Quote Originally Posted by ArgentMage View Post
Having just played a bunch of Skyrim, I was kind of excited to get a Beta key for last weekend in EMail.
Tried to get in a couple of times over the weekend, but the waits were insane. Finally got in Sunday
night and played for a couple of hours.

Game looks and plays almost exactly like Skyrim which is all good.
Bad news is that there's nothing to recommend it over Skyrim - which you can get for $20 or less
these days.

This is totally going to go the way of SWTOR...
Sometimes its great to play GMT no long load times for me.......

'played for a couple of hours', so you barely scratched the surface....

Yes you can get Skyrim cheaply now but look at it this way, you would pay a lot more for a 'sequel' and ESO is a NEW story....

How ESO will stand the test of time is anybody's guess but if you liked Skyrim and get another Beta invite try it for a bit longer you might be surprised