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  1. #101
    Community Member
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    Well snuff....

    ... the v1.1 does not want to load at all-- the same error as this afternoon when the servers were down.

    So as a quick test, I tried v1.01, and it trundled a bit and gave me a "wrong client update" message. Okay-- hot patch and all that. (not unexpected).

    What the heck? I tried the patch (still 1.01) option, and it trundled some more-- patching, etc. Then declared it was done. Closed the patch window, and 1.01 still running, of course. Tried the login again.

    Here's the debug from when the encryption was still on:
    2014-03-12 19:56:01 : ddolauncher.exe -s thelanis -g C:\Games\DDO\ Bob_of_QF -1
    2014-03-12 19:56:04 : Login of Bob_of_QF failed. Wrong password?

    And ... Success! I'm in with one of my toons.

    I'll try 1.1 again, with unencrypted password, in a bit.

    Okay, the unencrypted XML file loaded my toon just fine.

    The debug for successful session (password edited, of course):
    2014-03-12 20:01:51 : ddolauncher.exe -s thelanis -g C:\Games\DDO\ Bob_of_QF <mypassword>
    <there was more, but it is long and technical-- I'll post it if needed>
    Last edited by Bob_of_QF; 03-12-2014 at 08:10 PM.

  2. #102
    Community Member AtomicMew's Avatar
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    Thanks for the feedback, it is actually very helpful. I will have a look at it later today.

  3. #103
    Community Member Zavier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hasaki View Post
    Ok, I think I've found out what my problem is.
    Accounts with multiple subscriptions. The launcher chooses the first subscription, which is hopefully the correct one

    Yeah, I also have Asheron's Call and Lotro subscriptions connected to that account (Asheron's Call being the first one in the list on turbine's myaccount page).
    When I read that the first time, I was thinking it meant multiple DDO subscriptions on the account, didn't think about the other games.

    I verified that I can log in without issues on another account that only has the DDO subscription.

    Anything I can do about that? Some setting I can change? Edit the python files and recompile?
    Yes, this is definitely an issue. I cannot get this launcher or the pylotro launcher to work with my main account. Both of them pull the first account, which is a 3rd account for multiboxing. It is disappointing.

    On the other hand, I definitely appreciate all of your effort to create what it appears to be a simple well functioning launcher...just not for the account I want :P

  4. #104
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    Quote Originally Posted by AtomicMew View Post
    Donate by paypal if you'd like.
    I also accept game donations: mail Anniversary cards to Raversth on Khyber. Let me know if you need some plat to send
    I have several of these things, but I'm on Thelanis. If you know how to get them from Thelanis to Khyber, I'd be delighted to send you them all.

  5. #105
    Community Member GregorV's Avatar
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    Default Having problems

    Ok, so I appear to have gotten the info right in the .xml file. I've reset the first_launch value to 1. I double click the ddo-ml application, and it gives me this error : Line 11021 (File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Turbine\DDO-ML\DDO-ML.exe"): Error: Variable subscript badly formatted.

    I know just enough to know that I can't easily fix this from my end. I haven't been able to access the gui window as of yet.

  6. #106
    Community Member AtomicMew's Avatar
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    Okay, I *think* I fixed the issue with the encryption not working (fingers crossed!). Uploaded a new version (1.11)
    Last edited by AtomicMew; 03-13-2014 at 12:15 AM.

  7. #107
    Community Member AtomicMew's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zavier View Post
    Yes, this is definitely an issue. I cannot get this launcher or the pylotro launcher to work with my main account. Both of them pull the first account, which is a 3rd account for multiboxing. It is disappointing.

    On the other hand, I definitely appreciate all of your effort to create what it appears to be a simple well functioning launcher...just not for the account I want :P
    Yes, it would require modifying and recompiling the python part of the launcher. I can point you to the relevant section:

    Line 229:
        for game_subs in ticket.findall('Subscriptions/GameSubscription'):
            for sub_info in game_subs.getchildren():
                if sub_info.tag == 'Game' and sub_info.text == 'DDO':
                    found_ddo = True
                if sub_info.tag == 'Name' and found_ddo == True:
                    a = sub_info.text
                    found_ddo = False
    Unfortunately, this is a bit involved than I want to get into right now.

  8. #108
    Community Member AtomicMew's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GregorV View Post
    Ok, so I appear to have gotten the info right in the .xml file. I've reset the first_launch value to 1. I double click the ddo-ml application, and it gives me this error : Line 11021 (File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Turbine\DDO-ML\DDO-ML.exe"): Error: Variable subscript badly formatted.

    I know just enough to know that I can't easily fix this from my end. I haven't been able to access the gui window as of yet.
    No idea. Try ver 1.11 and launch without modifying any of the files.

    PS: Thank you for all the cards guys!
    Last edited by AtomicMew; 03-13-2014 at 12:33 AM.

