EDIT: Please disregard PDK part in title. I shouldn't try to think up builds instead of trying to sleep. Post edited some, to try to cover my shame.
I've been fiddling around with a character concept based on a WSS Clonk. This is essentially a flavour build, just trying to see if it can be useful as well.
The class split is a Human 18 Cleric/2 Monk.
Heroic feats (7 base, 1 race, 2 class) are:
Empower Healing Spell
TWF x3
WF: Slashing
Whirling Steel Strike
Adept and Master of Forms
IC: Slashing
Approximate enhancement layout:
Human: 3
RS: 35 (up to Aura)
WP: 33 (up to Core V)
Rest of points into either DD, or Shintao for Earth Strike and off-hand chance.
I had hoped to play in Divine Crusader ED.
As you can see, this is a very rough draft. When it comes to attributes and epic feats I'm unsure which direction to go. So far, it's a pretty even 14-point distribution across the board (except INT). If it's possible, I'd like to boost WIS, get some metamagic or SF feats in the epic slots (maybe even drop IC:S and stick with Oathblades) and try to get casting to levels usable in EH. But if it's not possible without capstone and investing heavily in DD, I'm tempted to do a more traditional battle cleric, and get Cleave chain instead.
So I guess my question is this:
With starting 18 WIS, +4 tome, all level-ups and all enhancements to WIS, I can reach 32 (at level 20) before equipment. Assuming I pick up Heighten, appropriate SF and twist, would this be enough to make my spells land reasonably (70% or so) often in EH?