Quote Originally Posted by Cardtrick View Post
Speaking as someone who has done it several times for flagging and Yugo favor . . . it is a tremendous pain. For the uninitiated, it involves carefully positioning your hireling at the bank of levers on the upper level, ideally hitting them with Invisibility in some way (because even if you clear the top, there are respawning enemies, and the last thing you want is your hireling getting in a fight and losing position or dying). Then you have to go down to the maze and hard target the levers up above so you can use the hireling's Interact button. But, of course, there are a bunch of different levers and you can't see them through the wall, so it's . . . . annoying. You can kind of judge which lever you have targeted based on the position of the floaty text you can see through the wall, but it's not perfect. But with a little trial and error it can be done.

If getting someone to group with you for Genesis Point is even remotely possible, it's a lot more pleasant and quicker than using a hireling.

Quite true, but sometimes it's not possible to get someone in your group