That's a fair point. It isn't really what I intended to say. Though I can understand how that interpretation of my statement became that.
I love playing DDO. I don't care for the big push Turbine has implemented going on two years now to equate new players to vets by spending cash. Many other things as well. I've always loved Elder Scrolls games. So, I guess I'm saying that for me the sub cost is less than what I spend in a month anyway related to this game. What Turbine does with divine and arcane casters will strongly influence where my dollars for entertainment go. I've been convinced in my time here that they don't understand them, or like them for that matter. This game is entirely melee centric, with frequent changes to stop arcane and divine based abilities that players figure out how to cheese to victory. This while intentionally barring others. So, imo, they've taken a 180 approach to what made playing melee difficult or challenging past level 7 in 3.5 PnP. Late game PnP marginalizes melee excessively unless your DM is creative. Late game DDO marginalizes casters of all types. Going on 6 years is enough time spent fighting for divnes and arcanes to have abilities they should have, and not reside in relegated service to melees.
I've seen problems with ESO over my time there beta testing as well. But the one thing that strikes me above all others is that they got the balance right between melees, casters, and hybrids. That one point alone is enough to compel me to spend my entertainment money there. In DDO past level 20; if I want a caster that's effective I need to stack at least 9 past lives onto it, preferably completionist to make it viable. And that's ridiculous. In ESO at level 1 my casters of any sphere are viable, party friendly, and enjoyable to play.
To be pointed, forcing casters to have to heroic, now epic tr to the extreme to be viable is the biggest turn off this game has. It's a beautiful game, with enjoyable levels of complexity. But it fails to the extreme in it's treatment of casters of any flavor. That has been my observation in my time here.