From most recent release notes:
I am not fond of this new feature, but not because it is one I will never use - that's fine, some like it, some will pay for the convenience and that's fine - but my concern is that it will it will be a detergent for new players just joining the game.NEW: A feature that allows you to purchase and immediately consume a Siberys Spirit Cake with Astral Shards when you die is now available: just click on the “Revive” button that appears near the Quest Objective panel when you die. Naturally, this feature is not usable in Raids.
Low level newbie, starting out on Korthose. You have your first death experience in an ice jet while playing 'Stopping the Sahuagin'.
"Oh (excrement), I died"
You see this nice button that says 'revive'.
"Hmm. That sounds like what I want to do" *Click*
'Pay X Astral Shards to buy a cake' (IDK, I haven't seen it in-game yet)
"Hmm. I don't have enough of those. I wonder how I obtain them." *Release and re-enter or whatever*
As you then go through the game you learn that the only way to get these Astral shards is by buying them in the DDO store.
"Well (excrement). I see the option to do things with these ASs every time I die or open a chest, yet I can only use them if I pay. it's like they're grabbing for my money, and that is not something I like."
And that is where the new player might be lost.
When I first started DDO, around when U9 came out, one of the things that attracted me to the game was the prospect that by earning TP through favor, I could theoretically obtain all the content without paying a dime! While I have subsequently spend money on the XPack pre-orders and gaining premium status, It was a refreshing way to approach this MMO; the most cash-grabby thing that I experienced during my initiation period was the quest with the bottle of rum - an understandable feature that taught how to use the store.
When the player is being introduced to a game is when they are in the state of Limbo as to if they will commit to it or not, and this addition (and i'll say it: how ASs as a whole are presented at current) make it seem like they are a necessity to playing the game, something they may not stick around long enough to learn is false. They may see it just as a blatant cash grab - not the most attractive thing in the world.
What I propose is not removing ASs - too much time and coding has been put into it, plus they are a feature that some do use. What I would urge to be reconsidered is how the AS system is portrayed and revealed to new players. Further down the road they can make the decision
"Oh (excrement), I really wanted that sword. I know, I'll try re-rolling the loot and see if that gets it!"
and be happy with it.