Looking for TP points. 5k. PM or find me ingame.
Moonarcanum, Moonmagi, Olfstaat
Looking for TP points. 5k. PM or find me ingame.
Moonarcanum, Moonmagi, Olfstaat
Just so you know,you can submit a ticket and have a GM exchange your old Otto's box for a new one,since it hasn't been opened.This was an option given by Turbine back when teh new Otto's boxes were released.
Might help you to either use teh box or sell/trade it more easily.
Selvetran(TRing) - Oswulf Hammerhand(WF Ftr20/Epic8) - Ralathorn(WF Rog20) - Aerasume(WF Rgr20) - Toreann(WF Brb20/Epic6) - Betamax Recorder(WF Brd20Epic8) - Eaerlann(WF Rog13/Rgr6/Mnk1)
Thanks for the info. I've heard to some people the old ones are worth more.