  9. #109
    Community Member Jeromio's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AtomicMew View Post
    ALSO, if you like what I've done, you can send Anniversary cards to Raversth on Khyber. Let me know if you need seed platinum to mail them

    You'll find a bunch of cards from Orup in your mail. Many thanks for the tool!
    Proud officer of Spellbinders:

  10. #110
    Community Member Kalevor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JamnJD View Post
    I had the same issue, and was able to get it to work. I think I understand where the confusion is coming from.

    The problem I see is that the distribution of v1.1 includes a ddo-ml.ini file, which inside has a statement "firstlaunch=0"

    So upon running for the first time, you will not get the window prompts asking for the path to DDO and the server, and the game will not launch because the path setting is not configured.

    And so the workaround for me was to close the ddo-ml program (via the system tray) and just rename or delete the ddo-ml.ini file. Upon the next launch, it will assume first time launch, prompt you via window for path to DDO program files, and server name. Then the gui window with your configurations will appear. A new ddo-ml.ini file will be created for you.

    Atomic, if I can suggest, maybe removing the ddo-ml.ini file from the 1.1 distribution will eliminate some confusion for those who download in the future.

    And thank you very much for this, very fast and handy tool


    PS: If you're like me and didn't see it work the first time, I actually tried to launch the tool a few times. So check your system tray for multiple instances of the tool and make sure you close them all before re-starting.
    this solve the problem for me.

    Ty vm for this amazing tool!! +1!
    Proud officer of Zuleicos (Thelanis) - Mikaelus (Melee) ; Akhnaroth (Caster) ; Kraneo (Healbot) ; Leonardu (Melee) ; Tormentazul (Melee)
    Quote Originally Posted by Hoglum
    Come play Dungeons and Dragons! In heroic play you will face the evil minions of Demons... When and if you make it to Epic levels you face even greater threats. Threats like... giant rats and wolves!

  11. #111
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    Quote Originally Posted by Olds-cool View Post
    And then... on what would be my 4th attempt it failed again. Debug shows:
    2014-03-12 20:28:15 : ddolauncher.exe -s cannith -g C:\PROGRA~2\Turbine\DDOUNL~1\ imauser -1
    2014-03-12 20:28:17 : Login of imauser failed. Wrong password?

    So is the encryption getting goofed after one success?
    that is the problem i am having. works 1 time, then have to reset password.

    about to d/l and try ver1.11
    if life gives you lemons, make lemonade.
    if life gives you pickles, well you're screwed. because pickleade sucks.

  12. #112
    Community Member Olds-cool's Avatar
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    I'm verifying that the 1.11 version seems to have the encryption issue fixed. Thanks for that.

    I'm wondering... since the debug still shows unencrypted passwords does this mean that the turbine launcher sends the passwords that you type into their login window in clear text as well? Looking at the strings being sent I'm guessing that it's at least going through the SSL encrypted https link?

    Thanks for all! I'll have to see if I have a toon above level 4 on your server to send some cards...

    EDIT: Vet status... duh - had to run some quests just to get enough plat to mail them to ya!
    Last edited by Olds-cool; 03-13-2014 at 09:41 AM.
    Olds, Proud Member of The Silver Legion on Cannith

  13. #113
    Community Member AtomicMew's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Olds-cool View Post
    I'm verifying that the 1.11 version seems to have the encryption issue fixed. Thanks for that.

    I'm wondering... since the debug still shows unencrypted passwords does this mean that the turbine launcher sends the passwords that you type into their login window in clear text as well? Looking at the strings being sent I'm guessing that it's at least going through the SSL encrypted https link?

    Thanks for all! I'll have to see if I have a toon above level 4 on your server to send some cards...

    EDIT: Vet status... duh - had to run some quests just to get enough plat to mail them to ya!
    Yes, it is encrypted over the network with HTTPS.

  14. #114
    Community Member Duskslayer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AtomicMew View Post
    Yes, it would require modifying and recompiling the python part of the launcher. I can point you to the relevant section:

    Line 229:
        for game_subs in ticket.findall('Subscriptions/GameSubscription'):
            for sub_info in game_subs.getchildren():
                if sub_info.tag == 'Game' and sub_info.text == 'DDO':
                    found_ddo = True
                if sub_info.tag == 'Name' and found_ddo == True:
                    a = sub_info.text
                    found_ddo = False
    Unfortunately, this is a bit involved than I want to get into right now.

    Hi. I too am tired of skipping thru the hoops around Akamai - and have uninstalled it and cleaned all registry of that viral entity (may its creators and advocates rot in hell!).

    Here is my dilemma:

    Not only do I have LOTRO as the first sub, but I also have a dual-account for DDO.

    The XXX is my ancient DDO account (when no F2P existed) from Europe.
    The DDO is my current account which I created when F2P was started in US - while EU DDO was still a sub under CODEMASTERS.

    They shared the same email - and thus were lumped into one account when servers merged globally.

    Sooo.... how do I access the "DDO" (circled in red) account?

    Perhaps a SELECTION DIALOGUE option? Or even a USER-DEFINED INPUT (similar to server name input) text string?

