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  1. #1
    Community Member adinah's Avatar
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    Jan 2010

    Default Looking For some good quest buddies

    Hi, I am not the run of the mill type DDO gamer and I really would like to find some like minded friends to complete quests with and be friends with even. I am soon to be 50 year old disabled woman. When I say disabled I mean I really am, I live in an Assisted Living and have been there for 10 years. I have mobility and visual and hearing impairment. I can hear the game narrator usually but often players I cant understand when we do mics so is not a given I will understand well enough to use mic and speaker to communicated during quests, so often must talk about the quest, what we will be up against and what is my role etc before the quest. If the leader has a very clear voice I can often hear fine then and that is really nice. My vision is good enough to play because is not so much what I can see but how I see it. I have double vision and I have learned to live with it but it can cause a problem here and there, as the way they correct it some is by creating a prism in my lenses and that creates very strong tunnel vision and focussing issues and sometimes when things move fast I don't see them move as it doesn't register fast enough for me. I have arthritis in my hands and sometimes have lost control of my mouse but mostly I do fine but it has happened.
    Anyway, I say all this not for pity, pity is not something I need or find useful. But I need understanding friends who are not without a sense of humor and who don't wont get all upset if I miss something on a quest although I am not hardly a total idiot by any means. What I lack in visual acuity and motor skills I make up for in a fairly high IQ and I use my brain well and I do my quests very intellectually rather than like some of the orcish players who run thru dungeons swinging axe madly.....often headfirst into traps....
    I don't die much really. I have been playing mostly solo. I can solo almost any quest that isn't totally impossible for solo on elite and I usually don't die but it happens....though when it does I have my hireling carry my soul stone to a shrine or if high enough level I have them rez me. If the cleric survived.
    I don't really play with one main character. I have a vip acct with 16 chars on it and I play with all of them, from L4 to 15, and if I have to pick a main it would be my L11 cleric who I have brought up since L1. I have three iconics that are L15 that I really don't enjoy so much, being as I did not bring them up. But I do bring them out especially if one of my few friends needs one to quest with. I have an iconic rogue, cleric and fighter. Adinah is my main, L11 cleric and if anyone is interested in getting to know me if you see her online feel free to say hello.
    We are friendly. I wont list all my other characters here but if you should decide to get to know me and quest a bit I will let you know all their names. I have my own guild that is L16 nearly 17 and I will prolly stay in it. I have worked hard, almost single-handedly building my guild and I will have an airship soon too. I am willing to let anyone else in too if they should need a guild but friends are just fine even outside guilds, so no need to feel you will be pressured to join. Cause that is not my style.
    Mostly I am interested in some players who can do quests in the Levels 7-12 ish, as I am not feeling ready to run my iconics at higher levels yet. Just need to get a better feel for it first.
    I am good natured, good humored, and I like to relax and enjoy quests, not rush through to pass speed records (and often death records as well)....I am not hardly afraid to die, just don't care to do it unnecessarily.....I do like challenges and am certainly willing to die for a good one but do prefer to put some thought into quests and prepare and talk about them if people have not done them, including myself, about what we might encounter and how to deal with it. When I do run with others I really prefer that different classes know what their classes do well and don't do well and I really hate seeing the rogue or cleric try to tank and the fighter/tank scout ahead.....When I play my cleric I will do what I can to keep myself safe but if I am getting in harms way to heal you and keep you alive and you are a tank I expect some protection too. And a bit of help in healing you in that if you are seriously hurt and needing heals please dont keeping flitting here and there with mobs and everything else between us, my heals don't go through things.....and I really don't like chasing people down to heal them at 100 mph speeds, often at the expense of my own safety.
    So who I am looking for is probably older players but not necessarily, some younger people might be OK too. But some people who play for fun, dont take themselves or the game too seriously so as to make it not so fun, and especially I like a bit slower pace than many DDO gamers so if you do too, reply or write me ingame or say hello.
    BTW I have other health problems besides those mentioned or I would not be in assisted living but I don't care to publish all my details but I will say I am mostly bedridden and I play a lot. It is really a blessing to have a game like this to be able to play and get out of myself and my problems and it has become quite a beneficial part of my life.

  2. #2
    Founder & Hero
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    Uska's Avatar
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    Would be glad to run with you sometime I have several characters of the level range I am in great guild now so will stay there but I am always looking for new people to adventure with

    look for


    all are 5-7 right now

    Beware the Sleepeater

  3. #3
    Community Member adinah's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Uska View Post
    Would be glad to run with you sometime I have several characters of the level range I am in great guild now so will stay there but I am always looking for new people to adventure with

    look for


    all are 5-7 right now
    Thank you. I friended all three of your characters on my L6 bard, Lollypopp and sent you two mails, one with a list of all my chars. Hope to get a chance to meet you soon. Your names, all using the same four letters, is a nice touch, thoughtfully done.

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