There are a ton of ways to run any class in this game that don't require huge sacrifices for the ability to stay alive. Use them...
Khyber: Evandus, Halfdeadd, Licoricewhip, Sawyn, Elkabongg, Brothanumsi, Soulbro, Cromix.
And an army of gimp experiments!
While this is an interesting rage post ... 20 Elitists don't have enough influence on DDO's game development to have any impact on the game.
You send a good portion of your post complaining that elitists have broken the game, when it is the elitists that are running all the content to get the best of the best items, TR's, Competionists, min-maxing their toons to be the best that they can be..
So the Casual FTP player cant play the game with their own groups because these 20 elitists are in every party ruining the experience for them.
Cant find a healer to heal the party the way you want... then make your own healer that does what you want a healer to do.
They don't need to build the game to cater to just you, they need to cater to everyone that plays the game in a meaningful challenging way.
A lot of healers decided to stop being healers and TR to something else since they no longer wanted to waste resources and be responsible to try and keep low HP non-self sufficient toons standing toe to toe with or with boss mobs that had 400,000hp mobs dealing 400+ hp of damage a swing.
Other healers were frustrated with heals, aura's and bursts not activating but would taking a charge and no response to fix times since it was considered a non-priority bug... No one expects a caster to drink a pot when they run out of mana.. but a babysitter healer .....
Many players became self sufficient so they wouldn't have to wait for a party to fill because they didn't have a healer.
Other players whined about not being able to get healers to join their parties and would rather sit with a non-filling LFM instead of changing their questing strategy.
The FTP model brought new customers, but the long term vested VIP players who held by the game during the low times started to feel the sting of under appreciation., VIP's had no access to buy packs as long as they were VIP..so a VIP that wanted to gradually transition o go FTP actually had to quit their VIP for a month before being able to buy packs that were no longer on sale.
Rewriting the Terms of agreement for VIPs that had "unrestricted access to all content" released from DDO.. to... Access to all content except "Expansions" .. and then releasing 2 so called "expansions" that were nothing better than a house release.
An "expansion" is like buying a new game with equivalent content.. both the original content and Expansion content continue to get updated and expanded..
What we got .. was insulted...
A lot of changes like the retroactive loot screw over demoralized my playing and now has me willing to try other games.
Someone at Turbine decided a DDO store option for Vetern status available to new players/toons to start at level 4/7, and exclude actual existing vetern players and TR's from being able to access this.
Someone at Turbine decided that DDO store Mana pots should be better and more accessible than in-game mana pots.
Someone at Turbine came up with the idea of Otto's boxes..
Someone at Turbine decided that other DDO store Pay to win items was a good idea...
Someone at Turbine chose not to continue development on Cannith Crafting
Someone at Turbine decided not to fix ladder lag ( with some bs that every ladder in the game was custom built and we need to bug report location on every one of them to get them fixed)
Someone at Turbine decided the half-axx token effort alchemical crafting was good enough.
Someone at Turbine told or let Feather retroactively screw old loot and make it worthless.
~such as changes to the Spell power system and adjusting random items while ignoring named items screwed things like ornamental Daggers...
~Increasing level of items with augments, standardizing level based on Prefix/Suffix effects and screwing named items with no intent of going back and fixing said named items
~retroactively screwing over all my stockpiled unique or non-standard items , many of which I expensively purchased or traded high value items for.. all turned into deconstruction materials in one fatal swoop.
Someone at Turbine decided that lowering the % of random chance drops was a good idea.. ever try to grind out and craft the Epic ring of spell storing...
Someone at Turbine decided it would be a good idea to have Lloth insta-wipe SP from casters in a raid.
Someone at Turbine decided that access to FR should be a pita walk through the "Halls of Waste of Time" with logout/login added for good measure.
Someone at Turbine decided to make unbound named Quest items better than many Bound Named Raid items so they could be sold on the AH.
Someone at Turbine decided that BTCoE items should be placed on stuff outside of Raids... because of some bs about them being considered too powerful to not be bound...
