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  1. #21
    Community Member rest's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cardtrick View Post
    Speaking as someone who has done it several times for flagging and Yugo favor . . . it is a tremendous pain. For the uninitiated, it involves carefully positioning your hireling at the bank of levers on the upper level, ideally hitting them with Invisibility in some way (because even if you clear the top, there are respawning enemies, and the last thing you want is your hireling getting in a fight and losing position or dying). Then you have to go down to the maze and hard target the levers up above so you can use the hireling's Interact button. But, of course, there are a bunch of different levers and you can't see them through the wall, so it's . . . . annoying. You can kind of judge which lever you have targeted based on the position of the floaty text you can see through the wall, but it's not perfect. But with a little trial and error it can be done.

    If getting someone to group with you for Genesis Point is even remotely possible, it's a lot more pleasant and quicker than using a hireling.

    Quite true, but sometimes it's not possible to get someone in your group

  2. #22
    Community Member debo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fTdOmen View Post
    I'm aware of this old bug, I don't think it's an appropriate lesson for the purposes of this particular raid.
    Of course. I only mentioned it to correct you on what you said. That if you re-enter you can't get a completion after being banished if you are not back on time. When in actuality that is not true, you can get a completion at any time, whether there or not as long as someone stays inside.

  3. #23
    Community Member Mickydees's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by debo View Post
    Of course. I only mentioned it to correct you on what you said. That if you re-enter you can't get a completion after being banished if you are not back on time. When in actuality that is not true, you can get a completion at any time, whether there or not as long as someone stays inside.
    The point is that it is a bug, and should not be mentioned in the first place as it could cause someone to try and rely on it, and for all we know they could fix it without notice, also its not a 100% kind of thing, sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. Lastly, if you get banished you honestly shouldn't have been in there with your boots off, solves the whole problem. None the less, hope everyone has a good raiding experience!!
    Mickydees 28 Cleric Mickydeez 28 Artificer Mickydee 28 Monk

  4. #24
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    I am hoping to be up at level again within the next 3 days, so I will also (hopefully) be running the flagging quests in case anyone may need them.

  5. #25
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Anybody got any Boots of Anchoring ingredients to spare? My friend and I finished flagging this afternoon, but so far zero luck with ingredients. We'll keep farming while we can, but could use any help. Look for Tankicus & Puremouse in-game - thanks!
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
    Anybody got any Boots of Anchoring ingredients to spare? My friend and I finished flagging this afternoon, but so far zero luck with ingredients. We'll keep farming while we can, but could use any help. Look for Tankicus & Puremouse in-game - thanks!
    I would be able to hook you up with goodies (from farming devil's assault), but Turbine's "Fixed (TM)" connection issues are preventing me from logging on...Good luck finding the mats you need!

  7. #27
    Community Member Caprice's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
    Anybody got any Boots of Anchoring ingredients to spare? My friend and I finished flagging this afternoon, but so far zero luck with ingredients. We'll keep farming while we can, but could use any help. Look for Tankicus & Puremouse in-game - thanks!
    We appear to be set for boots now. Thanks for the offers of assistance!

  8. #28
    Community Member Caprice's Avatar
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    Thanks to the High Lords of Malkier for showing a few of us newbies the ropes on TOD, with a special shout out to Ginger for taking the lead on the thread and the teaching!

    If anyone is out there and nervous about joining in the fray: these folks make it pretty easy, explain everything carefully including different strategies you may see in other groups, and get some laughs in on the way. The basic strategies will sounds familiar if you've read the wiki, but seeing it in action and seeing what the rooms and effects look likes makes a difference.

  9. #29

    Default Thanks for coming!!

    Thanks for coming, we had 3 people that had never run a TOD before!Everyone's support for our teaching raids has been really awesome. Special thanks to Slarden for donating boot ingredients to help out new players! Here is a screenshot of us after defeating Horoth... he never had a chance...

  10. #30

    Smile Next raid: EDQ!

    Our next teaching raid will be epic Demon Queen on Saturday, March 8 at 8pm EST. Click HERE to read about it!

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