    Please assist. It can "connect" and patch. But nothing else happens.

    Make a difference! Sign these Petitions: Death by Mouse! - Paralyzed! - Static Inventory!
    WE DID IT: AH TXT Search!

  15. #115
    Community Member spindeldorf's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    Just want to say that loader works great! Both patching (downloaded the hotfix) and client!

    Akamai uninstalled (!)

    GJ, TY!

  16. #116
    Community Member Hasaki's Avatar
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    Well, I was prepared to try and attempt some programming to figure it out (haven't done any coding in years but python seemed like an easy language to follow), but apparently I'm too stupid to figure out how to set up my environment to compile the python files.

    Hopefully there's someone else out there than can take a stab at it.

    Nice work on the launcher though, AtomicMew. One click and I'm ingame in less than 20 seconds...too bad it's on the wrong account.

  17. #117
    Community Member Dodoroq's Avatar
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    Hey, first of all, thanks for the efforts. This would be a great thing for me if I only managed to get it run. Not sure what I am doing wrong, may be my poor skills or lack of reading innuendo or just anything.

    I downloaded the 1.11 version, saved it, unzipped to the "C:/DDO-ML" folder.
    My DDO installation runs in "C:/DDO/DDO Unlimited" folder; My system is Win7 Prof 64-bit.
    I have modified the ddo-ml.xml file with correct information (account name, password, ... - just everything the same I use for logging in via Turbine Launcher) and saved.
    I have run the ddo-ml.exe. It asks to locate the game installation (I select the one in "C:/DDO/DDO Unlimited"), then it asks for server to log to, I select "cannith" and press OK.

    Unfortunately, after that, nothing happens, no dialog pops out, just nothing. If I check the ddo-ml.ini, I can see:
    (ckey item replaced with asterisks just in case :-))

    Setting up the firstlaunch to 1 means option to select the DDO folder again and server again, and that's just it.

    When I check after filling such information, I can see "DDO-ML.exe *32" process as running between my process list in Task Manager, nothing is shown in Applications. If I use the ddo-ml.exe again, another process adds there and that's just it. I have to say I have administrator privileges and running anything "As Administrator" does not help either.

    I would suspect the path to the directory is stored wrong or something, but cannot be sure. Or can anyone help me with pointing in the right direction?

    Thanks a bunch,
    Characters on Cannith: Daian of the Tree, completionist (life 32); Tirain Hawksong (4th life Monkcher), Sorain Hawksong (2nd life Wizard), several mules.
    Proud member of The Silver Legion on Cannith, currently on a separate project. Feel free to PM me about the guild!

  18. #118
    Community Member AtomicMew's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dodoroq View Post
    Hey, first of all, thanks for the efforts. This would be a great thing for me if I only managed to get it run. Not sure what I am doing wrong, may be my poor skills or lack of reading innuendo or just anything.

    I downloaded the 1.11 version, saved it, unzipped to the "C:/DDO-ML" folder.
    My DDO installation runs in "C:/DDO/DDO Unlimited" folder; My system is Win7 Prof 64-bit.
    I have modified the ddo-ml.xml file with correct information (account name, password, ... - just everything the same I use for logging in via Turbine Launcher) and saved.
    I have run the ddo-ml.exe. It asks to locate the game installation (I select the one in "C:/DDO/DDO Unlimited"), then it asks for server to log to, I select "cannith" and press OK.

    Unfortunately, after that, nothing happens, no dialog pops out, just nothing. If I check the ddo-ml.ini, I can see:
    (ckey item replaced with asterisks just in case :-))

    Setting up the firstlaunch to 1 means option to select the DDO folder again and server again, and that's just it.

    When I check after filling such information, I can see "DDO-ML.exe *32" process as running between my process list in Task Manager, nothing is shown in Applications. If I use the ddo-ml.exe again, another process adds there and that's just it. I have to say I have administrator privileges and running anything "As Administrator" does not help either.

    I would suspect the path to the directory is stored wrong or something, but cannot be sure. Or can anyone help me with pointing in the right direction?

    Thanks a bunch,
    How big is your screen?


    This is the coordinates of the launcher. Try setting those numbers to lower values. I may have set the default coordinates a bit too far :P

  19. #119
    Community Member Dodoroq's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AtomicMew View Post
    How big is your screen?


    This is the coordinates of the launcher. Try setting those numbers to lower values. I may have set the default coordinates a bit too far :P
    Actually, 1920x1080. Changing that helped, thanks a lot! :-)
    Characters on Cannith: Daian of the Tree, completionist (life 32); Tirain Hawksong (4th life Monkcher), Sorain Hawksong (2nd life Wizard), several mules.
    Proud member of The Silver Legion on Cannith, currently on a separate project. Feel free to PM me about the guild!

  20. #120
    Community Member AtomicMew's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dodoroq View Post
    Actually, 1920x1080. Changing that helped, thanks a lot! :-)

    No problem, I probably should make a note of it in the original post :P

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