I understand Morninglords worshiping Amaunator, one of the Gods of the Sun and Mornings, and Light... but Shadar Kai should never be forced into worshiping that. I understand that the SK's are 'changed' and not the normal ones, but even so, they start as rogues. We should have a God like Mask (or whatever the rogue's Deity in FR is currently) that specializes in short swords or daggers, and hiding, darkness, etc...
Likewise, the PDK's might very well worship Amaunator, but I can guarantee you that if FR was real, the Cormyrian Training would include Heavy Mace if that religion was THAT popular as to be the ONLY religion allowed for their knights. Pretty sure, though, that PDK's don't just worship that ONE God, and probably worship someone else that actually uses Long Swords/Great Swords/Bastard Swords. And side note, this would be an awesome thing to add, a God with a favored weapon of Bastard Sword, and then an Iconic Race of Dwarf (like the Sun Elf Morninglord, do one for Dwarf) and add Moradin or something with Favored Weapon Dwarven Axe.
Just boggles my mind why there are so many non-synergistic abilities that are non-synergistic just because, and often against any possible lore or logic's reason. Why would a Shadar Kai Cleric/Rogue worship a Sun-God instead of a God of Thievery and Shadows? Why would PDK's have battle clerics but then tell the very charismatic healers they have to use swords instead of what their God prefers? Just crazy...