Someone at Turbine decided that BTCoE items could be sold on the PTW AS AH even after they were bound... for more money of course..
Someone at Turbine decided...... there are soo many more.....
Someone at WB decided to suck the profits out of Turbine instead of investing into Turbine.
~Seems to me a large portion of our invested money got sucked out of the game into WB pockets instead of being reinvested into the game to add more content and hire more staff to grow the game.
~Instead WB is putting the squeeze on Turbine to produce profit with less resources.. and when they are done squeezing and nothing is left to squeeze they will throw it away and destroy another ripe fruit.
The original crew of Turbine that created the game had a vested interest in the game they designed and built.. WB has no interest in Turbine beyond the profit it can provide, once it drops below expectation.. doom...
The game evolves and changes, I can accept that.
The game has to periodically fix things that are unbalanced.. this makes sense.. fix it with a tweak or two or more... not a super nerfhamer...
Retoactively screwing over long term players with no intention of fixing old items leaves long term vetern players very unhappy...
a player that has collected items over months.. not a few days.. but months/years... does not appreciate getting their collection of treasure screwed over and told it is for the greater good .. and btw we are not going back to fix old items because it is a waste of dev time...
These types of comments leave long term vetern players disgruntled and taking a way the historical goodies that were only available back then because a few newbies were jealous that they couldn't get them some due to non-game breaking bugs, others due to uniqueness.
Personally I have no confidence that DDO won't screw me over on my collected treasure whenever they want on a whim... so what is my motivation to continue to collect/trade for unique goodies... there is none..
As a long term player, unique events and rewards that are no longer available should not be screwed over because of some update without retroactively maintaining the benefit they offered.
The more I get screwed over by the game the less desire I have to continue to play the game...
Why run seasonal events when next season the stuff I ground until my eyes bled and took vacation days to run before the event expired to get awesome stuff was neutered into worthlessness.. Ornamental daggers anyone...
The game needs to evolve and keep me interested in playing with new treats/treasures, a game that motivates me to do stuff keeps me interested.
A game that annoys me is a game that wont keep me playing or investing into in any meaningful way.
Argo: Degenerate Matter - 200
Jotmon (HC 34/45 , RC 42/42 , IC 12/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 116/158)
Jotlock (HC 38/45 , RC 25/42 , IC 15/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 75/158)
Whatthetruck (HC 38/45 , RC 42/42 , IC 15/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 111/158)
I believe that once you know the game, and how PUGs generally act; you will probably learn that building a self sufficient character is more fun.
I say use the free LR to make some changes to your toon.
Other options are roll another or TR at 20 into something you think you will prefer in the reality of DDO and PUGs.
But... I always promote people helping each other out.
Not waiting for a perfect group.
Not "needing" a healer/babysitter.
Simply using whatever abilities you have to help each other.
... which starts with bring some pots.. and not whining for heals.
One thing to item changes, though. Everybody signed a user's license agreement, in which is stated that everything in the game is not your property, even DDO points. So, while I nod silently to most stuff you wrote, I knew, this could happen.
The result was less entitlement.
But in the end, the list of heavily screwed items is long, which raises the question of why the frog did you do it in the first place? Nightmare ability for example. They knew they opened Pandora's Box when making it available for 18-20/x2 weapons. Instead of removing it for those weapons they screwed up even Terror while messing up the effect to be even not worth it for it's former intended level.
Nightmare weapon (CiTW) on the other hand is different. While it was nerfed heavily similar to Terror, you still can get advantage from Enervation guard (which has a fairly high proc rate for its powerful effect) and slot even a Mabar crystal to improve proc chances for negative levels. Enervation guard + weapon + slotted crystal is still a good amount of debuff resources and useful while Terror always relied on its high save DC even for lvl. 20 mobs, which gets useless pretty fast (as in not killing mob beyond 50% of hp).
Last edited by zwiebelring; 03-13-2014 at 01:37 AM.
Characters on Orien:
Wanzer/ Klingtanz/ Incanta Superior/ Mercantus